ThIs iS thE LaSt WeB SitE yOu WiLL eVeR SeE

i miss the past...
the past was fun...
i was happy then...

Sorry if my weak ass site affends you in any way...and if these sappy poems piss you off or sadden you in anyway...again...i am sorry...(things in this web site may or may not apply to you)

oh and if you can, sign my guest book at the bottom...plz!

My Angel

You are an angel in my eyes
You can always make me laugh and smile
Even though we're far away, like miles and miles
We have the same dreams and goals
You have stolen my heart and soul
I really want to be with you
Because my attraction for you is true
I sit here constantly thinking bout you
How could an attraction so strong be so wrong
We may not be a couple now
But we will one day somehow
I will wait for you
Until you like me too
When you are ready
We will go steady
I may be hurt now, but dont worry bout me
Becuz there is onlee one girl in my heart 
and i hope and pray that we were meant to be

My Favorite things about Yo' AsS

everynight i dream about you...
and i pray that i never wake up...
cause in my dreams we are always together...
and that is where i always want to be...
and all day i pray for the night...
and i wish that i may dream...
cause in my dreams is where you are...
and that is where i always want to be...

we been friends for a Long time..
a very cLose friend of mine..
Love you like you was mine..
but respect a Thin Line..
i Love you Like you was mine..
i think about you aLL the time..
very cLose friend of mine..
but respect a Thin Line..

The discarded birds of the land
They're not wanted in the air
cuz they don't knoe how to fly
They're not welcome in the water
cuz they don't knoe how to stay afloat
mass produced to bring us pleasure
mass produced to end only hunger
We need chickens to feed our children
We need chickens to order
chicken fried rice
We need chickens to deep fry, stir fry,
bake, and boil
The only good chicken is a dead chicken
The only thing stupider then a chicken is a... Turkey

LinKs tO MoRe sTuFF oN mY wEb SiTe

Quotes and ShiT
picture of me
my crazy ThOuGhTs
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PicK uP LiNes
CooL FaCts
rAvEn StAr
art WoRk
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Thank you for visiting my ReTaRdeD AsS page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit my gay AsS site another time when yer done screaming yer head off about how stupid this site is!

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