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Walking on the old road
Leading into the sacred place
Thy shelter of a heart from cold
Where it bleeds my blood through days

Then its prelude to midnight
Having sweet breads and caffeine
Laughter chills and silence
So missing you from within

My old man's staring at his sunset
A voyage lost into the horizons
As I will be with you if death
Captivates time and when candles cease to burn

For now darkness sweep these lands
And those little stars sings thee goodnight
I ask thee for thy rebellious hands
And bless this boy to be your knight

Through the forthcoming days of war
For all tears to be shed and all pain undone
Though to some you are nothing
For I, you are a dream just misunderstood by everyone
And vowed to let no man steal thy glimmer of your smile
For it is all in your eyes anoth3rone.

written by drift laurea

©2002 rebelliOn of anOth3rOne by drift laurea
for comments, suggestions and violent reactions
please email the author at
I got my web address at for free!