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I'm almost as lame as this site

Bonjour (no I am not french nor can I speak it) first off I will just tell you I am not cool, infact I am very lame. Well this is all devoted to me, I will not pretend to be something I'm not to try and impress you. Since I guess you decided to keep reading my name is Nicky. I live in a shit hole city in a shit hole province. I'm 18 and I have a mouse name Cheddar, a rat named Socrates, a cat named Oz, and a dog named Bobbie. My pets mean everything to me. They continue to love you when the world hates you. My family and friends are also extremely important to me and though I may not always show it I do love them all with everything that I am. I love piercings so far I have my nose, lip, tongue and ears (each ear has 8 holes) and I love them all. I'm usually nice unless provoked. I'm anti-hunting but its your choice to slaughter poor innocent animals I mean honestly would you kill your dog? I'm also contradicting. I read way to much into things and I am very gulable. I can't spell nor can I speak proper grammar. I'm very opinionated and my mouth gets me into alot of trouble. I also tend to not think before I speak which also isnt good. I do like reading and writing and have been told that I'm an alright poet. However because I know that there is people out there who like to steal other peoples work I refuse to put it on this site. At the moment I am trying to learn guitar and am not doing so hot. I try not to stero-type people but I am human and all humans are parasites in one way or another. Take offense if you want but I would like to see you argue it.

Pictures of my 18th Birthday
Pictures of yours truely
My bloggage