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Beer Drinking Stats

Mug Shots Taken On Morning after Drinking


Beer Stuff
Beer Triangle 1
Beer Triangle 2
Tax "Bonging" a Beer
The Crew Drinking

The Car: Doc's Attempt at topping up the wiper water..

Other Random Stuff
Our Snakes Were Protected
Lever 1
Lever 2
Pembo Groping Doc
Pembo waking Tax
Pembo waking Doc
Doc and Tax
Doc 1
Doc 2
Random Pic To Use Up Film 1
Random Pic To Use Up Film 2


Day one:
Turned up at night. Had burritos for dinner. Hit the piss. Pembo went to bed early ( rooted from work that day ). Doc and Tax keep drinking.....Have an enormouse D & M ( most of which cant remember now )... Went for a wander around town. Pissed on skate bowel, kicked over a bin. Kept walking further into town, yelled at dogs or dogs yelled at us ( cant remember ). Pissed on water tower. knocked over some signs ( by accident of course ) stumbled home. Doc does manual puke. Sleep.

Day two:
Tax wakes first (6:30 in the morning , making his total sleep time for the night 3 hours ). Watches crappy morning tv while trying not to think about hurling. Eventually decides to hurl. Pembo wakes up to the sound of Tax throwing up. both watch TV for a bit. Tax goes back to bed at about 8:30. Pembo finishes the last beer in the carton from the night before . Tax and Doc wake at 11:30. Doc does another manual puke. Trio eats a breakfast of bacon and eggs cooked by Pembo. Move chairs outside and chat about stuff. Went shopping, bought sunnies and some other unknown items. Went Yabbie pumping . Went fishing at the bomb hole (aka, cool fishing spot at top secret loacation) caught some fish that were too little to keep. Pembo hooks something really big that ends up snapping his line, was it a groper or was it a Rock?.... we will never know. went back to the house. Kicked the footy. Sat around talking. Jess turns up. Had steak and chips for tea. started drinking again. watched Tv while drinking. Played some card games. Did more drinking. Snorted Wizz Fizz ( not recommended ). Took last beers and walk to the skate park. Had a conversation about stars and black holes and other spacey objects. Realised it was way too cold to be outside. Abandoned the idea of walking into town to get a street sign. Walked home. Brushed teeth and had a group shave ( dont really know why, seemed like a good idea at the time ). All but Dan and Jess went to sleep.

Day 3:
Pembo wakes everyone by bursting into the rooms and taking a photo of others as they wake up. Breakfast of Bacon and eggs with toast , eaten outside. Went for walk on beach killed some oysters. kicked the footy. Cleaned the house. Jess departs. Trio depart. Bought KFC on the way home.

HOME Tinny 3