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I am writing this today to express my opinions and views on issues dealing with society today. These are my own thoughts. If you are not open-minded to anything, I suggest not reading this. I am not a fan of close-minded people. I am writing this to express the right to “freedom of speech”. I believe in telling the truth with no “sugar-coated” or “candy-coated” lies. I am going to be brutally honest in this essay. I think that honesty is always best. These are things that I think should change in the society. I believe I can make a difference, even if it’s a very tiny difference. I feel strongly on these issues I am about to discuss. I like expressing my views on these issues. I like to have facts on them, before I decide how I feel about some of them. What I do know is that, society has gone downhill. Unlike most of the society, I am not blinded by lies. I do not have a gag in my mouth, nor do I have someone telling me to shut up. I will speak my mind and be seen as well as heard. No one is going to change my opinions or views. I speak what I think and if people don’t like it, then they don’t have to listen or read this. Anyhow, this essay expresses me. Feel free to love me, hate me, or whatever. This is the society and how I view it.

Society has a lot of problems. It involves a lot of issues. Today, it has only gotten worse. It is worst than how it was in the past. Sure, the past had a lot of issues, but in today’s culture, everything has changed since 100 years ago. For example, a lot more problems exist now than back in the day. This is the 2000’s, not the 1900’s. In the next paragraph, I will start discussing the issues/problems in society.

One of the problems that the society is faced with today is homophobia. Society is faced with homophobia everyday. Some, but not all people believe that homosexuals and bisexuals are what they call “evil”. They see a gay couple together and they become disgusted. These kinds of people are what you’d call “homophobic”. They have a blindfold over their eyes. They don’t want to open up their mind. They want to see homosexuals and bisexuals as being horrible people, when they’re not horrible at all. People should open up their minds. I can’t speak for all homosexuals and bisexuals in this part of the essay, but I believe they have the same rights as everyone else in the world. They need to get to know homosexuals and bisexuals for who they truly are and not look at or stereotype them based on their sexual preference. Just because someone has a different sexual preference than you doesn’t give you the right to go around hating them. Get to know someone, no matter who or what they are. Don’t be so cruel or judgmental to homosexuals and bisexuals because deep down they are like the rest of us. Take the Matthew Shepard case, some guys beat him to death because he was gay. There should be no prejudice or violence in this world. Stereotypes are also a problem. I do not go by stereotypes. I think stereotyping is cruel. I am not going to say I’ve never stereotyped somebody in my life because the truth is I have. People seem not to look beyond someone’s sexual preference. Once you get to know that person you realize that you shouldn’t have labeled or judged them in the first place. If everyone got to know each other for who they truly are and not what race, religion, sexual preference, etc. they are, then this world would be more open-minded and the world would be much better. I know some homosexuals and bisexuals, I give and show them respect. I do not diss them and I do not hate them. In fact, I’ve found out I have a lot in common with them. This is because I got to know them better and looked beyond their sexual preference. There are a lot of homophobic people out there. I respect homosexuals and bisexuals. I think others should do the same instead of hating them. If there was more love in the world, then that would get rid of all the hate this world has right now. There is no need for homophobic people. I think that they should open up their eyes and not be so prejudice. There is no reason for people to be against homosexuals and bisexuals. If everyone would start showing respect to other people, no matter who or what they are, then this world would be a better place.

Rape is also another issue that is in the society today. It is a major problem. Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about violence and having power. The rapist likes to have power over the victim. Most of the time it is a man who is the rapist, even men are raped, but it is most common that women are raped. Now days, some men and women are afraid to leave their homes, fearing that they will either be murdered, raped, or abused. The world should not be like this. We should be able to leave our homes knowing that we’re safe and that we will not get murdered, raped, or abused. I think that violence and anything associated with it, such as rape, stalking, etc. should all be gone. Without all of this, the world would be better off. Also, no one would have to live their life in fear. Also, no one would have to be worried about being murdered, raped, etc. Rape is one of the most terrifying experiences anyone can go through. I can’t speak for rape victims, but from what I have gathered, it is a horrible ordeal. Rape is something that shouldn’t happen to anyone.
By Greta Email Greta