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So this is it, eh?

Hey look at made it to my webpage and you didn't explode or get your eyeballs sucked out! yay!. Welcome to my first web page.. I haven't had any formal training on just how to do this bear with me as I learn the hard way.. you know that's the only way I'm ever gonna learn anything.. cause I'm stubborn... and cause I suck.. Erm So, waste your time and click your links you mindless sheep. I'm warning you now though, most of them are dead ends and it will be awhile before they work properly because although it may seem like I am a friendless moron with nothing to do.. ever.. I do pry myself away from the computer sometimes. =P

This happens to be my Livejournal so I don't need to keep a blog dealy on this site, you can just click that linky and wander away from this horrible mess you have gotten yourself into.
And here is where you can find the hideous pictures of me...right about here. Or if your extra bored and you've already looked and purged, read my poetry to make you nauseous once again. I'm warning you though none of it is remotely anything near the concept of being "good".

And now for the mindless linkage! Click on the picture that intrigues you and see where you end up. Odds are it'll be at ona those angelfire 404 things.. they are so quirky. Ho hum.

I'll put quizes up here once I learn how..and when I'm not so lazy...heh. heh. Not like it matters anyways, no one actually takes quizes and posts the results on Livejournal to kill my friends page and annoy he living fuck out of me*.

*wishful thinking.