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DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, we're Mama Nez and Queen Dolenz. Welcome to our sad sick little world. Nobody really reads these things on sites, so, we're just gonna spout some endless bullshit about how we love Mike and Micky, and how we are their everlasting slaves,sex, love, etc. We are still under construction, but we hope that you will submit as much fanfic, poetry, and lyrics as humanly possible. _________________________________________________________ Now we haven't forgotten those of you who are "Tork Dorks" or the "Jones Jockies" so soon enough we'll have page for you FREAKS!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________________ Now, enjoy our still under construction site, from both of us. Thanks shotgun, love, Mama Nez and Queen Dolenz P.S. e-mail us at, for now, (pictures if you got 'em) , or (fan fic), or for general shit, we'll get one for that too...later.

Our Favorite Linx

Micky's English Pub
Papa Nez's Desert Range
Davy Jones Locker
Where you can get neat Micky stuff!
Where you can get neat Nez stuff!
Queen Dolenz loves this place, so should you!
Mama Nez's favourite place
Oh, Melisssa, how we love you!
I love this place, it's groovy!

Our Picture Contributers
