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I dedicate this website to my brother. Tim, wherever you are, I know you feel pain ne'er more. Rest in peace.We shall never forget you in all eternity. You truly were a gift of god, my brother.

The flame of rememberance for you, Tim.

"The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills." -Robert Jordan, the Wheel of Time book series.

MattameŠ Matt Arrell and Jeremy Bourbeau with many thanks to those who contribute their art.

Welcome one, welcome all to my very greatest creation... *drum roll* MATTAME! My friend, Jeremy, gave me the idea of this site, unfortunately, I do not have a scanner... But he does! So me and Jeremy are co-operating in the creation of this site. He will be scanning the images- So give him credit for each work of art put up on this! I will be drawing many of the works of art. Also, I will be featuring works of art from Jeremy and anyone else who wishes to help! My E-mail adress will be featured below this intro!


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Element Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which tarot card are you?

which eye are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

This is my Band's first album cover. We are called First Born Prophecy. This was made by Kerri Robinson.

Made by *drum roll* ME! Matty mc pie!

Made by me, Matt. This is a superhero I designed and made.

Made by me, Matt. This is Bardock, Father of Goku.

Cloud, from FF7

A warrior I decided to draw one day.

Jeremy drew a mech one day and I was like "psssht! That sucks! I can do better!" My first attempt at doing better failed horribly, then one day I decided to creat this bad-ass baby. Woo!

An angel I thought looked really cool. It was cover art for a book my mother is borrowing from her brother. I wanted to draw it. =D

Superman is dead! YAY!

I dunno what I was on... but I thought it looked cool!

I think it looks cute!

Art done by Jeremy

Made by Jeremy.

Made by Jeremy.

Art done by the lovely Melanie. (She kisses with her eyes open.)

Author unknown. The Dakkon Blackblade.

By Caitlyn Lajoie.

More to come up shortly! Remain faithful and well!