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Sympathy For A Fallen Angel

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Mood:  a-ok
The new URL for the site is active, so you can go ahead and fix your bookmarks/links. The previous URL will still work as long as I continue using angelfire/lycos for my web hosting, but that could certainly change. I have gone through and fixed all of my internal links to reflect this change.

While doing that, I did a lot more work cleaning up the code (and spelling!) While not perfect, the site is about 95% compliant with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard. This means that you should currently be able to view every page on this site from your cell phone.

The current layout and content of the site is gradually being changed and updated. It's going to take some time to establish the basic structure. I want to ensure a high level of availability for this site during the transition. Hope you can bare with me through this. Each change should make the site better, so it shouldn't be much of a hardship. haha.


Posted by Luciftias at 3:07 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 January 2007 4:30 PM EST
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Monday, 22 January 2007

Mood:  celebratory
Just wanted to say that I now have paid webhosting for this site! You will notice a refreshing lack of ads. While I do plan to introduce some less intrusive ads on the site, it won't be anything close to the Times Square that it was before.

I have also registered the domain name and attached it to this website. There will be a transition period during which the old URL will still work, but once the new URL kicks in please make sure to update any bookmarks and/or links you may have to pages on this site. Also keep in mind that after the overhaul, specific pages may be completely changed or gone altogether.

I have a clear vision for this site and find these early steps towards it's realization encouraging. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

In Darkness Visible,

P.S. I'd like to thank Zentularis for his kind words.

Posted by Luciftias at 11:36 PM EST
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Friday, 19 January 2007

Hey everyone,

I hope you haven't gotten too impatient. I know it doesn't look like I've done much yet, but there is much in the works. Visual differences will begin to apear in a couple weeks.

I've got a new idea to throw at all of you: Podcasts. My idea is basically to create a library of relatively short audio programs consisting of me reading stuff. For example, a series of readings, each containing a chapter of a classic (public domain) horror novel, or a Divine Comedy series each featuring a canto of Dante's Inferno, or a short story by H.P. Lovecraft or the Gospel of Thomas or the Book of Enoch. The posibilities are endless. I figure, this is something that I would love to have access to, so lets go for it!


Posted by Luciftias at 4:25 PM EST
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Saturday, 13 January 2007

Lucifer On The Go
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Nosferatu (with original score by Type-O Negative)
Last night I studied up on some web programming and made some modifications to the current pages which will make it easier for your mobile devices to read. I tested it out with the default web browser that came loaded on my blackberry and was able to view every page, including the unmodified ones. My Samsung UMTS phone is in for repair, so I haven't been able to test the pages on that device yet. All of these pages will be replaced eventually, but I need to know that I can program the pages myself. Rest assured, I am still developing content. On the go right now is an article on death and immortality as well as a multimedia dream work course. Ideally, I would like to make every multimedia course available in simple text as well, for those who have bandwidth limitations or are unable to view flash presentations (such as most current mobile phones.) This shouldn't be too difficult, as I will already have the scripts typed out. These can be modified for use without the visuals. Back to work! Gotta keep plugging away at this.


Posted by Luciftias at 12:33 PM EST
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Thursday, 11 January 2007

Peek into the Future of
Mood:  on fire
Hey Everyone,

The website is starting to really take shape behind closed doors. I have been doing a lot of brainstorming on how the site is going to look and have been working on bringing this vision to life. It's exciting stuff! Here's a little peak:

Free Online Courses
As you read these very words I am working on producing several multimedia courses relating to occult topics. Each course will be provided free to interested parties through a carefully timed sequence of e-mails, based on the date at which they signed up for the course. For example, there will be a series of courses on working with dreams. This will include improving dream recall, interpretation, incubation and problem solving, lucid dreaming and dream yoga or dream alchemy. I believe the various courses will become the main focus of the site, with many of the other features acting as supports to this training. Think of it as an online academy of training in the occult arts and sciences.

The site will feature several resources for occult students, including a well stocked library of e-books and articles. These reference materials will be freely available to anyone, regardless of membership status (see below.)

There will definitely be a forum here for those of you who wish to discuss topics. It's my hope that some of you will stand out and take leadership roles to help educate the less experienced members of the forum. Lets turn this site into a Beacon of Light and churn out as many independent, free-thinking Light Bearers as possible!

Action for Change
I feel very strongly about putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak. This world has an almost infinite number of obstacles keeping people from realizing their true potential. The worst of these obstacles are often other people who wish to obtain benefit for themselves at the expense of others. There are several extreme examples going on right now all over this globe. For the sake of humanity's future, I vow to fight for justice, equal rights and freedom for everyone. Aside from helping those who are already in the privileged position to be taking online courses, I plan to divert a portion of any and all money generated here towards supporting the work done by Amnesty International to help those who are in grave and desparate situations. My plan is to have a page devoted to explaining this choice. I also think it would be cool to display a regularly updated total as to funds contributed on behalf of this academy.

Membership Status
Everyone who signs up for any course will be considered a member of this "Academy" and will benefit from members-only perks. These perks will likely include a subscription to the members-only newsletter containing material not available on the website, prize draws and occasional special offers that I am able to obtain for you.

This is only a peek at what this site will become. Keep checking back for more updates as this unfolds.


Posted by Luciftias at 10:19 PM EST
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Friday, 5 January 2007

Site Update
Today I purchased an upgrade package for this website. When it kicks in, the obnoxious ads will be gone and the new main page will be found at I decided to use my name as the website address in order to allow myself more flexibility with regards to content. I will be setting up sub-domains for each of my primary interests. These will likely include Gnostic Luciferianism, my musical projects, home brewing and amature gemology.

I'm not sure if some sort of forwarding will be provided for those of you who attempt to access the website using the old address. I will keep you updated with regards to this change. When the change does occurr, I will immediately update the links provided to my site from the Wikipedia entries on Luciferianism.

Also, I started writing an article on Death and Immortality for the Luciferian site. Keep an eye open for it. I should have it availible to view within a week. Hopefully sooner.

Posted by Luciftias at 4:01 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 5 January 2007 4:12 PM EST
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Wednesday, 3 January 2007

First Entry
This is the first entry of the new blog. This is where I will be documenting the ongoing overhaul of the website. I will also be posting material here that is more informal, such as speculations, experiments and interesting links and images.

As you can see, there are several obnoxious banner ads all over the site still. I am not making any money off these ads. They are placed there by angelfire/lycos in order to make money off my free hosting. Once I start paying for hosting, they will be removed. At that point I will likely place some less intrusive ads on the site in order to cover my expenses and hopefully compensate me somewhat for my time and effort. I will also be placing a link for those of you who wish to help out with a donation.

It is my intention to develop this website into a resource centre for those of you who have the courage and persistence to risk everything in the face of apparently omnipotent forces; those of you who are willing to break the mould, to alienate themselves from the herd in order to become who they are truely meant to be. This is for all of you who are then willing to carry a torch into the savage garden in order to draw others into the Light of Knowledge which brings true liberty and soverignty over the self.

To you, the Warrior, the Healer, the Hero, do I dedicate this website.

In Darkness Visible,

Posted by Luciftias at 1:30 PM EST
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