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Birth date: April 6, 2002
Age: 44 days or so, and counting!
Place of Birth: AppleBee's in Jenkentown, PA, at about midnight! Though, you could say it was one o'clock due to turning the clocks ahead!
Favorite food: Strawberries and anything containing strawberries - ie. Strawberrie-Banana Smothies at AppleBee's.
Hobbies: Impersonations! Taking many various trips!
Intresting Fact(s): Llama is actualy a close relitive to Antelope, another fun character. Born at the same time, you might call these fellows twins. Llama, though timelessly older was actualy born to the group after Antelope. Together they take many adventures (which you can read about on this page) and are slowly looking to have traveled everywhere! Llama also loves Hollywood, getting in with big timers such as Toby Maguire.

Birth date: April 6, 2002
Age: 44 days or so, and counting!
Place of Birth: AppleBee's in Jenkentown, PA, at about midnight! Though, you could say it was one o'clock due to turning the clocks ahead!
Favorite food: Anything really. He's fond of strawberries, just like Llama, but he'll take just about anything you give him!
Hobbies: Wishing people loved him as much as they love Llama. Pretending he's little bunny foo-foo.
Intresting Fact(s): Antelope is a pretty crazy guy. Being the older brother of Llama, he's often jealous, stricken with the "Older-child syndrom". With recent light shed on the situation, though, Antelope has played a more active part in the life of the crew and has enjoyed many fine adventures as of late. Antelope enjoys long walks on the beach and dinner by candel light, just to let you know.

Jimmy Carter:
Birth date: October 1, 1924
Age: 78 years old.
Place of Birth: Plains, Gorgia.
Favorite food: Um, we're not THAT close.
Hobbies: Building houses for the poor. Working out with Habitat for Humanity. Giving speaches. Hanging out with Llama and Antelope.
Intresting Fact(s): To be honest, we really don't know that much about Jimmy Carter. We just found a picture of him and happened to think it was funny to put Llama and Antelope in the picture. To be honest, it is actualy very very funny! We'll have to show it to you some time.

Birth date: No one knows!
Age: He's timeless!
Place of Birth: No one is sure! He came out of no where!
Favorite food: Presumably bugs, seeing as he's a spider.
Hobbies: Stopping guys from robbing the bank. He drops bricks on their heads and makes sure that they are dead.
Intresting Fact(s): Spider-Frank is the hero of choice for the crew. He saves them from all sorts of troub, including back robbers! That's why the crew wrote him this spiffy song (dung to the tune of the Spider-Man song):

Spider-Frank, Spider-Frank
He stops guys from robbing the bank
Droppin' bricks on their heads
Makin' sure that they are dead
Look comes Spider-Frank
Has he luck?
Listen bub,
He's got the whole drama club!
Are his legs nice and shaved?
Hay man, is the pavement paved?
Here comes Spider-Frank!


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