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Bryanland - A Place of constant enjoyment!!

Hey Guys...Whoever's still visiting this site...Well, you're diehard...I tell you...Thanks for the traffic...and the interest in my life..Maybe I'll start updating sometime...I'm single, lol...I've got free time...

Dean Prisco gave me the idea for this one, Song o' the week in Bryanland....
Song o' the week:Week of September 5th, 2005: Collective Soul - "Where the River Flows"

O.K. Nitty Gritty on ol' Bryan...

Name:Bryan Buttry
Alias(s):Don't have one right now...
School attended:ETSU(GO BUCS!!)
My favorite rapper??I dunno really, I always liked Will Smith and LL Cool J, Alot of these rappers appeal to me, they sing about their women, so do I...We get along, plus it's got alot of bass in it, I'm cool with rap, now.
My favorite bands ever: Motley Crue, AC/DC, Metallica, an just about any other GOOD rock band...
Favorite new bands:Godsmack, Sevendust, Fuel, Incubus, Nickelback, and Puddle of Mudd at the moment...Ummm Ugly Kid Joe...Stone Temple Pilots...And of Course GrindStone[See below]!
Comedy?I like it, Musical comedy is good, but a good joke is awesome, especially if I give it(RARE-ITY, some would say) and people laugh....
OK, for you people who enjoy music, I'll slap lyrics onto this page when I take the time to type them out...I'll also post pictures of me and my ever-so-changing gear.See My Gear Page
Current Events:
There'll be more when I think of other stuff to put here...

Some of My interests

Some cool sites.....

Talkbass, a cool discussion forum site about Bass(Get'che some of that, Gee-taurists)
The links to my picture pages
I'm gonna slap lyrics down here, so if you want some cool shit to look at, go here....UNDER CONSTRUCTION

All images, ideas and slogans are ©Copywright Bryan Buttry 2002 All rights reserved.