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How many of us have them? Friends are quite common and         very good to have.  
  Blood is always thicker then Water. Family will always be there when you need them.
Some basic Favorites I really like in my life and they will hardly change. Most of my favorites are in the category of the wealthy and the movement of music.  
  A lot of my daily or weekly habits are in this section of being interactive with my life and lively generation.
Traviesos is a basic club of rebelled teens with bad ass rides and hot tempers on and in the streets. Mainly a piece of the young adults from the local hispanic community. these people can be found in every neighbor, so look out.  
  Just some basic facts and little bio of myself and how I live the life Jesus Christ gave me to live. It's not all good, but I make it worth the expense of a natural life any- one needs to live.