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Livejournal: mooseydoom

Current Mood: w00t!!

Updates: 2-23-04

6:20 p.m., EST
Decided not to remove seibutsus...I lurve them too much (well, mostly the digimon but use in telling the rest of them that) I actually updated my LJ the other day, but waited to do it so late I didn't have time to finish my post. I'll finish it some point....There may soon be a new member of this website, in the way of a little comic 'o mine called "The Mis-adventures of Mel the Evil Penguin" I only have about two pages right now, and they're on sketchbook paper that's too big to fit my scanner and you mis some of the best gags at the bottom, so I'll just have to figure out what Ima do before I upload them.

And now, for something for the french-speaking members of the audience: tais-toi et donne-moi une gaufre, putain!

Current Bumpersticker:

The Weather in Hell

A wondefully drawn picture of myself and my muse Valefor done by Miracle.