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Jubilee's Room

As you know, in Issue #68 of Generation X, Jubilee's room was burned down by a band of bigots. Well, I figured I'd be nice and give her a room here. I'm not a bad guy, I just play one in certain fanfictions;).

Things said by Jubilee herself will be in Yellow.

Jubilation Lee aka Jubilee

While you're here, check out Miss Fourth of July, my Jubilee forum!

Codename: Jubilee
Real name: Jubilation Lee
Base of Operations (current): Unknown
Base of Operations (previous): Massachusetts Academy; Xavier's School for Higher Learning (aka X-Mansion); A cave near the X-Men's base; A mall in Southern California.
Group Affiliation (current): X-Corps
Group Affiliation (previous): Generation X; X-Men
Known Superhuman Powers: Ability to shoot articulate quasi-animate transitory plasmoid "fireworks" from her hands with pinpoint accuracy and control (they go where I want and explode on command, kewl, huh?).
Skills: Superb gymnast, better than average hand-to-hand combat (Are you kiddin'? Jackie Chan eat your heart out!)

Jubilee is an ex-mallrat valley girl whose life was changed forever when her parents were murdered. Most girls practically lived at the mall. Jubilee actually did. She showed off her powers for money and stole to survive, until the comically inept M-squad managed to catch her. She was rescued by the female compliment of the X-Men, and followed them (secretly) through a teleport gate created by the mutant aborigine Gateway. She lived for a time in some caves near the X-Mansion, stealing food and clothing from the X-Men (her trademark yellow jacket was stolen from Dazzler). She came out of hiding when she noticed Wolverine nailed to a cross by the Reavers. She took him down and helped him to her little cave, figuring he'd at least die free. To her surprise, he healed, and she learned he was a mutant, and thereby warmed up to him. Since then they have had a father/daughter-like relationship. Jubilee is the only person who can claim to have been Wolverine's sidekick (Robin to his Batman).

Jubilee met Professor Xavier for the first time when both were captives of the Warskrulls, and she was made a provisional member of the X-Men. She served on the Blue team with Wolverine and others for a while until the Phalanx Covenant, where she was instrumental in rescuing the next generation of mutants. She moved to the Massachusetts Academy to continue her education as part of Generation X.

Jubilee led the raid on the House of Correction, a major milestone showing the writers taking her seriously for the first time in a long time. It also showed her potential as a budding tactician. However, two story-arcs later, the Massachusetts Academy was shut down due to various factors. #1. Sean Cassidy, co-headmaster of the school, had discovered that Moira MacTaggert had died, and was not taking it well (ie, he was drinking like a fish and treating the students poorly). #2. Ms. Frost seemed to be reverting to her evil bitch mode. #3. Jonothon Starsmore/Chamber had been accepted to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, thus leaving Skin the only male in the group (Everett had died due to some bombs set by Adrienne Frost, and Penance, Artie and Leech had been sent to stay with Ambassador St. Croix due to some anti-mutant hysteria gripping the non-mutant students at Mass. Ac.). Jubilee led the exodus, announcing plans to go to L.A. and sort things out with herself. Paige Guthrie, aka Husk, decided to go to Canada and help out some environmental protestors. Monet St. Croix decided to go back to Algeria. Skin asked to go with Jubilee, and so they were going to drive up there together.

Well, it's been a while since I've bought any Marvel Comics, but it seems Jubilee, Husk and M now serve in X-Corps as Sean's Angels. Don't even get me started on the dirty fictions THAT conjures up!

Jubilee's Stuff:

Hey, you know what...UPDATE! And here I thought I was gonna get the summer off! Well, anyway, there's a new pic and a new link, thanks to a contribution by our new friend Frost! Okay, now that I've announced it...who wants to rub cocoa butter on my back?

Fics - Jubilee stories! Yay!
Pics - Pictures of me that didn't get burned
Humor - Hank always says laughter's the best medicine
The Fun Zone - Kewl games & stuff.
Links - Other kewl places to hang out.