The annual "Patterns of Global Terrorism" report is submitted in compliance with Title 22 of the United States Code, Section 2656f(a), which requires the Department of State to provide Congress a full and complete annual report on terrorism for those countries and groups meeting the criteria of Section (a)(1) and (2) of the Act.

As Secretary Powell states in the 2001 report, "[T]errorism cast its lethal shadow across the globe--yet the world's resolve to defeat it has never been greater. . . . This chilling report details the very clear and present danger that terrorism poses to the world and the efforts that the United States and our partners in the international community are making to defeat it. The cold, hard facts presented here compel the world's continued vigilance and concerted action. "

Ambassador Francis X. Taylor, former Coordinator for Counterterrorism, emphasizes that "the US Government and our Coalition partners have worked countless hours to ensure that the lives of those murdered on 9/11 were not lost in vain. . . . As this annual report demonstrates, their support has been much more than rhetorical. This unprecedented Coalition of nations has sought to synchronize diplomatic, intelligence, law enforcement, economic, financial, and military power to attack terrorism globally."

As President Bush said in an address to Congress on September 20, 2001, "Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated."

INTRODUCTION: The Role of Information Systems and its impact on a virtual organization- an electronic school

INTRODUCTION: The Role of Information Systems and its impact on a virtual organization- an electronic school!

Adams, D.M.(1989). Media and Literacy- Learning in an electronic age- issues, ideas and teaching strategies. U.S.A., Thomas C. Publishers.

Experienced language teachers will readily testify that a teacher's attitude toward materials steers the course of an activity and determines whether a session is successful, mediocre or a total flop.

Anderson, Heidi. (1987) "Gathering Information-Techniques For Learning More

About Who's Viewing A Web Site". PCTODAY-A Guide To Better Buying. November Issue. pp. 88-91.

Gathering information from your web visitors can be as simple as viewing log files or as complex as analyzing results from detailed online surveys. You can program a Web site so that a cookie is stored in the browser; each time the browser requests a page, alerts are sent back to the server. Block and filter web traffic, block access to web sites and log access. Prevent children from accessing pornography.

Angell, Dwight. (1993). "Hard facts on software for parents who need a lifeline amid the flood of new products."Dec. 21st , D, 5:2. Issue.

Resources that can help parents wade through the vast selection of educational software for children are recommnded

Anti-Virus Software On Line Home Page. Internet. Available.

Anti-virus software that offers centralized control and intelligent scanning. Offers comprehensive information on Web viruses such as the Chernobyl Virus. It discusses the article, " PE_CIH Virus: Are You at Risk?" This virus, which attempts to delete the first megabyte of data on all hard drives and overwrite flash BIOS memory on the 26th of the month, has caused a lot of concern, particularly in the wake of the trouble caused by W7M_MELISSA. If PE_CIH successfully executes its payload, it will leave the computer unbootable, and the user will have to purchase a new BIOS chip or have the data restored to it. There are several variants of this virus. The variants are very similar and differ primarily in their trigger dates - April 26th, June 26th, or the 26th of any month. With April 26th fast approaching, two variants of this virus are due to try to activate their payload. The question on everyone's mind, "Am I in danger?" Customers who use an updated anti-virus scanner religiously should be protected from this virus. Who is at risk? This virus infects executable files under Windows 95, 98, and NT, but the payload cannot trigger under NT. The BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) is a special program that is loaded first when you start your computer. It gets the computer up-and-running. It manages the flow of data between the computer's operating system and attached hardware devices like keyboard, mouse, and hard disk. If the BIOS program is overwritten, the computer cannot start up correctly.

Babbie, E.W. (1973). Survey Research Methods. Belmont, California: Wadsworth.

Synthesizes problem-solving methods, measurement and evaluation techniques, and surveys data analysis methods and questionnaire construction.

Borg, W.R. Applying Educational Research: A Practical Guide for Teachers. (Longman, New York, 1981). Pp.218-219.

A greater development and understanding of education must needs resort to the methods of science. It covers various aspects of teaching and learning and the foundations of education.

Bloom, B. (1956): Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Affective Domain, New York: David McKay.

Describes affective and symbolic outcomes of learning and relates them to cognitive outcomes.

Bloom, Benjamin. (1956): Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain, New York: Longman, New York and London.

Describes cognitive outcomes of learning and relates them to affective outcomes.

Brockett, Ralph G. "TECHNIQUES- Tips for the Practitioner on Writing Book Reviews. Lifelong Learning, a publication of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (A.A.A.C.E).

Carey, Theresa. (1998). "Putting the brains in your PC". Barron's Journal. Dec. 7, 1998, H16: 1

Once you have got the hardware set up and working properly, you are ready to install the brains of the operation: software to keep tabs on the whereabouts of their wealth, using tools for portfolio analysis and stock selection. Some software can compare investments and translate the performance of diverse holdings into a true rate of return.

Cashman, Shelly. (1997): Microsoft Office for Windows 3.1-Enhanced Edition. One Course: Word 6, Excel 5, Access 2, and PowerPoint 4.

PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics program that allows you to produce professional-looking presentations. It describes how to build a slide presentation, edit the presentation and change slide order in Outline View or Slide Sorter View.

Cohen, Louis and Lawrence Manion. Research Methods in Education, fourth Edition. Routledge. London (1994).

Describes types of educational designs in education and introduces the concept of action research. Teachers and researchers can come to a deeper understanding of the process of learning. Describes the methods educators can use to acquire knowledge and solve problems and informs us about designing questionnaires and surveys. Mention is made of the ethics of educational and social research.

Collins, Scott. "Computer databases give resumes more than a scan". Los Angeles Times. Feb. 26, 1996, SS, 8:4

Spurred by growing numbers of candidates and shrinking personnel budgets, companies are using special software for job-placement, enabling human workers to sift and cross-reference enormous databases.

Communications Workers of America AFL-CIO, District 1. 80 Pine Street. "Handbook on "Hazards Associated with Computer Use".

Describes symptoms of computer hazards such as repetitive motion disorders and the medical treatment. It describes the proper posture for sitting at a video display terminal and the training that is necessary. Persons using the computer should stay 75 cm from the front and 90 cm. from the sides and back. A discussion of proper vision requirements and lighting, as well as adjustable furniture and equipment is presented. Breaks are important to relieve stress on the muscles, before they become too tired and to prevent headaches from "technostress". Quick Fixes or solutions to minor repetitive strain injuries or problems are mentioned.

Computer Ethics Resources Home Page on WWW. "COMPUTER ETHICS HOME PAGE ". On Line. Internet. Available.

Computer & Information Ethics Resources on WWW dedicated to the promotion and defense of international free thought, free speech, and privacy rights.

Cooper, J. (ed.) (1986). Classroom Teaching Skills. (3rd ed.). Toronto: D.C.Health and Co.

Speed and accuracy are two of the main benefits of the computer used for individual instruction.

Corcoran, Elizabeth. "Software Leaders Taking Ratings Plans to Clinton". Washington Post, Jul. 16, 1997, C, 11: 5.

A group of high-technology executives is heading to the White House today to tell President Clinton that just as software programs help people browse the Internet, they can help filter and block material that parents don't want their children to see. The meeting, convened by the White House, occurs after last month'' Supreme Court decision to knock down the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) is a software woven into the Web Surfing Software built by Microsoft Corp.

Cotton Giuffre, Eileen.(1997). The Online Classroom-Teaching and Learning with the Internet. Classroom Connect. U.S.A.

How is the Internet being used in the classroom or for living? People are making new friends and studying cultures around the world through e-mail messages and collaborative learning projects. Cu-See-Me software allows students to participate in global and local video conferencing; electronic field trips which provide dozens of exciting opportunities to "visit" zoos, museums, and underwater explorations in over eleven countries.

Currid, Cheryl.(1997). "Presentations with punch use computer movie clips." Houston Chronicle. April 27., E, 7:1

You can now put short clips of video into presentations almost as easily as clip art. And video is a great way to drive home a point and let your audience see your message as they hear it. A new video-enabled copy of Microsoft's PowerPoint arrived. The technology is ready. To deliver the presentation, minted notebook computers and portable storage devices handle large video files well.

Crowl, Thomas. (1996). Fundamentals of Educational Research. Chapter 17. 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York.

Describes some of the ways researchers use computers to do a search of the literature on a topic of interest. It focuses on the impact of Technology on Educational Research, and how qualitative and quantitative researches use computers to analyze data.

Davis, Yusuf. (1997). "Personal Technology Just For Fun Electronic Gadgets And Gizmos Card marries TV". Atlanta Journal Constitution. Jun. 29, P, 8:2.

The TVideo Television Interface Card is a gadget that combines two popular activities---television viewing and computer use. The easy-to-install computer card enables a personal computer to display television and video images on a high-resolution computer monitor, so users can work at a computer and view their favorite TV program or video at the same time. This card has the added versatility of playing any image from a connected television, VCR, live camcorder or laser disc cable.

Dewey, J (1916). Democracy and Education, New York: Macmillan.

Discusses the foundations and philosophy of education.

Electronic School Home Page. On Line. Internet. Available

An excellent site for school administrators, or those interested in education reform.

Flynn, Laurie. "When, oh when, will computers behave like people? New York Times Newspaper, Jan 1, 1995, 3, 8:1.

Efforts to develop the "human-centered" computer are discussed. The Microsoft Corp. will introduce its Social Interface program known as Bob. This software is intended to create ease-of-use, and uses a selection of animated characters to act as a central resource for anything the user needs to do.

Gagne, R.M., and Briggs, L.J. (1974). Principles of Instructional Design. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

An impressive presentation of principles of educational psychology to teachers. This book is about human learning and how it applies to the design and conduct of instruction. The writer deals with conditions for learning to achieve the outcome of learning and how teachers plan and deliver instructions. Pictures are commonly used as supplements
to printed texts.

Ghirardini, John. (1998). "TechReport Tech Report 'FireAnt' laptop now on the market". Atlanta Journal Constitution. Oct. 18, H, 2:1 Issue.

The LS model costing $2,499 features a 233 MHz Pentium 11, 32 megs of RAM, a DVD-ROM drive and a Microsoft Office software bundle that includes Word, Excel spreadsheet, Outlook(e-mail and information management)' PowerPoint for presentations and Access (database). The XL model sports a 300 MHz Pentium 11, a 4-gig hard drive, 64 megs of RAM and the DVD-ROM. It has the same software bundle as the LS and costs $2,999.

Gunst, Elise. "Making your online photos picture perfect with software. Houston Chronicle. Jun. 12, 1998, G, 3:1

Do you prefer those vacation photos without your ex-wife in them? If you can get your pictures into your computer, it's easy to crop, tweak, tone and clone them with photo editing software. Adobe Photo Deluxe 2.0 automatically makes some changes for you, like choosing the optimal brightness or contrast.

Holsti, O.R., 'Content Analysis', in G.Lindzey and E. Aronson (eds.). Volume 2: Research Methods (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. 1968.

Gives a detailed account of the methods and problems involved in establishing the reliability of the content analysis of written data.

Joseph, Francis." Copyright lawbreakers could get 10 years in jail or $100,000 in fines". Trinidad Guardian Newspaper of Democracy. Oct. 9, 1997.

Dr Kamla Persad-Bissessar Minister of Legal Affairs, who is responsible for the Copyright Bill states that the whole field of information technology has thrown up new aspects which, require protection. Persons flouting the law could face up to ten years in jail provided that the infringer is aware that what he is doing is an infringement.

Kanell, Michael E. "PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY Tech. Report on Technology 150,000 images give designers wide selection."Atlanta Journal.

You can put images you choose into your design by scanning photographs or drawings, turning the hard copy into digitized data that a computer can store and manipulate. But you can also go the far more rapid route and buy a ton of images from CD-ROMS. In addition, the disk includes 500 digitized sounds---animal, musical and mechanical. A collection called MasterClips 150,000 has many images, examples of clip art, photos, and fonts.

Kirkland, Joel. "Software Giants Seeking Way to Filter Web Smut". Chicago Tribune. Jul. 17, 1997, 1, 8:5

The largest Internet software companies agreed to cooperatively develop and market a system that parents could use to block children's access to offensive or indecent material.

Office of Management and Budget. "A Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget Fiscal Year 2000 ". On Line. Internet.

President's efforts have also enhanced access to, and the quality of, education and training. The budget takes the next steps by continuing to help States and school districts reduce class size by recruiting and preparing thousands more teachers and building thousands more new classrooms. The President's budget proposes improving school accountability by funding monetary awards to the highest performing schools that serve low-income students, providing resources to States to help them identify and change the least successful schools, and ending social promotion by funding additional education hours through programs like the 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

MacDonald, Chris. "Computer and Information Ethics Resources on WWW-Organizations of Interest". Center for Applied Ethics (C.A.E). On Line. Internet. Available.

Maran, Ruth (1996). Computers Simplified-The 3-D Visual Approach to Learning About Computers. 3rd Edition. IDG Books Worldwide.

Concepts and techniques are illustrated with the use of graphics. A 3-D presentation enhances the understanding of basic computer hardware and software. Different fonts are used to make the content more attractive and interesting. Animated characters used in illustrations make the reading enjoyable.

Miller, Jonathan. (1986). "Images and Understanding". Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

This article deals with the perception of images in the visual system of the eye, and the way in which moving pictures are experienced and understood.

Mossberg, Walter. "Personal Technology". Wall Street Journal. Dec 5, 1991, B, 1:1

A review of a selection of educational software aimed at children that combines fun with some degree of skill building and learning. Programs include Kid Pix, Carmen Sandiego and the Playroom, all from Broderbund Software Inc, Super Solvers from Learning Co, Mickey's ABC's from Walt Disney and McGee Series from
Lawrence Productions.

"NEW YORK State Education Department Web Site. On Line. Internet. Available.

mission is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all the people in
New York.

Nyns, R. (1989). Is Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning Possible? System, Vol. 17(1), pp.35-47.

By providing immediate feedback based on students' responses, 'computers might take over a part of the teaching process which has so far been reserved for human teachers…."Unless they have caught the microcomputer bug themselves, language teachers tend to react with a mixture of cynicism and anxiety to the new technology that is, says enthusiasts, poised to transform their profession. It is often seen as an expensive and only marginally relevant extra, or as a threateningly inhuman rival, casting doubt on the continuing need for human teachers".

Page Authors Benefit against Censorship Web Page. "FAIC Family Statement of the Week " On Line. Internet.

"I oppose censorship in all forms, but beyond this, attempting to censor the internet is an impossible situation. The contributors to the collective wisdom on the net are international. Having parents believe that the government is protecting their children will provide a false sense of security. The effort should be on educating parents on what the risks (and rewards) of the net are, rather than censorship."

Raschio, R (1991). Technologically-Assisted Language Learning Courseware. for developing Reading Skills in a Second Language. Hispana, Vol. 74(4), pp. 1139-1143.

Computer-assisted instruction, otherwise referred to as CAI, is by no means a new concept and literacy is enhanced using this method.

Reno, Janet. (May 1999). Infobeat Stories Saved as E-Mail Message. Off Line. Internet. "Reno looks to curb Internet crime".

A new public-private alliance to curb Internet crime will help teach children "that hacking is the same as breaking and entering," Attorney General Janet Reno said Monday. Educating children about acceptable online behavior is among three initiatives under the Cybercitizen Partnership, an initiative of government and the high-tech industry to promote cyberspace ethics and help law enforcers track down online criminals. The Cybercitizen Partnership also will feature a "personnel exchange program" between private business and federal agencies in which both will learn how the other responds to threats and crimes over the Internet. Infobeat Stories Saved as E-Mail Message. Off Line. Internet. "Y2K fix may only last a generation."

The most common technique used to fix computers vulnerable to Year 2000 failures is only a short-term remedy, and even advocates of the method acknowledge it will require other expensive repairs or replacements within a generation. The temporary fix, using a sophisticated twist of logic to fool computers, is highly controversial among insiders because it's intended to work for only a few decades - typically 30 years. One expert describes computers already fixed with the technique as "little ticking time bombs waiting to go off." The
Clinton administration and industry analysts estimate the method is being used to patch 80% of computers in the worldwide repair effort expected to cost $300 billion.

Schubert, W. (1986): Curriculum Perspective, Paradigm and Possibility, New York: Macmillan.

In the context of a school system, the curriculum is a combination of document and practical action and reflects the school's systems policy about the knowledge and experiences that students should have.

Trend Micro, Anti-Virus, Home Page "Anti-viral software". On Line. Internet. Available.

Trend Micro, Inc. develops server-based anti-virus software for the enterprise that offers centralized control and intelligent scanning. Our site also offers some of the most comprehensive information about viruses on the Web.

Tyler R (1949): Basic Principles of Curriculum Development and Instruction, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Curriculum development is the key to educational success.

Vaishnav, Anand. (1998). "Algebra Going High-Tech in Jeff." Times-Picayune News. Jun. 27, B, 1:5.

Some say it is the classroom of the future: a desk folds out into a computer workstation, CD- ROMs supplement textbooks and a "facilitator" moves from student to student supervising their work. This project, introduced in some New Orleans and St. Tammy Parish public schools three years ago, is called the "Intractive Computer Aided Natural Learning Educational System," or I CAN Learn.

Westminster School Information Technology Home Page. Infobeat Stories. On Line. Internet. Available.

Issues in the Use of Computers General Social Issues in Computing Includes - World of Work, Privacy, Health and Safety, Ethics Social, Legal, Economic and Ethical Issues Includes Privacy, Software Liability, Computer Crime, Health related issues and Software Protection Ethics.

White, C. S and Hubbard, G. (1998). Computers and Education. N.Y.: MacMillan.

Computers can be extended into the various disciplines in a meaningful way. Features such as graphics, sound, color can be useful in motivating the otherwise bored and frustrated student.

White, Ron. (1993). How Software Works. Ziff-Davis Press, Emeryville, California.


 Word-Processing software has the ability to make text changes easily and print a new copy of a document without rekeying every word. This text formatting ability is also useful in making words for PowerPoint slides.


Parents and teachers must not be afraid to use the vast potential of the Internet. They must be educated about the risks and benefits of "surfing" the Net and participating in on-line courses that perform the same function as traditional schools. Some kids become endangered on-line if they are not taught the rules of "driving" on the "Superhighway". It is necessary to teach adults and students computer ethics and to upgrade your computer networking software, hardware, and computer environment in order to minimize hazards and to meet legal and ethical standards. The images in PowerPoint slides used as visuals enhance interest and learning about the content of this thematic unit. The two students used in this project are neither parents nor teachers, but they are adult students. This target group of adults who are computer-savvy and proficient in the use of the software PowerPoint, e-mail, the Internet, word processing and creative writing will be used for this project.

The objectives of the unit are to enhance interest in the unit with the use of images. At the end of this curriculum unit the student will: (1) Write texts based on graphics. (2) Appreciate the use of audio-visuals and PowerPoint slides in enhancing interest. (3) Verbalize their understanding of the curriculum content to be mastered with the use of this technology.

These adult students who are already proficient in using the software PowerPoint and who are experienced computer users will work on-line and participate in developing the "Notes-page" portion of a PowerPoint presentation prepared by the teacher. A unit of study designed by the teacher on computer ethics,security and privacy issues in information systems will be the focus. The theme "Upgrading your computer: information systems networking hardware, software and networked peripherals, the learning environment" will be used for this project as a demonstration PowerPoint presentation.

The unit will consist of eight lessons. Completion of the project is adequate after interpreting three slides.
A diskette with the content material of the unit and the PowerPoint slides will also be mailed to each student by U.P.S, as well as by e-mail.

This is an integrated customized unit with ideas based on information system networking hardware, software, information system, and telecommunications: networks and applications, security, privacy, and ethical issues in information systems.

In the USA, "individualized" or learner-centered instruction should be promoted and instruction presented in a form and manner the learners can understand. Competition should be promoted.

The design of the assessment method is based on a "pretest-post-test" questionnaire. A change in interest will be observed and recorded. This questionnaire will be done before the start of the unit and at the end of eight weeks when the unit is completed. Questionnaires will be analyzed and a plan to execute more effective learning in the implementation phase will be executed. No statistical methods will be applied in the analysis of the results. A certificate of participation will be awarded at the start of the project to motivate students to remain interested in the project. Ongoing behavior reinforcement throughout the project will be implemented for positive attitudes that enhance learning.

Students' interest will increase with the use of these PowerPoint slides and images, which are visuals; memory will be enhanced and teaching becomes effective. The teacher functions as a facilitator responding to questions by e-mail. Each week lecture, assignments, readings, and links to related World Wide Web sites will be posted. Students can access course-work materials at any time, 24 hours per day. Technical assistance will be available via the telephone. This is an on-line course offered as a project via e-mail and the Internet. This method of distance learning allows students to communicate with the teacher from anywhere they happen to be, home, office or while travelling. "The delivery of subject then becomes more interesting, more motivational, and more successful for students entering the 21st century."

Discuss the role of Information Technology in education?

You may consider questions such as: What are the functions that computers offer in learning and teaching? Why should computers be used in education? What are the advantages of Information Technology in education-are there any disadvantages?

The design of the study is an individualized
CAL approach and a change in interest will be observed and recorded with the use of a "pretest-post-test" questionnaire.
Prevent children from accessing pornography!...Take Your Notes!