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This is my girl Meka, me, her, and Kim, all used to be best friends, but Meka moved down to Texas. But we still keep in touch, A LOT! I talk to her everyday now. At first when she moved, we talked a lot but then we both just had a lot of shit goin on and just no time to talk, so we made sure we have time to talk now, usually every night around 10 lol, hey i never go to sleep anyways, well bearly lol. Meka always laughed at everything i said, lol she always said i made her laugh so hard, her appendix hurt lol. Shes crazy but what can i say i think thats why we got along so well, we both are! Meka told me to tell everyone she said Hi and that she loves you! I should know im talkin to her on the phone right now lol. But I cant wait till i get my lisence in december because I am driving down to San Antonio, TX to go stay with my girl for a week. Its gonna be kick ass, then when im driving back up, shes gonna come with me back up here and stay with me for a week or two, and then shes gonna fly back down to Texas, I wish ya'll could meet her shes my girl, and and te amo mucho mija!!