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The Picture Gallery


a wahoo is a fish that can drink twice its own weight in a day.

I think I finally bleed orange.

i'm off to see the wizard

and you should be too

enough said.

GSIS 2003!

yes, we're in a shower. it's practically the size of my bathroom.

Cushy gave me his seal of approval for my bs english paper!

"As we all know, the Cushmans have a long and proud history of opressing small animals. The Cushman Seal of Approval is awarded to persons who make great contributions to the literary, or small animal opressing world. Without such meritorious people defending our culture against the literary invasions of the Seals (notorious communist wife-swapping athiests) our world would be vastly different."

i love cushy.

GSIS Reunion in TWO Days!!!

i'm trying to remember all the fun we had so i'll get excited again.

THIS is why you should go see Bend It Like Beckham RIGHT NOW

i think the other people in the theatre hated us because we talked to him throughout the whole movie. but i mean... wow....


though some would disagree with the "sweet" portion, the "sixteen" is non-negotiable

This is me, except not asian and a girl

eric's "sarcastic respect for authority" face, which i think describes me nicely.

this is eric-conveys-an-emotion's done with finals face

Cool Story, Hansel!

three cheers for *finally* understanding the jokes in study hall...

The Joys

so yeah, once i was happy. it was a long time ago.
that's ben vereen by the way. you don't know of him? you poor sad soul.

i am such a happy person right now - i couldn't even pick which of these to put up

all *i* want for christmas is a puppy... lucky whoever-sent-me-the-email-with-this-picture
(i forget who it was...)

*yeah* it did... i like the book we're reading for english!

meet three GQ bmoc candidates... i think they're *very* distracting!

David Gill

Ryan Tipton

Chris Czyz... the one you should vote for here

a bit much pumpkin pie and leftover turkey?

i heart little furry rodents, as long as they're cute and on a movie screen

loving the cartoon violence...

i wish i could make this one smaller so it would be less blurry. but joan this big is even more blatently dramatic than in my little 4-by-6 picture of her. it makes me smile.
