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February 2004

16 February 2005 1710

Oh god, I just logged in and went to the webshell and the fucking stack overflow thing popped up again. Yeah, remember that? The one that sent Holly to the promised land and the rest of us to Crazy? This better not be the start of something big, or I'll ... I'll ... I move to xanga.

Um, okay, I took two seconds to think about that and realized that it was completely an idle threat, and also, I don't want to have anything to do with a site that I cannot pronounce. And I like being able to roll my eyes and say "That's sooo livejournal" when people are ridiculously overdramatic, and though xanga is a different thing, I still feel that it's close enough that I would be pretty hypocritical. So I'll stick it out here, stack overflows and all. Whew. I'm so glad we've had this discussion.


And I've got those off my chest. If none of the cryptic "you"s referred to you, then obviously you should have some sort of hush-hush conversation with me, or be distant in a way that keeps me from flat-out talking to you, or perhaps just put me in a position where I want to say something really cutting but it's completely socially unacceptable .... and then you'll get one next time.

Got my ticket to UVa. Leaves in less than a month (but only less by a couple of hours.) This current Jefferson and Echols Scholar called me last night to talk about the honors college and lapsed into a conversation about National Selection Weekend, and I've never been more scared or more excited about anything in my life. Because even if I don't get it, after this trip I'll know for sure if UVa is the place that I want to be next year. I second guess myself on big decisions (okay, on all decisions), and I want to have no uncertainties about this one.

Also, sometimes the best thing to do is just to sit back and watch while things crash.

Today's program has been brought to you by the numbers 0 and 60% and by the letter B.

"You got in trouble with the government while you were waiting for me?"
"Just a little."
"How much is a little?"
"Learn Russian."

14 February 2005 1827

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody.

My day has been the perfect blend of self-destructive, selfless, and self-improving. The release, the making a difference, the satisfaction ... stir thrice counterclockwise and serve with a twist of lemon. Good day.

Ooh, my dinner date is here, I must to go. I love you all, even those of you who have sworn off this day. (Take that, K eiran)

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Ask a Tri-Delt and
For like five bucks she'll ... well, you know the rest.

13 February 2005 1052

An Ode to Breathing

It is so weird to me how often I simply forget that this is my senior year – my last year. I honestly didn’t realize that I would never return to the Hilton Hotel and Towers, in DuPont Circle, the largest gay neighborhood in DC, neighbor to Chipotle and That Trashy Bar, until about an hour before I left it for the last time. It’s been so neat every year to know that I have a trip to DC to look forward to in that horrible expanse of time between Christmas Break and Spring Break, and I’ve loved hanging out with the NAIMUN kids more than any of y’all will ever know. And this year was by far the best, with the International Criminal Court being the coolest assignment, ever. We had a case of genocide and a case of war crimes, and I got to be on the defense against the war crime charge and I WON. We had a midnight crisis! Who’s ever heard of a court with a midnight crisis?! I mean, the ICC has taken 1.5 years just to investigate its first cases, and we were supposed to try one in an hour and a half? But we did, with the assistance of pizza. The crisis was – are you ready for this? – a charge of genocide against C. Montgomery Burns for launching nuclear missiles and blowing up all the inhabitants of Sesame Street. Hehe, I got him off by proving that Smithers had drugged him with a date rape drug: Those who commit crimes while intoxicated against their will cannot be held responsible by the ICC. Thus, the cry of “Let’s get drunk and commit Genocide!!!” Also, I was wearing sweatpants and my suit jacket. Yeah, I’m hott. Also, the ICC made dias-approved trips to Rite-Aid to buy candy and went on a gavel-stealing expedition. Clearly better than your committee, no matter who you are.

Anyroo, I got to make friends with my committee this year, which was awesome. This girl Hoppy was quite possibly THE friendliest person I’ve met, ever, and together we intruded on dinner parties, poker games, and her parents’ evening together. And we went to the dance in sweats, while dragging Sameer along. Sameer, of course, was still in his perfect suit and tie from session THREE HOURS earlier. Ahh, Sameer. He’s like an Indian Ryan Lee – and he’s from Canadia! (Ryan Lee immediately says, “Oh? What part?” and the rest of us doubled up laughing.) He was so scandalized when we quizzed him (and his two friends who we’d just met) on boxers or briefs, and even more scandalized when one of his friends actually pulled his boxers up to show us. Adorable. Hehe, Sameer, if you’re reading this, haaaay!

So, taking the long walk down the terrace-level committee hallway made me realize how lucky I have been to have some place to return to every year, because it always throws into sharp relief how much I and my life have changed in the interim time. Those of you who have been with me the whole time, you know what I’m talking about. From the chaos of sophomore year, to the craziness of junior year, to the satisfaction of senior year. It puts it all into perspective, really. And I can remember the five days at NAIMUN so much more clearly than I can remember the other 360 days in the year, so anything I’m thinking or doing right then will stick around forever, thanks to them stress-induced flashbulb memories. It’s beautiful, and wonderful.

Then, as always, it’s back to school for the rest of everything. But honestly, this is the last weekend until somewhere in April that I’ll be home, and out of the 63 alleged school days, I think I have somewhere around 45 that I actually have to attend. Fast-forwarding begins … now. There’s some people I wish that I had gotten closer to, and some that I’m going to hold closer than ever until we’re gone, but I think that the ones that mean something will stick around. And please, if you feel like I’m slipping away, reach out and do something. I’ve been so busy this whole year that I’m afraid I have lost and will lose far too many of you. As always, thanks and kisses go to Ben, Holly, Joan, Keiran, Ashley, Cush, and Kbo for refusing to let me go, and at times fighting me to keep me around. (“We’re still fighting it.” ~ Ben Folds) These seven are just variations on a theme; I’ve been thanking them and assorted others all year, I know. But doesn’t it say something that they’ve been constant this whole time, and for a good deal longer than that?

Oh! Oh! Batboy! Joe was wonderfully grotesque, and Joan was just plain wonderful. And I. Want. The. Rabbit. Will someone steal me a rabbit baby (you know, since it went into labor onstage and all, I kinda feel close to them.), pleeease? I didn’t realize that it has some music as overpowering as ITW and Secret Garden, though I should have, since we listened to it v. loudly in Black Lightning all summer. Priceless moment: When eight of the most random animal costumes I’ve ever seen come onstage, and Joe and Shelley (who sounded awesome w/Joan) strip down to ivy leaves. Definitely scraping the bottom of the Party City barrel on that one, but it was the only thing all night (besides Holly and Orion) that made me laugh out loud. SO beautiful. And then there was shopping. Shopping shopping shopping shopping. I lurve shopping. Just thought I’d get that out there in the open. I’d totally be a trophy wife if that meant that all I had to do all day was go buy cute clothes and occasionally some atrociously expensive furniture. And for once, I’m actually going to finish all the shit that I was supposed to do this weekend, ON the weekend. I’m so proud. And I’m totally still playing that kickass melody line from “Comfort and Joy” in my head. Joan, that’s all you.

I have fun pictures to put up from NAIMUN and stories to tell about my awesome day in the capitol, but I forgot and now I'm out of time. I'll do it later. Thank you, come again.

Reading: Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage (my awesome psychology book!! Maybe I waited too long to start it, though.)
Listening to: Breakaway, Kelly Clarkson

”Giving me the moon and the stars would have disastrous consequences for our galaxy.”

1 February 2005 1756

Let Go ---

I want you all to read this, but listen, I'm resisting any temptation to say I Told You So. The reason this matters is buried near the end, in the fourth-to-last paragraph. Found it? That quote. That's important. This concept of martyr, the knowledge that the Koran doesn't dictate this violence ... that's it. He's got it, though I'm sorry that he had to go through this first. Wish there were more like them, more like him in America even, but for this moment, that's enough for me. Someone's got it.

Speaking of Getting It, get in touch with your European ancestors by learning allll the words to Dragostea Din Tei, "undoubtedly one of the greatest summerhits of 2004." (On that page, pick one of the first two links in the center.) It's infectious. I've heard that word used before, but this song has the most stick-in-your-head syllables since Mmmbop (oh yeah, I went there). I mean, YOU try to not love "Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei." You can't. Well, you can't after you've HEARD it. I imagine reading the words is tragically underwhelming. The translation from Romanian is horrific, because honestly, who cares about love under the lime trees? But even the band admits that while the lyrics are stupid, they're just in it for the beat. The band, by the way, is adorable. And the way they dance, and say "Picasso"? Yeah. So, seriously, Love. It.

McNair Finalist. Free weekend in South Carolina, a couple of days off school, and $32k if I want it. I love the USC campus - it's so friendly and pretty. I'm very excited. And I get to hang out with TRAVIS!!!! I NEVER get to see Travis, and now we get to chill in another state! And I need a vacation so bad.

I'm delving into my research. Love and sloppy open-mouthed kisses to all, or to those who want them (don't lie.).

You would kill for this
Just a little bit
Just a little bit
You would kill for this
(Sing like you think no one's listening)
