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December 2004

31 December 2004 1631

Okay, I've been refraining from bullet points but I can't any longer. I'm genetically predisposed. Thanks, Holly.

Best Christmas Ever

Best Year Yet Happy New Year's, y'all. Be safe, be happy. See you on the other side.

So Long, Astoria.

18 December 2004 0941

Hott: Senior Sweats and nailing a Yoakley test.

Hott-tastic: Celebrating Christmas break and the demise of the first half of my senior year IN TAHOE. AND SAN FRANCISCO.


That's right. This may look like conceit but that's just because ... it's well-earned and poorly-disguised conceit. Love, kisses and good luck to everyone, though, and congratulations to Kbo, who showed Duke how it's done.

It is indeed a very magical time of year, as evidenced by our Christmas tree. Dad wanted to buy an artificial one, but called us from Knoxville to tell us that they're too expensive and he'd buy one after Christmas. When we protested that we had to have SOMETHING to put an angel on, he went out to the back yard and cut a tree down. It's a v. Charlie Brown tree. I pouted, and to shut me up, they decorated the tree enTIRerly in Joy ornaments! I Love My Name.

Also, I'd like to tell y'all what Chris got me for Christmas. He got me a pair of orange UT gloves. For which I thanked him. No, really. Okay, everybody got slightly disgusted looks on their faces? Excellent. Moving on, he says, hehe, or maybe I got you something else, too, and pulls a bag from behind the seat. My ears perk up, if unobviously, and in THIS bag, I find some nice candy, a little stuffed raindeer ornament, a pretty candy cane. Still slightly disgruntled? He gives me a minute to sit there, and then giggles again and says my REAL present is in the trunk. And NOW he drops this massive bag on my lap that came up above my eye level and I find more assorted candy, this aMAZingly soft pillow, an adorable bear, a JOY ornament, a stocking, and the 8th season of Friends! And at this point, I'm sitting in the passenger's seat of his car simply drowning in wrapping paper, bags, bows and presents and I can't stop giggling. Then we had to get the whole mess inside my house, where I repeated the whole thing for my parents and then made Chris watch Friends until I'm sure he wished he'd never bought it. The whole thing couldn't have been sweeter. And yes, I'm going to wear the gloves. Thank you, darlin.

Thanks also to Jesse for a really sweet comment that made on the last entry. I'd link to it but I'm not that smart. Don't tell MIT. Owen's already threatening to tell them that I can't turn on a microscope. However, I feel that this is not relevant because I will Never be a bio major. So there. Don't tell them, though.

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Even Mrs. Yoakley gave us a present- a matching section on The Power and the Glory test! The quality of mercy does have the habit of showing up in the strangest places. But now, a Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night! (morning?)

Shoot! Win!
