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Hello All, I just thought I would let y'all know that Animal Crossing is addictive when you have certain key elements. That and I now have a computer of my own, if only the master disk could be removed so I could actually use it. Why must life be so complicate and if any of you mention Miss April Lavagine (for that is her real name) I will have to shoot you. No that is not a threat, put the phone down. ugh. I have most of my layout done for Anacin but of course now the scanner has to be all PMSy so I can futher delay my layout. The sad part is I have two other ones I'd like to do after this one in my head already. Boxes I tell ye, Mouse over Boxes! egad.

All broken links are fixed, don't bother going to Anacin it won't be ready in time, but to go to me pimpin' site because I love them and their horny trackers need some action. Oh and happy Hallows Eve.

Yes I know it's been a long time, but I do have work do to. Layout is complete for Anacin now for the content!....yeah it'll be done as soon as I can get my brain clear of all this crazyiness.

Like de graphics? Oui? yeah...there weren't very hard to was kinda half assed but that's because Yours Truly does not have PSP, let alone version 7. BUT, I've been working so very hard and might have enough money soon to buy it or my b-day IS comming up....hmmm well my reviews are all done I just have to upload them. I hurts with information overflood.

My website is finally running, now if only my image map would work....grrrr, well atleast the archieves are running. Though I will soon be moving to another server so there will not be any banners. The other server has the graphics for this site so,, shmeh and a moo to you too sir.

The links under the portal are now.....uh.....linked. Hopefully soon I will be able to get the graphics up for this site. Grrr, mes hates non-internetness.

Hey-Lo, Y'all! I will be adding more reads, i just found some new blogs. Nothing is really updated except for my journal. so yeah.

Egad. Everything is so wrong and so unclear. Artistically Pissed is getting a face lift and new indenity (Note to Idiots: new Layout and Name. Remember you're an idiot.). Sypder Webs is done except fot the banner which just needs to be cropped and uploaded. I redid my journal layout. I need my own computer. Grrr.

Anacin (Under Construct)

?>>Stuck in a Moment
Wearing } Cotton Purple T-shirt and Rub a dub dub....a sheep in a tub sleeping pants..
Watching } Rain hit the window as thunder and lighting rage outside
Listening } My father play the piano
Eating } Tofu Burgers
Drinking } Chocolate Soy Milk
Thinking } Of my great grandfather who died in the war.

?>> Mad Pimping
Vash's Room(Click on Vash's Room)

?>>The Cool People (who I don't happen to know)
Faith Hicks
Bill Mudron
Covielle a.k.a. Dylan Meconis
Mishmow a.k.a Vera

Incubus - Shade of Green
Swollen Members - New Details
Handel - Sinfonia Julius Caesar
Erika Badu - Love of my Life
AC/DC - Back in Black
The Ramones - Beat on the Brat

Demonology 101; The Webcomic

Email: or

?>>Eat me, Drink me, Alice? Queen of Hearts.
Name: Zepplin
Horoscope: Scorpio
Colour: Purple
Lucky Number: 44
Citizen: Canada
Food: Chinese, Japanese and Italien
Music: Metal, Punk, Ska, Reggae, Classical, R&B and Opera Metal
Movies: Way too many to count
Books: A Clockwork Orange, JRR Tolkien, Jane Austin, Xanith, Victor Hugo, Edgar Allen Poe, ect.