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Konnichi wa!
How are you today? Welcome to my little realm of insanity (literally)! Here you will find bunches o' nonsense along with buckets o' cheese! o_O Wait... wait... Scratch that! Hee hee... No cheese will be found here, sorry! (I know we all love cheese, but it's mine. MINE!) *Bounces*

ANYWAY! To the point of all this! ^_~ Ba badum ba! My name is Moony and I am a fantasy/video game/anime/manga FREAK! Whoo hoo! Go me... *Waves her little flag* I write, draw, drink, etc... o.O YEAH! Um... so here all ya'll go! Have fun in this little place of mine (currently called Blood Moon, but it's actually hell... don't be fooled... >.>).




Ahem... all things written or drawn by me are copyrighted and any stealing of the Moony's stuff will lead to condemnation and torment. ^_~ Thank you! Please enjoy your stay!

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