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Josh's Page of Interesting Stuff

Hey everybody...Just thought I would start up a little page so you can all get to know me a bit better...This will probably end up being a sort of online version of my lyrics book. I think my lyrics book is a great thing, it contains not just lyrics but many interesting, wild and wonderful things...It's sort of like a scrap book for my life. Seeing as not many people outside of my band get to see what's in there I thought I would share some of it with you...Be patient, and always come back here...I am always updating..."ETERNAL VIGILANCE"...

17/11 Wowzers! I haven't updated in a LONG time! I guess I've been really busy everyone, sorry. A lot of things have happened since I last updated but there's so much and so little time...ooh I know! I've added four more pics to the photos page! Go there and check them out!

27/7 - New journal entry added. Also some new quotes and drunk ramblings too.

21/7 - Shindig journal entry added!

Photos: Here are a couple photos for now. More to come.
About me:Everything you wanted to know about me...and more
Lyrics/Poems/Scribbles: An insight into my mind...maybe.
Singers: A list of some bludging lead singers
Quotes: Some quotes for your pleasure...
Random Lyrics: A collection of lyrics that have at one stage been stuck in my head...Check it out, they're good!
Drunk Ramblings: These should amuse...
Links: Guaranteed to cure boredom...
Journal: Thoughts and stuff that happens to me
Michael Lavers Memorial Page: My thoughts about the great man

Is That All...: Take a look at my band's site

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Yuoo ere-a zee Svedeesh Cheff!
Yuoo ere-a a guud cuuk, thuoogh yuoo cun't speek Ingleesh fery vell. Bork Bork Bork!
