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I currently feel - The current mood of at

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 peeps here :)


Wow my first journal entry imagine that. i dont really feel like boring everyone who reads this with telling you all about myself so i'll be adding a profile page really soon along with adding all of my new artwork. i'll probably add a guestbook and stuff too and some links to some cool quizzes! if you have any suggestions let me know :)


Well just got back from my soccer game we won 2 - 1 which is good considering we just came back after not practicing for 2 weeks. Yeah ive played soccer for 8 years damn thats a long time. Um i got my artwork up in the "visual" section. I also got the about me up. cheak it out and send me feedback!!


Wow Im really sore from the game last night and i was up till forever making graphics for a friends site. Good news tho!! I added more quizzes and a new poetry section! :) Ill be adding more graphics shortly..well..maybe i dunno bc i start school tomorrow. blah. Im glad the site is getting more hits now tho! :) :)


yeah its 1:00 and i definately just woke up lol. Got my report card yesterday. All Bs, 2 As and a C. not bad. As we speak i am currently suffering in the unimaginable pain of buring my gums off by wearing this teeth whitener shit. ahhhh i hate it. but it works so i cant complain. Oh yeah i saw just married yesterday. It was pretty good but then again I wasnt watchin the whole thing lol.


i really love that little imood thingy. anyone who doesnt have one for their web page should totally get one! they have like 10000000000 different moods its great. but yeah this week is gonna suck. English lit test tomorrow on King Lear and a Spanish and a Chemistry test thursday. blah. school seriously sucks like your mom lol.


you really know you have ADD when you have 2 HUGE tests tomorrow and sepnd your time taking a shit load of quizzes and putting em on your website. yup im a total genius *rolls eyes* yeah a total genius thats going to fail her tests tomorrow! but hey if youre reading this go enjoy all the new quizzes i added! lol


wow it feels like forever since i added a journal entry. ive been so preoccupied lately i guess. anyone who hant checked out that xbox game "Need for Speed: Hot pursuit 2" seriously needs too the game rocks so hard. Im in the school library right now and bored as fuck. im trying to add so new shit so just hold tight itll be along shortly.

ting more hits now tho! :) :)


wow its been a really long time since i last updated this page. sorry but my comp was messed up and i had to erase the whoooollllllle hardrive and restart. damn computer. anyways im going to be adding a new quotes section soon, like things that would make you say wtf!? if you reandomly walked in on someome saying that its all you heard. natalie and i have been recording em and theyre good. new pics soon hopefully since i lost all my old ones. i lost all my artwork too!!! thank god i saved it on here. oh yeah and i plan on putting up my oil paintings that ive finished thus far before i sell them:) ill try and keep anyone who reads this updated. bye.


WOOHHOOOO! my lazy mutha fuckin ass finally did some work! i updated the pics and about me page. wooohoooo! lol yeah its spring break and you know how it is. more people need to leave comments! blah!!! yeah kelly just spent the night 4 nights in a row lol andit was jason and i's 9 month anniversary on saturday. dont be surprised if you see another long ass journal rant soon! leave site suggestions! OH YEAH! before i forget! i added a game!!!! enjoy!


I'm thinking of adding a dolly section for all of the little dollies i make...i made two of myself, only because i couldnt decide which little slogan i like better to describe myself. Both work. check em out!


The Weather in Hell

. n a v i g a t e .

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