About the Author

James Mills, known as Jimmy or Jim to friends, resides in Australia and has done all his life. Born in 1983, he showed a remarkable interest in History at an early age and by the age of 12 was an avid history researcher. His prime interests in history have always been 19th century America, Medieval Scotland, France and England and ancient Egypt and Rome. From a young age James’s role models and heroes have always been famous figures from history...

Billy the Kid - Another one of James's Heroes

James’s personal heroes - Billy the Kid, William H. Bonney · William Wallace · Crazy Horse · Joan of Arc · Hannibal Barca · Jim Morrison . John Forbes Nash . Geronimo . Sitting Bull

Jim Morrison - James's favourite Musician

Quick facts about James · He is planning to be a historian/author · His favourite music band is 'The Doors', he is a HUGE fan of Jim Morrison · His favourite Movies are 'The Doors', 'A Beautiful Mind', 'Braveheart', 'Young Guns', 'Good Will Hunting', 'A Perfect World', the 'Star Wars' movies and realistic westerns such as 'Unforgiven', 'Streets of Laredo' and 'Lonesome Dove' · His favourite actor is Val Kilmer. He also likes Dustin Hoffman, Sean Penn and Robert De Niro· His favourite Actress is Susan Sarandon. He also likes Jodie Foster, Leelee Sobieski and Michelle Phiefer · His favourite pass times are Historical research, reading, playing poker, and watching a good movie · James is a huge lover of animals, he owns two British Bulldogs, a Fox Terrier and a cat. James is also an avid horse rider.