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Welcøme †ø †he øfficâl §ite øf Våmperøticå

I would be crying tears of laughter,If I could see me smile again..I still reach for the stars, but all I touch is my horizon,I still believe my eyes, but all I see is my blindness..I still reach for the stars, but all I touch is my horizon,I still believe my ears, but all I hear is lasting silence..Like a disciple of a witness,I judge upon my sacred eye,Still found the origin,In what's left of me inside ..Can I call this my burden or is this just my dream to fly ? Weaker, weaker every day,I forgot my urge to fly away...

And is my life as bare as it is ? Cold and lonely enough ? Have you achieved what you were longing for ? Sad enough this cannot be undone..I drop my eyes and shiver as I see,The reflection in the mirror of me..Have you given up, my friend ? Forgiveness be mine!...

♣ àRt !!!

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♣ Wànná knøw 'Bøut MÈ?¿

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Grant me sight so I can see
That which lies ahead of me
Cursed be my mortal eyes
For dying in the realm of death

Hear my call...

I return to the soaring cliffs
They truly shine of strength
Even though, I nothing learned
With strength I burn...