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The Apprentices of the Gunslingers are the ones whom hold the same ranking system as the Clansmen of a regular clan. (50 HP's)

The Gunslingers of the Second and First Khef's are the ones whom would be in the same ranking system as those Heirarchy Members of a regular clan. (60 HP's)

The Gunslingers of the Fourth and Third Khef's are the ones who would be in the same ranking system as the Head Hierarchy of a regular clan. (70 HP's)

The Gunslingers of the Sixth Khef and Fifth Khef's are ones whom are in the same ranking as the offsprings in a regular clan.(80 HP's)

Gunslinger of the Seventh Khef is the second in comand, in the Tyrant ranking system they would be considered the High Council of the Gunslingers. If there are no G8's, then the two or three G7's whom have been around the longest and have the most experience are the temp leaders.(90 HP's)

Gunslinger of the Eighth Khef is the highest that a Gunslinger can achieve. There can only be 2 of these, a male and a female. Their title would then be Lord and Lady of the Guns. If there are both a Lord and a Lady of the Guns and another Gunslinger wants to challenge the 8th khef one of the same sex for their spot, they may do so. The only way someone, then may take the Lord or Ladies spot is if the Gunslingers give their blessing, then at which time a duel would take place. This rank, of course would be the leaders of the Gunslingers.(100 HP's)