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Vocals: Andy Moore
Guitar/vocals: Steve Prager
Bass Guitar: Will Myers
Drums: Jack Gregory
Jens and Steve were at Jens'(former member) house one day, and were listening to music. Jens and Steve started talking about a band and thought about different instruments. Steve was on lead guitar for sure, but Jens was singing. He later decided that playing the bass line on the sax was easier than getting a bass guitar. Steve and Jens decided to change Jens to lead vocals then. Jack joined and Everett joined but Jens sucked at singing. He changed to "bass guitar" but couldn't get a hold of a bass, not a problem at all. He was always a jackass so Steve wanted him out. Jack told him to not kick him out yet. By this time they had gone through many members. Everett was gone and Eric joined. Steve started thinking about another guitarist, but he couldn't decide whether to ask Jake Bolling to join or Pete Williams. Now Jens and the band "parted ways." Steve decided to ask Pete to join on guitar, and the band was complete "again." Now Steve on lead guitar and vocals, Eric on bass guitar and vocals, Pete on rhythm guitar and vocals, and Jack on drums, the band was going to play at Westock. Eric left and Will joined. After awhile Pete was out and Eric was in. Again. They kicked Eric out once and for all, and hired Andy. Steve started trying to get Reade Shay in as lead singer. Oh but God forbid that happen. Andy and Will got into a fight and Andy quit. They didnt make Westock and Pete sang for them at the barbaque afterwards (he was a temp. singer). The band went on hold for awhile but returned better than ever. They had Will and Steve the whole time, but Ajay Dandavanti on drums, kicked him out and got Joe Shaner to sing. They kicked him out after awhile. Then they kicked Josh Shapiro, who had joined on drums, out because they were "sick" of him. They got Jack to drum again. During this time they discovered a band named Absolute Zero so they name became Enigma. Steve said that name sucked and they changed the name numerous times to Chaos Theory. The band sucked and Steve stopped caring.
