
Note: These are the links I had bookmarked when I made the list. They are the ones I frequent most often and the links to my friends. I may be biased by content or webmaster/mistress. Deal with it.

Buffy fanfiction links:

All About Spike
Fanfiction that explores Spike's ambiguities. Very nice, large collection of *good* fic. Everything is well written. Laura's choosey, and we are all VERY grateful.

Annie's fic. Read. Unless you don't like amazing writing, in which case I direct you away from there and over to ff.net.

Buffy Fiction Archive
Large archive of mostly great to medium quality fic. Great search features. Did I say it was large? Over 2000 files. At least that's what it said when I clicked 'all stories' this morning.

Buffy/Spike Central
Some fics. Some good, some not so. 307 stories, no longer taking submissions.

Portal to all of Kate's sites. Of which there are many. The ones I use the most are: BtVS Writers' Guild, Girls Dormitory (HP femslash archive), The Pearl (Kate's fic), and Silverlake (multifandom, multiauthor ... thing)

Band of Buggered
This is the first fanfiction site I ever found, and I'm emotionally attached. Val isn't accepting fic submissions anymore and she's taken a lot of other people's fic down (or will in the near future, because of space issues), but Val's most excellent fics are still there (and one of mine ~_o) and ... well, my link section refused to part with the blue Spike. Oh! And Val's vids.

Bloody Poetry Productions
Nos's site. Fic and vids.

Spike's Guilty Pleasures aka RWP's site Fanfic by Ripe Wicked Plum. I happen to love Castaway. I seriously wonder if it will ever be complete, though.

amusing little site
I don't know these people. But I must have it in my bookmarks for a reason. There's a lot of fic. Check out Miranda and Sally's 9 Lives and Miranda's Quiet as a Mouse.

Anna's Stories and So Forth
Fic by Anna S. She's my favorite. Seriously. Her writing makes me weep. I don't read fic in all the fandoms she writes in, but sometimes I look at her other fic just to read it because it's SO damn beautiful. She's known for her Buffy Season Noir series, and for her amazing Sidelines stories. I'm partial to Throwing Shapes and Subtleties, myself.

Better Buffy Fiction Archive
Archive for the BBF list. Quality fanfiction. When I discovered this archive, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. This was back when I first got into fic, and when I discovered 'better' fic, I became obsessed. Seriously, painfully obsessed.

Chez Gwyn: La Maison Fanfic
Fic by Gwyneth Rhys. I love her THIIIIIIIIIIIIS much. I only wish she'd write slash in this fandom. (*whine*) But her Spike/Buffy fics are great. Really, really great. My favorite is Somniloquy.

Chiaroscuro -- fanfiction by Miss Murchison
Miss M is wonderful and marvelous. I love her. She is amazing and funny and sweet. She writes stuff. Spuffy stuff. Spoyce stuff. Spilah stuff. Go, read her Spoyce.

Dancing Lessons
Dancing Lessons>> fic extras
I've never read all of Dancing Lessons, because I'm a freak. But I've damn well read everything else that the marveous Cousin Jean has written, because she's amazingly talented. Go read Future Imperfect and Perfect World. Now. Please. Thank you.

Fanfiction by KJ Draft
Um, just what it says. Read. Marvel. She's great.

The Crypt
Spike fic. Lots.

Sabershadowkat's Home Page
Fic. I only care about the HP and BtVS fic, but she's got other fandoms and original fic there, too.

Forbidden Love: Kantayra's Fic
Double Spiked. Need I say more?

London Calling
Fic by Magpie, Lesley, and Lori. Home of my favorite series ever ever ever written, at least it is everytime I reread it, The Giles and Spike Collection. And there's other stuff there too. :)

Mr. Monkeybottoms's Diary
Um, not really a diary. But fic! And vids! And all around wonderful monkey business.

Naughty Bits
Nautibitz's fanfic. Hot. And hawt. And wonderful, witty dialogue (it's not ALL porn!) and just all around great reads.

Nothing Like the Sun
Fic and stuff. Small quality archive of Spuffiness.

Peasant's Plot
Fanged Four fic. Very well written and intelligent.

Portal. Sorta. That's what I use it for, anyway, to get to other places. Places with Angel. Places with Spike. Places with blood and smut. Places arranged for your viewing/reading pleasure by Kita and Jess. Hosted places with other pleasing things.

Spuffy Archives
All AU, all the time. Everyone-is-human-there-are-no-vamps-or-slayers Buffy/Spike (or you know, Elizabeth/William) fics.

The Blood Remembers
Some fics. And ... links. Or something. Buffy/Spike mostly.

The Bloody Awful Sandlot
Archive for the Gutter and Spike's Salvation. Many many fics. Mostly S/B, but Spike everyone else, too.

Troll Princess's fic
Um, yeah. Fic. By Troll Princess.

Bugger This
Fic by Herself. Among others. *sigh* Okay, fine, a lot of WONDERFUL others.

Death Marked Love
Fic by Hils! And others.

Willing Slave
Fic by jodyorjen. One day she'll finish Rapunzel, I'm sure of it.

Eternal Rendezvous
Fic by Jypzrose. She's the only person I know who writes my OT3. My *other* OT3.

Missives From the Hellmouth
Fic by Caro. (spikewriter)

Fic by Lazuli. Repossession is here. Nuff said.

Love's Last Glimpse
Fic by Eurydice. S/B.

Fic by saraslash, and recs. I've had this bookmarked for months before I knew who she was. She's delightful.

Archives of Nymue
The Christabel Chronicles are here.

Twilight Time
Huh. I just found out that it's complete! I cannot stop to read now. I cannot, I cannot. I read up to ch 25, and then there were no updates! I thought it would be stalled forever! But it's complete! *does the completed fic dance*

Fanfiction by Deadsoul
Sunday Girl!!! :)

Moist and Delicious
The archive for the nummy treats S/X list.

Pointy Stakes
Mad Poetess's fics.

Dead and Kicking
Fic by Estepheia.

Eternally Yours
S/X fic.

Candy Store Awards
Character themed slash awards. Good place to pick up recs.

Hidden Desires
S/X fic archive.

My Immortal Beloved
Slash archive.

Kingdom of Slash
Slash archive, multifandom.

The Tempest
Zyre's fics. And other stuff. And yet more stuff. All cool and wonderful.

Buffy & Spike Diaries
Big Spuffy archive.

BtVS Slash
Slash archive for the BtVS slash list.

eterniata*eros [unbound]
More fic! Damn, I've got a lot of archives in my bookmarks.

MPreg Archive
If you ask me why I have an MPreg Archive in bookmarks, I will punch you. If you ask me why I have it linked here, I will either ignore your question, deny that it is here, or say it's a big joke. Joke! See? Joke.

Rain on Dust
Fic by Rabid1st.

Gloss's fics
Slash fiction by Glossolalia. The girl makes me *weep*.

Wisteria/Alanna's fanfiction. Gorgeous.

Gwen's fics. And vids. And some other stuff.

Demon Magnet
A relatively new Xander-centric site. I wait patiently for it to fill.

Saturn Girl's fics
Small. Nice.

Slash Slut's Links
Multi-multi fandom slash links.

Gila's Cave
Fanfiction by James Walkswithwind. Different fandoms. Writing that will pick you up, throw you down, and kick your ass. Or maybe not. But it's great. Is what I meant. Shut up, I'm only a little insane.

Subtle Salvation
Fanfiction by LadyCat! Home of Hunt Brother. A favorite of mine. Which is a WIP. Have I mentioned how much I dislike WIPs?

The Brat Queen
Home of the Epiphany Series, yo.

Wesleyan Aria
Wes centric fic.

Femslash archive. Multifandom.

Xander Xtreme
Sub/Dom fics with Xander in either role. Might be a little bit of a kink for me. Shh, don't tell.

Words Left Unsaid
Circe's fics.

Buffy Vid Type Links:


Band of Buggered
I already mentioned Val for fic, but I thought I'd mention her again for her vids. Promise was the first vid I ever downloaded. I sat back and said, 'Wow. People make music videos to Buffy!!'

Myrtle & Eunice Productions
One day, I'll actually meet Myrtle online. I don't think I've ever even spoken to her in chat or anything. I'm sure she's a lovely person. I'm pretty much in love with Eunice, however, so ... whatever. Vids? Yeah. They've got some. *snerk* Okay, okay. Bloody excellent vids is what they've got. My favorite is still Fata Obstant. Or maybe Fragile. And I've only seen about one Farscape ep ever in my life, but you should download Wanted, just to marvel at the excellence of a well made vid.

Head Tilt Headquarters
Vids. And stuff. (They took down my favorite vid. *sigh* But that's okay. I still have it on my hard drive! I will watch it and caress it! Restless! Whee!) Favorite vids include -- Last Stand in Open Country, (which is not up either, probably adding a watermark or something) Closer, and Cowboy (!!!!!)

Technically Astonishing
Jainie's vids. Mostly Spike/Buffy. She's got other vids, too, but I'm linking to the Buffy page since this is a Buffycentric site.

Buffyverse Music Video Database
"A searchable compendium of information about and links to online music videos based on the shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel." Go and marvel at the amount of vids to pop music! Kidding. A little. There are some great vids in there, and if you want to see if your favorite some has a vid to it. If your favorite song is 'Bring Me to Life' or '#1 Crush', I can guarantee it.

Eye Candy Vid Works
Lum's vids are here. I don't need to say anything else except ... Evil Angel. Download. Weep at the brilliance.

Mr. Monkeybottoms's Diary
She's got vids. Fic too. But vids are cool. And the summaries of the vids and the fic and stuff is cool too. Cooler than cool. She rocks my socks off and out of the atmosphere. You're a Nummy Treat
Wendy's vids. She hosts others as well. Sleepwalker is a wonderful Buffy/Xander vid.

Videos by Redqueen

That are cool. They all kick all KINDS of ass. I mean it. All KINDS.

Video Elite
You can find recs and links to many vid sites, many fandoms. Very cool.

Paper Cup
Videos by Here's Luck. Writing Notes is my favorite Will/Tara vid ever.

Other useful Buffy links:

Buffyverse Dialogue Database
I couldn't live without this site. Quotes, from Buffy and NOW she's adding ANGEL ep quotes as well! And that makes me a very, very happy girl.

Sonja Marie's Buffy Link Search Engine
I don't use this as much as I used to, but sometimes you just have to find something. It's useful.

WeBoB forums
Best. Forums. Ever. I love everyone. I love them allllllllll. But especially Val and DP and Sisabet.

Portal to Buffy Cross and Stake and An Angel's Soul.

Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies
There's some serious ass shit here.

BTVS-Tabula Rasa
Redemptiony site.

Bloody Awful Poet Society
Site for the BAPS mailing list. Essays, links, fic, and stuff. Redemptiony stuff.

Buffy vs. Angel
Lots of stuff, but I use the transcripts the most.

Romance on BtVS
Stuff. Includes multimedia.

Boils and Blinding Torment
There is some serious funny shit here. Look around. Spew warning.

Buffy News
Spoilers, articles, eps.

Fandom Wank
"Self-aggrandizing posturing. Fannish absurdities. Circular ego-stroking. Endless flamewars. Pseudointellectual definitions."

I Dream of Buffy forums
Just because. I mean, I dream about Buffy all the time. And everyone who is ON Buffy. Only, they're usually on ME in the dream ... *g*

Nicholas Brendon: the devotion
Because some of us are obsessed. Just a bit. A tad.

A Buffy Screencap Site

Just Imagine
Screencaps, seasons 6 & 7.

Screencaps by Alanna
Best caps anywhere. I'm patiently waiting for her to do the early seasons.

No Cookie For You
Bad Buffy fic. Find it. Mock it. It's quite fun. Sometimes, it's mean. Most of the time, it's just hilarious.

Like TWOP, only nice. :)

The Best Little Page Ever
That's not it's official name. It's just a page on TBQ's site. I love it though. Therefore, it gets its own link. Nah nah.

Harry Potter Links:

Potter Slash Archive
(still under construction/revamping)

Damn. DAMN this is a huge site. Fic, art, boards, and LOTS of ... just a HUGE amount. I cannot fathom the kind of devotion it would require to be able to handle a site this size with this kind of traffic.

Ink Stained Fingers
A slash archive

Ivy Blosson's fic
Password protected, as many adult content HP sites are now. Not hard to get passwords though, of course. Truly amazing fic.

Pur Magnetism
A Harry/Draco archive.

Restricted Section.org
NC-17 fic.

Slash Slut's Links
Multi-multi fandom slash links.

Archive, all ratings.

Switchknife's Slash Recs
Quality, quality, quality. I seriously visit this page almost every day. Great collection.

Walking the Plank
Snarry archive!!

The Sugar Quill
Fics and forums and so on and so forth.

Other links that are NOT fandom related! Oooh! :

Because I need to stay in touch with whatever is ... um ... cool. Or hot. Or something. Mostly I look and see what's popular or recommended, download it, and figure out if I like it or not.

Okay, it's not *specifically* fandom related. ;)

Clothes. And stuff.

Tagboard Message Boards
Free tagboard service.

The Literature Network
Some classic online books and quotes and junk.

Web Book Publications
More online book shit.

Spirituality, prayer, meditation, information on religions and different ways of thinking.

And yet MORE online books!

And now you too can play 20 questions at home with a computer! Try to stump it! Come on, it's fun! And not a little addicting.

Writers' Cheat Sheets
Need a plot? Need tension? A foil? A reason for two characters to get together? This is the page for you.

Books and quotes and stuff. Again. Because I'm freaky like that.

Cleaning inspiration! It takes a lot to get me inspired, though.

News, politics, issues that actually matter. Very cool site.

Lush Brushes
PSP7 brushes.

suspira.biz design
PSP7 brushes.

dali designs
Still more PSP7 brushes!

Punkie's Essay
The English to 12 yo AOLer translater!

Online spellchecker, plus word counter. This is very helpful to me, since I use WordPad.

Photoshop challenges. Eunice tried desperately to get me to do it, but I knew I'd get hooked, and therefore stayed away. However, one day I'm sure I'll do it, and then no one will hear from me for about four months.

Brush search engine! And stuff. :)

Using and Making Custom Brushes
A tutorial. I haven't done it yet, but it's there for when I'm ready to learn.

Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Hypertext edition. Very cool.