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Don't Panic
Regan's Journal

Aug 31, 2000 5:47 PM

For the record, Anastasia is my own personal Jesus. (no, I kid ^^) She had the fabulous idea of buying the textbooks from the bookstore, then buying them online, but returning them within the 14 day deadline. WAHA!

Aug 31, 2000 4:38 PM

Holy Zarquon's singing fish, books are freaking expensive!! (Yes, I did just say that. Go stick your head in a pig.) $150 for a Japanese and a Computer Programming book! Bleh! I'm trying to find them online; problem is I'll only save $30 or so and get them later. Meh. I'm thinking about starting a massive website for Tufts students to sell and look up their used books on... Dan agrees too. Gotta figure out the code now and a good way to advertise.

Also got into the Drama II class, which is rather cool. I went a bit more than halfway through the auditions, and the woman actually said she'd gotten further with me than any of the other students... which is a bit hard to believe, concidering I've never been in any professional productions or anything. Wark.

Aug 30, 2000 10:34 PM

Today kind of sucked. First off, I wish I knew more people here; Anastasia's very sociable and already has found a group to be with. It doesn't really work too well when I hang out with them though for some reason (through no fault of theirs). It's sort of like casual aquantances. The only other people I've really met are Brian, Mike, and Amy, but they live way the hell down on the other side of the hill. Dan's rather fun to talk to (like Carrie in a guy's body, I swear. The queen of cynicism has met the king.), and I actually had a rather long conversation with him at 3 in the morning yesterday. Of course, it was right after I was woken up and hour earier, not to mention without my contacts (XP), but fun nonetheless. Wish I had more to do than sit in my dorm room all day though.

Aug 30, 2000 5:00 PM

Decided once and for all to design myself a blog layout. And I've already got a Hamlet design, a HP design, and a JtHM design, so I figured I should turn that wacky Hitchhiker fanart of mine into one. ^^ Not too bad.


  Name: Regan
  Nicknames: The Dragoness, Reg Reg, Cupcake
  Age: 18
  Birthday: Dec 24
  Hair: Black
  Eyes: Turquoise
  Location: Medford, MA
  Campas: Tufts Univ


  Books: Les Miserables, Hitchhiker's Guide, HP, Foundation
  Movies: Hamlet
  Anime: Utena, Tenchi Muyo
  Characters: Hamlet, Helga, Washu, Subaru
  Actors: Kenneth Branagh, Tom Cruise
  Pairings: R/S, T/Q
  Food: Chinese
  Caffene: Coke

  Working on

  My Voice Acting
  My Studio
  My fanfics
  My fanart
  My webpages

