There may be, from time to time, some appropriate profanity and tasteful nudity within this site. If you are under 18 .....blah,blah,blah


It is me

A picture of me. I have a habit of keeping a certain amount of anonymity. Does this make me more interesting? I will have to go and check to see if I care, and will get back to you on it.

A Desk

This is where I get the majority of my work done. So, we will refer to this as the GooGoo Desk.


This is the very first PC I built. It replaced a PC I bought back in the 1900's(and was the shit back then:PIII 500mhz, Low end Intel board, IBM 13.5 Gb HD, Nvidia Riva TNT, you get it). Got a little more up to date and had fun putting it together(PIV 2.4Ghz,Soyo P4X400 Dragon Board, 30Gb Maxtor HD[fast little fucker],64Mb DDR Nvidia GForce 440mx 8x AGP, with some DDR333 mem). Operating on a limited budget, I didn't do too bad.

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