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Welcome to the Ghetto Flyer Movies

Welcome to the homepage of the "Ghetto Flyer". Just click on the link to see the video it's linked to.
20 MPHThis is a jump ay 20 MPH
25 MPHThis is a jump at 25 MPH
30 MPHThis is a jump at 30 MPH
34 MPHThis is a jump at 34 MPH
FireThis is a night shot of the Ghetto Flyer. All this shows is the bursts of fire that come out the bottom. Night vision is on which gives it the green look.
Night Jump This is a night jump. We don't really know what the speed was since it was dark and there is no light on the gauges. It's also kinda blurry but you get the ieda
Walk-a-roundThis is a general walk around of the Ghetto Flyer. Notice the new racing stripes!
Cooking the drivewayWe went up against the basketball net and just for fun, smoked the tires.
Burning rubberJust burning a little tread off the tires.