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September 21, 2002
ok so yesterday (friday) was a pretty hectic day... krystle, jim, brooke, jason and i stayed after to go to the dance and then the football game. so we walked with jason up to lumpy and goomers where he works and got flurries!! yummm... then we waited for jason to get out of work. when he got out he went home to change then we were to meet him up at the park then we would walk to the dance. he met us and we walked to the dance but you know our school has to be cool and lose power so there was no dance, so we went back to the park and waited for the football gaem to start. so we walked up there adn jason went to the highschool for band and we went to the field and krystle and david went to the jr. high and we lost them. so brookes mom finds me and her and makes us go home cuz there was a tornado warning but you know i really didt care if i got blown away. (lol) but then we couldnt fond ne body and i havent seen or talked to jason since :((((( im verrrry sad :( but i'll find his # and i'll call him. i miss him, but ne ways saturday my parents and my brother and his friend and me and brooke went to the fall fest thingy and chris and his friend and me and brooke rode the tilt-o-whirl (MY FAVORITE RIDE) for like ten mintues. then i went home cuz i had to babysit so i made money yeah!! but now im here and nothing is goin on and i miss my boyfriend:(( but im ok... and i'll be leavin now... lataz

Fox Gurl scared you away at 9:15pm

The Loved

9-17 Go to the park
9-20 Dance and football game
9-27 Homecoming

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Krystle who found this layout
Jun for helping make the layout
and Misgivings for making the layout to!

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