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On the other side of midnight!

7' tall, 260 lbs raw muscles. Long raven black hair,
mustache and goatee. Fangs and skin like a dark sunburn,
retractable claws and eyes of fire.
His body clad in leather and a sharp axe fastened to his belt.

He was cast from down below, where the core of the earth was molten.
He was different from them and not wanted. That was fine by him.
He just wanted to be by himself. All he cared for was himself.

When he came from the depth beneath Nocturnium, he had been expected.
He was ready to fight, but they were not hostile, so instead of battle them,
he learned their language and stayed. He still was there, long time not seen,
but not forgotten.

When the Ancient Ones summonded him forth, he knew it was to claim a
favor and although it was not his fight, he would stand the ground
for them who had welcomed him.
He was was outcast from those of the same kin.
And he became part of a new world, he would defend with his life!

Humans called him 'demon', even though he was mortal.
The Ancient Ones named him 'the other side of midnight'.
His name was