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An assortment of magical items lay in the sands...which one do you choose?

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You touch the Magical Skull...and you are instantly almost blinded by an excruciating pain. The pain starts in your fingertips, then writhes its way up your spine, until finally it reaches your head...then, suddenly...darkness. When you wake up (you were only unconcious, you didn't die!), you are in hell, or so you think. It takes you a while to comprehend, but after a while you finally realize you are in Firagnis, where the Kions are hiding! Oh no!

The Winged Horseman

The Winged Horseman is a very powerful foe indeed. With his long spear and deadly accuracy he is very difficult to beat. It doesn't exactly help that he stole his horse from Medusa, one look from this deadly creature and you'll instantly transform into a stone statue.

The Silent God of the Aztecs

Mysterious and dangerous are the only two words that fit this demon. He is the Silent God of the Aztecs. He came from our world to wreak havoc on this perfect planet, and found Juvin the perfect leader in their terrible reign. Now that she is gone, they work on their own, determined to obtain the power of Blue Waters of Pluto.

The Almighty Zen

The Almighty Zen has the most useful ability to link minds with his opponent. Thus enabling him to find your greatest weakness, your worst fears, and pretty much everything about you. Can you even imagine how scary it is to have your worst enemy know everything about you? Just ask the Healing Fairy, he killed her using this and out of her Aortia arose.

A Dragon Transformable

A Dragon Transformable is only a Transformable in the shape of a Dragon. Sometimes he'll be able to sneak in as one of our own, un-noticed, and just when nobody's suspecting he'll take out a surprise attack. This method works all too well, because Transformers imitate everything about the Dragon, not just the appearance. They also start walking and growling like one too.

The Dark Stalker

The Dark Stalker is indeed a frightening beast. He used to cause hell in our world, too. Remember in Harry Potter how Lord Voldemort sent up the Dark Mark after his kills? You see what's behind this creature? This very creature was mistaken as You-Know-Who in our world. I hate to say but I think Miss Rowling is currently in prizon for revealing the Wizarding World to us Muggles. She was only trying to warn us.

The Great Transformable as Lord Neptune

The Great Transformable in the form of Lord Neptune. He is very near figuring out how to contain the powers of Blue Waters of Pluto. So far he can control the water, but not the Great Power within. He must be stopped quickly or else he will figure it out, and Blue Waters will be no more.

Sentie the Soul Sucker

Sentie the Soul Sucker. I think the name pretty much gives it away for this one. She is one of the worst Kions to run into. Imagine you walk down a dark valley near Firagnis (they like to hang around in the mountains near the cave as well), and this terrible thing runs up to you, shreiking like a banshee, grabs your head and sucks your soul out of your forehead. The next thing you know you're in the Other World, and suddenly nothing matters anyway.

The Mole Twins

The Mole Twins are actually quite effective in their killing methods. They dig a huge tunnel right under you with incredible speed, then the tunnel caves in along with you, leaving you suddenly face to face with the Twins, who will then begin to do their worst with their picks. They have also been nicknamed the Dentists From Hell.

The Tearing Acrobat

The Tearing Acrobat is quite a sight to see, soaring through the night sky you might want to gaze in wonder...then as you are in a dumbfounded state he grabs his opportunity and your back, tearing away as viciously as you can imagine, thus the name.

The Fire Demon

The Fire Demon is like a living flamethrower with psychic powers. Frightening, eh? This is one of the ones Juni accidentally created when she was oned by Juvin (she was under Juvin's trance so we can't exactly blame her).

The Deceased Cowboy

The Deceased Cowboy. Imagine Clint Eastwood died and came back with a terrible vengeance and this is what you would get. The only problem is no one can figure out how to kill him, since he is already dead.

The Greusome Gargoyle

The Greusome Gargoyle doesn't move much at all. To kill you, he simply looks at you. You don't even have to see him to get petrified! A terrible creature indeed, he too was created by Juni.


This is Death. He doesn't actually kill anyone, he just sends souls to the Other World. He won't send any of our souls though, he'd rather leave them here to torment us eternally or send us to Bingwinjo. Oh, and if you're dead and living peacefully in the Other World, he might just want to send you to Bingwinjo so he can put you in a near Hell.

The Grim Grinner

The Grim Grinner kills you in one touch, unless you're a Fairy or a Unicorn, then you very nearly die, but not quite.

Morlin-First Form

Morlin in his first form. Connects with your inner being, then breaks it. The most powerful psychic power of the Kions belongs to Morlin, most of them can only read your thoughts or connect with you mind, but Morlin takes control of your own body.

Morlin-Second Form

Morlin's second form. He still has all the same powers but in this form a little girl would actually want to jump up on his lap and get a terrible surprise.

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