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Jan 28th 7:59

Well IM going to stop using this I made A live journal cause its easier.
Well it should be an easier link to remember for those of you with bad memorise.. Yea britt. You.

Jan 27th 11:17 pm

Wow I think I just saved someones life. I feel kinda wierd. And exausted for fighting for this persons life. Fucking A. You knw what pisses me off. Arg Dude. Sure I think life is the most horrible thing to ever happen to me. But killing yourself is not the fucking answer. I swear. Theres no better way to prve to everyone and YOURSELF that you are nothing but a pathetic loser. Im totally against killing yourself. For all of you who think IM SUICIDAL THERE! So anyway. I pisses me off when people talk about killing themselves. So my "friend" comes online. His name is something about telling someone else to kill him. So jokingly i volunteered. Soon i found him to be dead serious so we got into what it is that makes his life so woerthless and how I would not kill him because he did nothing to wrong me. Right so he decides he is capable of doing it himself. That pissed me off. So we got into life and how you need to not live for others but for yourself. Seriously i was like lecturing him. I thought i was only pissing him off worse. And i know this person had lethal weapons... a gun and multiple knives. Well he ddint answer me for the longest. SO i called him a pathetic waste of my fucking time. And left it be. and hour later he answered me. His exact words " Thank you" and a little person giving a hug... His name had been changed to "I have much more to live for" Sop i freaked out and asked him what he was thanking me for. Why? Because i listened and argued for his life. I dont know whats wrong with me. Dont ask. I never want to speak of this moment again. It is just valuble to me and deserves a place in my daily life. But fuck. Now IM exausted. I swear i put my heart and soul into that conversation.
I also realized today that normal things in life have ceased to bother me. Things that are supposed to matter no longer do... things that normal people would over look are now the most valuble things to me. The only thing i really care about is my ... uh well kinda my body.. Because its mine and i have control over it and no one else does. Fuck everything else. I mean it. It all doesnt matter, friends, money, respect. I dont need respect. no one really does, They are all drawn into this shit believeing everything they hear. Cringing at every blow to their self concept. Worrying about the opinions of others.
Today I feel I reached a higher level of... life... this is REAL life, you dont really notice it untill you have gotten there. I feel wierd... like I'm not myself, I cant explain it.


Jan 26th 10:30 pm

WOAH DUDE! Its been a long time! HAHAHAHAHA I dont know I havn't been online too much lately... My dad freakes out when im online. My computer is still broken... Errrrrr. Yea Fuck it needs to be fixed. Well Alot of crap has ahppened since the last time i wrote. But Uhhhh I can't rememebr most of it. IM still playing my guitar.. Still suck at it. Fuck... I donno I don't live a very interesting life. Yea 1st semester is over. FUCK... I swear im afraid of my report card... but i can't get it untill I pay my parking ticket. Yea I got a fucking 10 dollar parking ticket at the school for parking up behind d-wing. Fuck them dude Fuck them! HAHAHAHAHHAHA... no really thats a waste of 10 bucks. I dropped my ROTC class... starting tomorrow i get to go home after 5th period. Yea mymoms pissed though. DAM that means im gonna be spending a HELLA lot of money on gas now. Cause ill be driving every day. Fuck man Fuck. Ill never move out of this house! Ill be stuck to live with family FOREVER!!!!!!! Lets see what else. Yea I cant live with friends. They all suck. Oh yea. I have now confined myself to lonesomeness at school. I stopped hanging out with my friends cause i hate them all. YES I HATE YOU ALL! All you freaks I hang out with! You are not true friends! You are a waste of my time! I hope I Never have to talk to the lot of you as long as i LIVE! So yes.... Now I usually walk around alone, or ill go in the library and use their computeres some time. I dont care what other people think of me. By like the 10th time I walk past them theyll get over it. Fuck them if they think im some kind of loner freak... Who gives a shit. It doesnt make a major impact on my life. Im going to be worthless anyway. What can I accomplish woth my life? Nothing really. I dont try hard enough. And even if i do I cant accomplish anything. Its always 2 feet away. Fuck I better stop typing now or this will be alot.

Jan 16th 9:05 pm

Dam i havnt written in the longest. Yea man.. SO my week of Detox is over today. Yea you know what i had for dinner... Pizza! HAHA it was so fucking good you don;t even know.! I mean it actually had a FLAVOR! So yea im all detoxified and shit. Dami never want to do that agin. But hey i didnt think i was gonna last. But i did. Hell yea. Well anyway.. Hmm I worked today. didnt make much but it was just me and tyler on a register. Dam you know what i learned. He likes to make trouble. Like just small things that piss other people off. He gets a kick out of it. Good fun. Yea the other day it was crazy we were working and he came in when i was in the middle of an order to help cause he was my partner person. And i was like oh you abandoned me and some other shit and he;s like... "Dont take that tone with me" " And i was like "Oh haha" And hes all. "You need to learn your place" HAHA dam he sounded dead serious. Then he like busted out laughing and shit. I was scared for a while. So yea I have the express lane tomorrow so i better make a hella lot of money. I need it bad.. My bank account has been really hurting lately. :(:(:( Ehhh. Im broke as fuck. I never recovered from christmas. Ive been spending money like mad. Fuck i need to stop. I dont know how though. Dam it. HAHAHAHA i have these people at work totally convinced in catholic. Good fun. i like to screw with people.


Jan 9th 11:32 pm

Awesome MAn. Fuck I just got home formt he concert.... aww man it was good. The first two bands that played things were pretty mellow but then this metal band played and things got crazy dude.. I had to take off all my jewelry and shit.. Fuck i have this spike braceltet thats hella sharp.. I ripped open some guys arm with it!!!! SO i took off my jewelry.. Dam man.. My pants are fucking ruined. HAHA someone stepped on one of the little pieces that were shredding and then i got thrown into the mosh pit and they ripped like almost to my knees. HAHA lucky there was enough people there with Safety pins all over them so i could fix them enough. Oh man.. My whole body is so FUCKING SOAR. My arms hurt cause i was pushing people around and fighting to stay off the ground in the mosh pits. Dude but the cool thing about mosh pits is... If you fall on the ground.. Like everyone help you up.. Cause they know you'll get fucking killed on the ground dude.. Yea I went down quite a few times... My knees hurt... And fuck i managed to pop BOTH my shoulders out of the sockets. Smash my nose in 3 places. Get a huge gash on my arm. My hair is fucked up. Dam.. I had hella fun though. Oh shit the very last band that plays dude.. Te smashed the SHIT out of their fucking guitars at the end... HAHAH man it was horrible! But i grabbed the neck of one of them with the strings all still attached to the bridge. And i got the guy who played that guitar to sign it. Fuck yea man. Its cool. Um fuck... My neck hurts like shit.. its all stiff. I had to leave and go buy water at some point. Fuck i was gonna pass out. I havnt gotten so much exercise in a while. HAHAHA Fuck yea.. OHH SHIT DUDE... Alright i was tlaking to Tyler and he was eating a bag of lettece... And im like What the fuck DUDE. He said He us Detoxing his body... Like hes not eating Dairy, Meat or Bread products for a whole week. It like cleans out your body and makes you feel energized and shit.. SO i was making fun of him cause i was eating pizza. Dude and hes like Fuck you.. Lets see you try.. SO i told him I would.. So here I am... Eating only fruits and Vegetables.. Dude.. Its crazy. I dont know if Ill last... But i wouldnt lie to him.. He said we have to work on the honor system.. We have to be honest. Right on.. Dude if i can quit smoking i can do this. Right


Jan 8 9:29 pm

Dam its been a while since i wrote... Lots of crazy stuff. I dont know my dads psycho so i can never use the computer while hes around.. Right so Dam it snowed Hella and we had 2 snow days... One of which work was closed... I was pissed. But i worked today and made pretty good money. I had my college clas today. And ill tell you what./.. I hate Speaking in front of people when i have to .. you know... Its crazy. 1st day and i already had to tell everyone about myself and shit. FUCk i dont want people to know me and i dont want to know them. Right Ill fail this class. Now anyway... I just got home.. Dam you know what I found out today.. I like Cheerios man... I used to hate them.. Dam fucking Tyler bought a whole box of multi grain cherrios on our break. I was lie What the fuck man... Hes like Im trying to eat healthy.. I swear hes a health nut its crazy. But any way i took a cup full and i ate them ... I was like oh shit.... These are good. So i ate more.. Dam im gonna go buy some now for breakfast... But it was so funny man.. Casue he's eating them and he looks at the side of the box and hes all reading it out loud.. And it says "start your day out right...Raise your Womans Health.. HAHAH and hes like What the fuck! Im not a woman... and hes like hella pissed it was crazy.. But then he started laughing and shit... And said he was gonna go buy a bra and stuff. Oh man. You had to be there.. he was talking like a crazy person. I swear hes on drugs. FUCK MAN!!! I couldnt get my ACID! The guy i was gonna get it from is having "problems" and shit... So yea... Mabey ill buy some fucking weed man.. Right on...


Jan 4th 8:47

Yea im eating pop corn.. Nice Dam im in a... I need to murder someone mood. My dads such a retarded fuck man. Tonight i like went in my rooma nd my sister ruined my fucking antique wooden horse. He put chewed gum on its back and colored in its hair with purple marker that wont come off. I was pissed. So i went and i showed my mom and my dad was sitting mext to her. And he said. " So why dont you pack your fucking suitcase and get out of the house" What the fuck man! I cant do anything without him constanly reminding me im 18... and that i can move out... And that nothing belongs to me and if i dont like it get out. Fuck! Its pissing me off HELLA! But i dont make good enough money to afford a place to fucking live.. or food or a vehicle or insurance. Fuck man. I hope they all die! So i get EVERYTHING!!! Fuck them DAM IT!


Jan 3rd 8:35

Dude it snowed hella last night... We had like 3 inches this morning when i woke up.. So yea i went in to work but they didnt have a spot for me... So i spent hella time like doing doughnuts and shit in the ice!! IT was fun man!! Whoo.. But dam i almsot got pulled over and shit. Crazy Crazy... But yea im definitaly working tomorrow. Dam im renting strangeland right now YES BRITT STRANGELAND! I rented it from blockbuster. You know i want to buy the soundtrack to that movie.. Theres some good songs in there. Nice well i dont ave too much to say right now ... Im bored i guess


Jan 1 8:35 pm

Right... Happy fucking new years. Didnt really do much today. Just stayed inside.. I had to beg my mom to help me dye my hair. I was just going to get black streaks but i ended up dying my whole head. so mom did a crappy job though. Theres still some brown in places you can see. So i bought another bottle and im gonna re do the ends tomorrow. I dont work till 2:30 since BRITTANYS NOT COMING DOWN!!!!!! yea Dam...I have black crap all over my head though. And my ears are stained black and some on my neck. Its crazy i cant get it off. But yea... Ill wake up early and do my hair before work. It looks decent enough. Not as creey as i though it would be because i have seen myself with dark hair before.I like it ive never done black before. Rigt it hasnt snowed again yet. Its pretty dam cold though. Right on.

Dec 31 8:11

Right so my computers broke as hell and im cautiosly using the computer in the living room to type in my journal. Right... Dang I worked all day today it was crazy. Made a decent 20 bucks. Not too bad thugh i worked with Tyler and we had some crazy conversatons. I swear i learn something new about him every day. Hes crazy. Anyway I bought some black hair dye and hopefully tomorrow and can highlight my hair with it. I dont want anything dramatic just a couple strips. I dont work tomorrow Its new Years so the commissary is closed. Dam. That means I have to spend all day at home. Whatever will I do. Great home with the Happy FAMILY! Aww man Fuck this im so fed up with my family its not even funny. I cant even have any privacy anymore. Fuck. It just makes me mad thats all. Dam right so i need to go talk to James. Pr i can get my acid from else where but hes just closer thats all. Yet hes not exactly a trustable person. I donno i was talking to him and he said he sells like hits. Not tabs. Crazy he also said he had it in pills But he doesnt sell that. I donno man. Im gonna get 4 but its not all for me. Im gonna give 2 to someone at work. I dont need to get too fucked up. I just want enough to last me a little bit while im out. Dam i need to buy some weed. Its been a while since ive paid for weed.
Dam you know I want to get rid of this box thing that has my words in it. Its too small and you have to scroll to much just to read like one days worth. Crazy ... you know IM in the mood to write on my other web site. I havnt even looked at that for quite a while. Right on.


Dec 29 9:22 PM

Oh man Im fucking stressing out! I need a chill pill. Dam my dad he fucking disapeared all night and came home drunk as hell. What else is new huh? But fuck I dont know why my sister likes him so god dam much. Hes a fucking sorry excuse for a father. But my sister man. She was in bed and he comes home and she starts screaming and shit. Saying shes hungy. I told her to shut up. and go to sleep and my dad fucking comes in Saves her fucking ass. DAM I HATE HER. Screams at me for not doing shit. Fuck FUck FUCK! Anyway! EERRRRR. So fuck my dads like screaming at me through the door. Its hella late. Like 9:30 or something. But anyway.. Today was good BEFORE IS TEPPED INTO THIS HELL OF A HOUSE!
Right worked at 3 today. With tyler. Dam it was so slow there was hardly and people. So we got bored and started making trouble. We taped things that said "i want to be a communist" And "Kill me im hitler" on peoples backs. And taped things together to screw with people. It was hella fun. We made fun of stupid people in the commissary. Dam though everyone at work thought i was High just cause i was in a good mood. Crazy people. Can't be happy once in a while or what. hehe i made like 10 bucks thats it. its cool though. But dam. Yea britt I want to be a rock star. Cool huh? Cause my grades suck and ill never do anything with my life. But this is good. A good plan. But Ill never ever accomplish it with my parents around. NEVER i mean it. I mean i know ill be away from them. But still i know thet theyre gonna be there somewhere frowning apon what im doing. I mean rock stars dont live the most glorious lives. Lots of drugs, parties crazy stuff man. Ill probably be arrested and shit alot. Theres no wany id be able to pull that off with them around. No way. But yea man. Ive been thinking about it. But i want a little education. Screw high school. It sucks they dont teach you CRAP. I want to take some classes at the community college once i graduate. Mabey some psychology classes like that. You know cause im interested in learning how to manipulate people. Like know what theyre really thinking and use it to my advantage. Cool huh. Right So my phone is still lost. But i can check my messages with a normal phone. So Yea.. Oh Shae im not ignoring your call! My phone is lost GOT THAT. LOST so ic ant call you back. Don't freak out ok. Right ok bye


DEC 28 9:25

OH MY GOD! Today was stress full. Right i went into work at 10 o clock. DAM MAN it was like snowing/ raining/ hailing all at once... It was crazy. But anyway around 11 tyler comes in and hes like hey..." you didnt leave a..." wait you dont some anymore do you" And i was like no...why. Aparently Shanes dad found a pack of empty cigs in the trash can at their house.. So he searched shanes room and found his taizer and lighters and knifes and shit. Soo it was DrAMA MAN! Shane is stupid. But right so he wanted to know where shane got them from. And he told his dad i bought them for him. Not knowing his dad knew me. And so go figure his dad knows my Dad. Casue theyre bother chiefs. So right im freaking out. Shanes freaking out. And tyler..I donno hes wierd. so hes just really quiet. Dam and then tylers like.. If my dad comes in here and wants to talk to you. Avoid him at all costs.. Oh shit now im scared. Right so the whole day im stressing out. And my dad goes to work tomorrow. So im like freaking out more casue he might talk to shanes dad. Then i come online and shanes on. And im like WOW your online and not DEAD. Hes like Yea.. Its all good. And im like what do you mean. Then he like ignores me and hes like so whats up.. and oh yea you dont have to clean out your room. (cause i told him i had to clean out my room of all the bad stuff case my dad searches it) And im like What? Why? what if your dad talks to my dad... Then my internet kicked me off. And when i got back on. Shane was offline. Fuck so now im like Curious. And i dont know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. But yea. Cant you get arrested for buying weapons for minors? I think you can. But yea. So dam shane better come back online or im gonna go crazy tonight wondering whats going on. Ill see him at work tomorrow but still. I wont be able to sleep and shit. Dam
YEa so out of the BLUE Britt e-mailed me! What the fuck man! Ive been trying to get ahold of you for the longest time man. You were suppossed to fucking come down here friday or saturday or some shit. DUDE! I told my mom i didnt know when. But she said we could hang out and shit. Dam i donno man your disapeerded and shit. Right on. Do DRUGS!! Hehe Dam i want to buy some acid. But im fucking broke and shit.


Dec 25th 8:50 pm

Right! IM NOT DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS. Clever huh? well im sick.. YEs FUCKING SICK AGAIN! It sucks... Alot... But heyy.. Im high in fucking cold medicine its great... I took soo fucking much... well i startted out taking your suppossed to.. But it wasnt working fast enough.. So i said FUCK THIS.. And i took like 6 more. Whoahh.. i have to sneeze right now... Its still not working for my cold... but i feel fuckin ok... like yea.. you know... Right today was christmas huh? Yea I got 2 things.. got a guitar tuner like i wanted... and a 20 buck walmart card. YAY...not really. so thats like a total of 30 bucks my parents spent on me.. And lets see. I spent 300 fucking dollars ON THEM!!! FUCK CHRISTMAS MAN I HOPE IT DIES!!! Right now where was i... Yea... Im going shopping tomorrow at walmart just cause i want to get out of the house.. AHAHAH fuck my house.. Dam i have a fever...and i feel hella cold.. HELLA.... My fingers.. theyre numb.. come to mention it.. alot of me is numb right now. Fuck...I need some water or some shit... right.. so anyway.. Dam i keep getting lost... i donno i cant think of anything to write.... Right...


Dec 24th 11:15 pm

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Dam Christmas presents. I had to wrap like 50 million. Fuck because my dads fucking drunk and my moms too exausted to wrap. SO I WRAPPED ALMOST ALL OF THE FUCKING PRESENTS! I never want to wrap another present AGAIN!! FUCK! Anyway. My dads pissed at me and screaming about something. And as usuall he thinks i have an attitude. Dam you know i want to get my tounge pierced. Thatd be cool. YEa
RIGHT!!! For those of you who have not yet heard my fucking PLOT and shit. Its not like prepared yet. IM just coming up with this shit... But ive thought long and hard about it and im DEAD fucking serious...this is my ONLY fucking option. Right so im learning guitar. IM gonna practice and practice and become hella good. Good enough to stand a chance to make a career out of it. It should take me 3 or 4 years. I want to live the life of a rock star man. Ive made my dam decision. This is it. But theres one thing stopping me. My parents. Fuck them. Alright. The only way i can accomplish my goal is if they are dead. I mean it. Im going to murder them. Not today or tomorrow or next month even. After ive gotten good at guitar. After a while. Im gonna come up with a way to make them die. But i cant get caught. No evidence. No suspicion thats the way it has to be. So right now I have to find that way to kill them. Or rather... make them dead. Either way works. And Fuck hiring a hit man. I want to be directly related to the death of my own parents. IM serious. I know there are those of you who are thinking... "silly leighann...always wants to kill someone..." But this is different. IM fucking not kidding this time. And im not even angry. They are just in the way of my freams. I can never amount to anything...knowing that they are watching me...frowning upon my every movement. Never this is my only option. That is my plan. My PLOT. My FUTURE! Even better yet... My Destiny.


Dec 22 9:52

Right.. I just typed a SHIT LOAD of crap.. And i mean shit load.. but my internet kicked off. Perhaps it is better you dont read what i typed. It was abunch of psychotic rambling. You would be worried. Long story short.. right now i am fearing for my life. My father wants to murder me. Yea i explained why earlier..but its alot to type. I have baracaded myself in my room. Afraid of whats on the other side. But i was successful in locating ibprophin and alot of other pills i dont know. And water. So i will perhaps survive the night. Oh yes look shane is online. hmm. My stomach fucking hurts. Yea im listening to Nine inch nails. Fun stuff. its alright.


Dec 19th 2003

Oh man. Complicated shit. Sooo my grandmother is here... And i already fel like downing a bottle of ibprophin. Fuck man I hate her with a passion. So yea Yesterday. Tyler told me hed help me string my guitar.. But it was fucked up and i had to take it to a music store. They fixed it and re strung it...and tuned it. all for like 30 bucks. But its cool now. Its all good. Im bringing it to work tomorrow. To show Tyler i got it fixed. IM teaching myself for the time being. I got the first string down kinda ok. Um just the basic. E F and G notes. HAHA but its ok. baby steps man baby steps. There is a hella lot I need to learn. Plus i have to figure out what all those fucking nobs and switches do on the dam thing. Tylers gonna help me with that. He called my guitar. "my baby" Crazy him man. Hes fucking guitar crazy. Thats cool though. Ill probably get lessons AFTER christmas...when i can afford it...right now... i need to buy presents. Fuck man. I havt bought a single one. Ive been spending all my money on my guitar and shit. But you know... Im saving money now that im not spending money for cigs. Good for me man. But yea. My guitar is gonna help me make it through this month with my nana. Fuck i spent all today at work. Then came home.. practiced my guitar...went to walmart...practiced some more. I had to buy pics today for my guitar. I had one...and it was fucked up.. so now i have like 15. HAHAH thats cool. Dam im happy...i have a hobby now. WOW. So yea....We are on christmas break. I have to work tomorrow. Make some money. Perhaps learn some new things on my guitar. Fun stuff. You shoukd learn Britt. Its awesome.Mbaey it will keep you out of trouble ;)


Dec 17 8:42 pm

Right soooo I bought my guitsr today! Hell Yea bitch. I need to replace all the strings though. It cost like 7.50 for all the strings. Not too big a deal. Im looking into lessons now. Dam its nice. Sure my mom hates me...but i dont care. fuck her. Yea Tyler is gonna show me some of the things to do. like what all the nobs and shit do. and adjustments and all. Fun stuff. Yea but im hella broke. and i have tomorrow off work becasue my dam grandmother is coming to visit. Fuck i hate it when shes here. Last time. I went insane and got fucking depressed and shit. This is serious im not playing around either. Least time she was here i fucking took half a bottle of tylonol and threw up for 3 hours. But thats ok casue i did it again 2 days later. fuck man. She better stay the fuck out of my face. Im just going to work as much as i can and stay out of the house as much as i can. Ill get through this shit. mabey Tyler or christene will want to do something this weekend. Who knows.


Dec 15th 8:40 pm

Right on. So my moms bitching me out. I dont care... I told her i was buying that guitar wednesday. Screw her. She wants me to play acoustic. Fuck acoustic it sucks. She said i wasnt a Rock Star. Fuck her. Ill be a rock star some day. HAHAHAHAH nah. But yea im buying it wednesday if its in good condition and it sounds ok and everything. Sweet deal. Dam i drove to school today and i picked up james (accross the street) and all on the way to school. Hes like I know you want some of this...and i thought it was a cig so i was all fuck you no i dont. And hes like you dont know what it is. And i look over and its a joint. Nice. So we smoked. Stoned before class. BUT OH SHIT! I just learned something VERY FUCKED UP! OH MY GOD! So right that weed i smoked on friday. It was called "white Rhino" and yea. Its fuckin laced with COCAINE! Fuck man. I wish people would TELL ME! Dam I was wondering why i was SO FUCKED UP. i thought it was cause i hadnt smoked in a while. Dam man. So fuck now i can say ive tried cocaine. Fuck im a bad person. Im going to DIE! nah but dam it was good. I was hella fucked up. Gotta get some more. IM ADDICTED!!HAHAHHA nah im joking. Chill out. So yea. I found out today that theyre gonna kick me out of ROTC at the end of the semester. Good for them Fuck i hate ROTC. But i dont know what im gonna do with my schedule. Hmmm crazy stuff. Oh shit.. The phone just rang...and im on the internet. HAHAHAHAHAH crazy.. Yea it kicked me off by the phone ringing. Right on. Now i gotta go make sure my moms not using it so i can reconnect. Cool.


Dec 12th 11:33 pm

Oh man. Tonight was awesome. FUCK! So i drove to school cause I told my mom i was gonna throw up on the bes. But dam my mom gave me like halla 500 mg motrins. I was like WTF. Yes but i went to work. Went to the Concert. Hell Yea Tyler was there and John too. HAHHA John left hella early casue he said he had some better things to do :hint hint" HA and Tyler told me John was clean now! Hell no man. But fuck Remember the crazy guy i was talking about the last time I went to one of these. Well the guy that asked me out. Well he found me again. And we talked a little but christene was like who...who so i fucking showed her him. Dam big fuckin mistake. She all goes and talks to him. And 5 minutes late he comes over to me with this folded paper. And hes all. "that girl said you wanted my phone number" Dude. What the. But i took his number and hes all. Hey you smoke weed right. And Im all Yea. HAHHAHA So we went outside and fucing smoked. Crazy man. I told him I could only do a little cause i had to drive. But he kept handing it to me. I was fucked up. And I went back inside and Danced and shit. Jezebel Diary is fucking awesome. Enjoyed my buzz. But oh SHIT! I was stoned and I fucking SMOKED A CIGARRETTE!!! AHH FUCK!!!!!!! It would have been 2 weeks tomorrow. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.!!! So yea that doesnt mean im going to continue. No more...fuck. Um Tyler left after Jezebel Diary. And I went to Mc. Donalds and ate. And now Im fucking home. And oh shit. Im so fucking tired! So Im going to sleep.


Dec 11th 9:00 pm

Dam my internet is acting funny again. We just got it back. It was cut off for 3 days cause my mom didnt pay the BILL! JESUS CHRIST! I THINK MY MOM FUCKING POISONED ME!!!! Holy fucking shit. Its becasue shes mad at me. The school sent home a thing that said i got suspended at the begginging of the year and why. Oh shit! shes pissed. Just listen. Ok my mom NEVER cooks EVER anymore. And i didnt want to eat last night. But shes all GOD DAM IT LEIGHANN YOUR GONNA FUCKING EAT THIS! Oh shit she watched me fucking eat it all even though i wasnt that hungry. FORCED ME TO!! Oh shit then around 2nd period today i started feeling like shit. Now I feel like im going to throw up constantly. Fuck and all My muscles hurt like hell. When i move. And fuck my stomach. It hurts REALLY bad, REALLY REALLY bad. Fuck man. But i got home and i told my mom i wasnt feeling well! Fuck shes like "oh..... i wonder why?" Fuck man I havt eaten anything since dinner last night so that had to be the only thing. Fuck. Ill murder her. I better not feel like this tomorrow night. Got a concert to go to. Yea Im going but my parents are being wierd and my dad doesnt want me to drive there. what the fuck Its right up the road. But anyway Im catching a ride home with the James that lives across the street. Adn i dont know how im getting there. I have to go straight from work. And i take the truck to work... Sooo i dont know how this is gonna work. I was gonna ask tyler for a ride from work. But hes called in sick the last 2 days. Yea Fuck Tylers sick too! EVERYONE IS FUCKING SICK!!! IM gonna go drink like 20 cups of water. I just about finished a whole bottle of tums today. Anyway. I need to reconnect to the internet. It keeps kicking me off. I wonder why. Im not connected right now. Fuck Someone might be calling us. People have been calling all night. Fuck. But i dont know whats kicking me off. mabey my computers just finally had it.


DEC 8 8:08

Oh look hawaii area code for my time. Nice anyway. Fuck. Things are screwed up. I donno. My moms freaking out. FUCK HER. I donno the one thing i want to do for myself is go to the concert friday. And my mom is threatening to not let me go. Fuck. and she owes me so much money. No wonder im broke. Dam gas costs alot. Im spending ALOT on gas. And Cds dam ive bought alot of Cds lately. Mostly Marilyn Manson. I find myself compelled to listen to it. It...interests me. I also find it extremely entertaining to scare people... you know freak them out. It gives me a good feeling. Like im making an impact on people...whether good or bad. i have a major killer Head ache right now.
Dang im gonna go work on my othjer web site. Im in the mood for that. Havnt done things to it in quite a while. mabey ill add a poem or two.


Dec 4th 9:49

Oh Man! Im in the BEST fuckin mood right now! AHH. Yea Today was pretty cool. Theres alot of shit ill talk about in just a second. But da you know who I saw today??? JOHN Fuck Yea MAN FUCKIN JOHN!! HE WAS WALKING!! Yea He got out of his wheelchair tuesday. Oh man. It felt so good to see him, he recognized me right away too. Anyway he came in the commissary with his mom. I saw tyler walk off and i was like what the fuck. And it took me a second to realize that it was John. I was like OH SHIT MAN. I was gonna like grab his hand you know like a shake it. but he fuckin put his arms up for a hug. Aww man. I fuckin missed john. But yea that pretty much made my day. Hell yea
Anyway... So I got fuckin purple contacts. HAHAH oh shit they took me soooo fucking long to put in at first. Dam my mom doesnt know about them. Theyre like illegal and shit hahah I bought them off this guy. Hell yea but you cant see the purple very good so Im gonna get like green and a REALLY Whiteish blue. Yea dam a hela lot of stuffs been going on. HAHA So the other day at work tyler comes up to me and hes all "Do you know where I can buy an eight ball" HAHA Man i thought he was talking about a magic 8 ball. HELL NO MAN. He was talking about FUCKING COCAINE!!!! Dont jump to conclusions. Its not for him. See an 8 ball is 80 bucks and this guy is willing to pay tyler 110 bucks for it. So I asked around and I found some for him. He has to contact the guy first before we actually get it. I just found someone to go through. So i did him a favor.
Hmm what else. James is moving soon. we need to go smoke. Dam Im starting to become a really big manson fan. I really like his music. Me and Tyler and gonna decorate our locker at work with all these pictures to scare people. Dam I love to freak people out. Its extremely satisfying. I have found though that alot of people are afraid of me now. whatever. Fuck them. Im having fun. OH YEA!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET!!!! You will never guess what I did 3 days ago???!!!!?????!!!!!???? are you ready for this?????? I QUIT SMOKING! Hell yea man. This is it. Im fuckin done smoking. Its bad and im going to fucking die of lung cancer. So fuck it. Im through, cigarettes can go to HELL!!! Fuck yea. You better believe it. Im was wasting WAY too much money. Its been 3 days now and im doing good. people are trying to get me to smoke kinda pisses me off alot. Right then. Its fuckin late.


Dec.1st 9:00 pm

Dam my computer is really acting up. It keeps locking up then disconnnecting to the internet. Hopefully it will stay connected long enough for me to type all this shit. School was boring... Same ol Same ol. I freaked out some people majorly with this picture on my binder. HAHAHAHAH dont ask. YEa i got home. then told my mom i was going to the bank. I didnt make it to the bank. I went to walmart and bought a thing to hook my CD player up to the cassette thing in my truck. Yea It works good. Took me forever to figure out how to hook it up right and everything. But yea Shoot I love that Daves Music shop on highway 20. Dam I bought 2 new Manson CDs. REALLY OLD ones. Theyre in hella good condition too. Both previously owned so they were like 8 bucks a piece. I told my parents I have a ROTC meeting tomorrow before school heheh so i get to drive. Yea. But that means i need to get gas in the morning. OH MAN! I LOVE THIS FUCKING SONG. I never knew Marilyn Manson sung it. Its called "Sweet Dreams are made of this" Dont lie I know youve heard it before. I didnt recognize it till it came on just now. Fuck. Good song man. I like mansons old CDs. Theyre hella good. Anyway... Yea Im bored. Britt your DEAD. I donno if your still reading this or not. James said something about you being Grounded or something. Anyway. Im actually not connected to the interent right now. YEa i fuckin kicked me off. Fuck i wonder whats wrong with it. I better fix it or something.... The internet is my life.


Nov 28th 8:02

Well Today was Quite enjoyable. Hung out with Tyler, and Sam and AJ too. Hehehe. It was fun. We were at Tylers house and he recorded some music. And played his guitar. And put on some cool like "goth" makeup. HAHA It was funny. Walked around town a little like that. Got some funny looks. Dang I bought a new CD. Its wierd. Tyler told me to try it. It was only like 7 bucks casue its pre owned. hehehe The name of the bad is called "The Cure" Hella old band man...Hella. Its alright...takes some getting used to. Yea I went to Ace hardware and bought a new chain for my wallet. I wanted it to be long. And dam is it long now. HAHAH I got 3 feet of like heavy duty chain. hooked it up to my wallet in place of that wimpy little chain that was on it. Its hard core now. Uh OH SHIT! I almost DIED so many times today! HAHAH oh shit. It was wet and rainy and shit. So while we were waiting for Tyler ot meet us I started doing doughnuts and hot braking and shit. HAHA It was hillarious. But later I made this sharp turn hella fast and I all lost control of my truck and shit. HAHA It was fun thoguh. Sam and AJ were like screaming. I was just laughing. OH SHIT. HAHA Well we had to go over to Kevins house to pick up Tylers Amps and shit. And so i went inside his car. Dam its Nice in there and I was screwing around. DAM he had a whole CASE of fucking beer in the back seat. HAHA I think it was his dads. HAHHA but anyway I stole it and put it in my truck. He didnt even notice it was gone till I told him. I wasnt gonna drive around with that shit in my truck hell NO. So yea I donno. Lots of fun today.
Dam Britt. I think your dead or something. I called you and e-mailed you. And well theres no sign of life from your end. Werent you suppossed to come down here. Whatever. I have to work this weekend.


Dang I just typed a whole lotta stuff but my internet kicked me off and I had to restart my computer. FUCK that pisses me off. Any way I spent the whole fucking day in hell with my family. Lots of fucking fun. HA screw that I have nothing to be thankfull for! My dads a fucking IDIOT. OH MAN IM gonna MURDER HIM! Fuck at dinner my dad was talking and hes all. "oh i got an e-mail from the baldersons...they said Joe got in a car accident" I was like "NO SHIT DAD I only FUCKING TOLD YOU THE OTHER DAY!!!" Hes "oh. Must not have been that important. I never liked that kid." FUCk Man. Why! Ill kill my dad and see who fucking ever remembers HIM! So now Im bummed out reminissing about the good ol days in hawaii. Dam. Thats fucked up shit. I hope my dad rots in hell SO I CAN WATCH HIM SUFFER.
On a brighter note. I cant wait till tomorrow morning. Yea My mom though shes scaring me. I mean all I did was ask her If i could go hang out with some friends friday. And she said ok. I mean she never asked with who, or what we were gonna do, or where we were gonna be. hehehe Im afraid. Shes gonna stalk me. No she'll probably aske me on the way out the door tomorrow. Crazy Crack Head. So Yea First I have to pick up sam, Then me and him are gonna meet Tyler at the commissary. I dont know why. He picked the spot. we coulda met somewhere else. Hehehe I guess its cause were all baggers/ HEHEH Power to the BAGGERS! Yea I just realized. I do Like my job. Its alot of fun. I mean its hela hard work. But its worth it sometimes. I work with some cool people. But then again I work woth some not cool people too. But whatever. Yea I bought the new Korn CD today. Its pretty good. alright


Nov 24th 9:20pm

Oh Man Im in a HELLA good mood right now. Right but before i get to that let me explain the rest of my day. Right. So I drove today YAY. And I sent from school to the college to sign up for my class. Im taking Public Speaking next quarter. Yea So I go to work And im dang I wonder if Im early enough to catch Tyler. Oh shit I totally forgot today was monday and we got out early. So it was like 1:45 and he doesnt work till 2:45. Sooo I took a nap in my truck and right when I was getting ready to go to work He all pulls up in his nice ass corvette. HAHHA Its NICE. Yea i dont know If i wrote already but his car broke down so hes driving his dads Corvette. HAHAHAHHAHA poor him. Yea So we go in ...Oh no Im stuck working with him. Oh and sam too. We had lots of fun today. We made plans to get together thursday. :) Yay. Yea But Thursday is Thanksgiving sooo I have to tell him tomorrow to make it Friday. Cause we have no school. both days. Yea It will be fun. Im going to pick up Sam and meet Tyler at the commissary around 10:00 in the morning. Then we're gonna go shopping around. Hhehe I convinced Tyler to let me see him wearing make up. Like you know White foundation and eye liner and shit. Yea Were gonna go walk around town like that and see what people think when they look at us!!! So yea...then were gonna go to the smoke shop and buy him some weapons. Then the best part. We're going back to his place :) HEHEHEHe Yea hes gonna hook up his bass and guitar and shit and play cause I asked him to. Yea were gonna chill there for a while, screw around. I dont know what other things we have planned. Were just gonna kind of kick it you know. But Im happy. Now all I have to do is try not to screw up between now and then cause I already asked my mom. Well I didnt tell her i was hanging out with tyler. I just told her some friends. ehheeh which is TRUE!!! Yea Tyler says we should make a Cult. Crazy huh? HAHAHAHHA I think its Hillarious. Lots of Fun. I can't wait. Dam I hope I can fucking go. This is god dam important in my LIFE!So yea my mom said We'll see. uhh all I know is i definitally dont want to sit around the house all day. I would have lots more fun hanging out with Tyler. Dam I really need to not spend my money Fuck but I dont care. This is a special occasion :)


Nov 22nd 10:18

Oh man Shane is insane. HAHAH So anyway me and him went to the smoke shop today...and he bought a fucking Taizer WHTA THE HELL MAN. But it was COOL! Oh shit kristine came with us. And she was sitting in the middle of my truck and shane on the other side. She was seriously FREAKING OUT! Cause he put in the batteries and was threatening to taiz me! OHAHAHA She was like "OH SHIT SHANE!!! DONT DO IT!!!" with real terror in her voice. Then he turned it on and it charged and you could see the electricity flowing from prong to prong. It was CRAZY. But Kristine Screamed! HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh man She was like smashed against me and like grabbing my arm and shit. It was so funny I was just laughing SOOO hard. But yea.... Tyler didnt work today casue he got suspended for 3 days. he was screwing around with Our bosses time journal and changed a bunch of times around. HAHAH so yea he doesnt work till like wednesday i thing. Dam thats a long time. But ill see him on fuckin Tuesday.
Oh man So yea That youth dynamic thing that guy invited me to. I didnt even realize. Its the fucking YD..hehehehe but yeaIts in like this cofee shop. But its like a church thing. Crazy. Fuck church man. That guy can kiss my ass. Hehehehe. But Yea Im gonna go to the next concert they have around here. Fuck my mom. Ill ask her but if she says no. Fuck her that will piss me off. anyway. im bored right now..... Yea


Alright Im definitaly in a better mood now. Hell yea I had a blast. Went to the talent show Watched Tyler play. Yea the song sucked. It wasnt tylers choice. But dam did he play that guitar perfect. It was nice. They didnt win anything. But they got these bead necklace things. And he gave me one of his silver ones. Awwww I didnt ask for it or anything. I was waiting to tell him they did a good job and hes all hey have this. Ill keep it forever. Dam him! why cant he fuckin decide whether he likes me or not. Hes so FUCKING MYSTERIOUS! IT PISSES ME OFF. Then about 9:30 it was over so I took off and went to the concert. Nice. Loud Violent Noise. My favorite. It was great there was a couple mosh pits. I got shoved to the ground once. It was great. The bands were pretty good for just local oak harbor bands. I rocked out. hung out with kristine a little. almost stabbed someone in the crowd. It was nice. HAHAHHAHA Yea this guy. It was crazy I was outside smoking a cig and this guy comes up nd hes all. "You have a boyfriend" I told him "no why would he asked that". HAHa I feel flattered . He said I was "fine" HAHAH not the word I would use at all to describe me. HAHA but anyway He asked me out. Before he even told me his name. Crazy freak. Hes a sophmore and hes pretty good lookin. Not the typical guy i would be attracted to. But I told him im not into hookin up with guys when i first meet them. (which im not) And I told him mabey if I saw him around more. So He invited me to this thing monday. some student music thing. Mabey Ill go. Mabey I wont. Personally I dont care If i ever see him again. Hmm.
Nov 21 2003

I dont feel to good right now. My friend is dead. Dam this fucking world. I wish I could go back to hawaii and be with all my friends right now. Fuck being here. Why the hell am I here. He go in a car accident. Driving to school He braked to stop from hitting a car that was passing a bus and went out of control. Hit a pole. Didnt make it. Fuck this shit man. I donno
But I have plans tonight. Im going to go force my self to have a little fun. Im going to watch tyler play and then go to the concert after. This is a fucked up world.

Dam Its been HELLA LONG. So yea Shoot today I worked. Talked to Tyler. Theres a Talent show tomorrow night for the college. Hes gonna be playing with 2 other people from work. I already bought the ticket. And my mom said I could go see it. HAHA its 7-10 pm. Thats cool. Ill probably leave a little early and go check out the concert at the temple. Yea I figure Ill just check it out see if its any good. Local bands. Wont stay long. Figure Ill get home around 11:00 mabey Tell my mom I went with people from work to eat dinner. HAHA OH SHIT MAN. Today I bouhgt a new switchblade. Its hella nice and I mean HELLA. HELLLL AAAA. Got it. YEa cost me 14.99 14.99 yea...Oh shit man My fuckin screen is blue. Like I cant see what Im typing. Im just randomly typing. HAHAHAH Thats hillarious. I dont know Its kinda like the ...well like its frozen only Its not You can still see the web page outline and shit. And the littletext bar is moving wwhen I type. FUCK I wonder if I can magically find the submit button. Cause I dont feel like typing all this over again!!!! Alright here goes nothing. HEHEHHEHE

Nov. 15th 9:45 pm

Yea Dam today was crazy. So Yesterday before we closed at work it said i was scheduled for I go in and it says 12 WTF so anyway I went out in my truck and laid out and turned on the radio and had a cig...and Tyler and shane pull up And fuckin woke me up and shit. So Im all yea they changed all our schedules...hehe so Shane is all lets go to the smoke shop. And he hopped in my truck and we did. I bought him like hella lighters and torches. Hehe I bought a torch too. Dam alot of epople at work want me to buy them one now. HEHEHE Im gonna start a business and charge extra. HEll Yea. So yea Im scheduled for 12 tomorrow but Im meeting shane at 11 and were gonna go to the smoke shop. I have more customers now. HEHHEHEHE. YEa My torch is NICE. It lights up on the side. Yea I bought some fluid to refill my zippo. Now I have to buy some butane for my torch lighter. Uhhhhhhh. Im going to buy a new switchblade tomorrw to replace the one the fuckin office confinscated. YEa theyre only 12 bucks..Dam theyre hella nice and they have pictures and shit. HAHA OH YEA DAM!!!! I almost fuckin beat the shit out of this fuckin lady at work today. And If i didnt need this dam job I would have!!!! Its a LONG ass story. But long story short. She all lied about taking the money from our box and tried to get me in trouble. OH MAN. I had like all the fuckin baggers rooting for me. Everyone hates her. Dam I was so fuckin mad. I wanted to kill her. And I mean it. Dead serious. I hope she fuckin rots in hell. Dam and you know the first thing she did. Called her dam husband and complained to him HAHAHAHHA She was all talking and shes like "my husbands Very mad, Very mad at HER" and she said it really loud when I walked by. Oh shit I turned around and asked her what the fuck she said. Shes all Oh nothing and fuckin hid behind a dam pole. All scared and shit. HA Id LOVE to talk to her husband and fuckin tell him how mental his wife is. FUCKIN A. Now Im all worked up again. I need a chill Pill.
Oh shit Britt. I swear you better stop driving fucked up. I mean it.


Nov 13th 10:26 pm

Dam Its good to be home. Phew. Nah I had fun though. My mom took me to seattle for 3 days during my birthday. Britt was there for the first 2 days so i was cool. Dam I spent ALL my money. On the way home from seattle we stopped at the alderwood mall. And yea I spent the rest that I had. I bought a new wallet. And crap and a t-shirt.
Oh shit. Speaking of T-shirts. Dam It was scary Me and Tyler were wearing the same T-shirt today. My Nirvana one. Crazy man. But he had it on under his work shit. He was like Oh..look. Man I thought He was stripping heheheehehehe. But he lifted his work shirt dam...Same exact as me. Fuck man. Thats creepy. But Yea. TRAMA MAN. Today after I got home I needed to go to class at the college and I dropped off my sister at girl scouts before class. Oh shit. I locked my fucking keys IN THE DAM TRUCK. HAHA so I fuckin called my dad and he came. But dam I waited for him for fuckin like 20 minutes in the cold and dark and shit. He had to call AAA to unlock it. But OH SHIT. Crazy.
YEa man I bought my first LEGAL pack of smokes today HELL YEA BITCH!!! I went in the smoke shop and was like "give me 2 packs of Marb menthol" and the guys all "can I see your ID" WHOOSH "Hell yea you can see my ID" HAHAHA Nice. But yea that pretty much all that happened today. my mom said were gonna do my fuckin birthday dinner and shit tomorrow. What the fuck. So I donno I didnt get any presents. Mabey Ill get some tomorrow. man All I want is a new fuckin CD player. THATS ALL. cause dam mine barely works anymore. Hehe My CD player Is important!!!


Nov 9 th 8:43

Yea Dam today I made like 130 bucks...Whooo Yay for express! So yea but Im gonna spend it all when I go to seattle yea britt you should bring money casue im gonna be like buying stuff. Shoot you need a job. Yea so yea well pick you up on tuesday. cool. I donno were just gonna do like dorky stuff but its cool casue well get to see each other. Dam its been quite a while. And I swear to god! you better not have a HANGOVER!!! hehehehe Thats a threat. Dam I dont fuckin go to work or school till friday. Hmmm that kinda sucks. I need money.


Nov 8th 9:13

So yea Today I didnt work. I went to walmart and bought some black pants. Dam theyre HELLA big though. I will have to shrink them. I donno theyre Guy size though. But I like them theyre courdoroy. Thats why I got them. Yea I hung out at the house...painted over my nails. Now theyre black with a silver stripe in the center. My mom kept getting pissed at me casue I would go in my room and close my door. She told me I cant close my door anymore. Dam Dont I get any Privacy. Yea Tyler told me I shouldn't have to live with parents like that. Ones that dont accept me for who I am. Hmm. HAha He should let me move in with him. Nah He lives at home too. Shoot. Yea I found out today that brittany can come with us for wendsday too. Yay. Im happy. Dam My fuckin truck! My dad keeps FUCKING IT UP! Dam yesterday I was stranded at the Library casue My fuckin truck was smoking and shit and wouldnt start. Yea Its casue the ground wire came disconected. Yea but today dam I drove it all over today. I went to walmart and the hospital on base and all kinds of shit. I put gas in it. But dang I came home and then later on I went to go drop off my sister and the thing wouldnt even turn over at all. Yea You know like when you turn the key ( but not all the way )and like the things turn on. Well it doesnt even do that. Theres no power what so ever. Like the battery is dead kinda. But I donno I didnt do anything that should have made the battery dead. I donno Its all fucked up. I need a fuckin Vehicle. dam. Im gonna spend alot of money In seattle my mom said were going to a shopping center and shit. FUCK i need to SAVE!!!!!!!


Nov 6th 10:02

Alrighty. Yea no school today. I woke up around 12 ish and i wasnt scheduled to work today but I did anyway. Hehe I just showed up and Im all....Ok lets work. Hehe So I did. Then I had class. Tyler Told me his band is gonna play on like the 29th or soemthing...sometime around there. Yea So Ill probably go see. I wanna watch him play. Yea I ate at wendys. Dam I went through all that work and dam I lost like 15 pounds. Then What do I do. Dam I eat wendys every tuesday and thursday. I really should quit. But dam Its easy and FUCK. Yea So my mom said we can go to Seattle early on tuesday and pick up brittany. Yay. Thats cool. But itll only be one day, we have to drop her off so she doesnt miss school. Dam but thats cool I guess. HAHA I DONT HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TILL NEXT FRIDAY. cool. So yea.


Nov 5th 9:10 pm

Yea I donno dam. So My plans are all screwed up. So britt said she cant go to seattle with us. And she thinks Im fuckin mad so she fuckin all amde me hang up with her. Fukin A. It makes me mad that she just assumed like that, that I was pissed off and didnt even listen when I was telling her I wasnt. Dam I wasnt fuckin Mad. I was just fuckin like disapointed that I couldnt see you this week and how fuckin boring it was gonna be hanging out with my mom for 3 days. I understand if you couldnt go Dang. Becasue You put me in the same exact position only without my parents permission. And you got mad and fucked things up for weeks. I wouldnt do the same thing to you. That would be fucked up. I donno I left a fuckin message on your cell phone. But you probably wont fuckin call me back casue your mad or something.


Nov 4th 10:06

Yea so today was alright. School, Work, College. Same ol Same Ol. YEa well BRITT OH SHIT! I might be able to see you this weekend. Hell yea If your parents say its ok. For my birthday like my mom all wants to take me to stay in seattle for 2 nights. HAHA (dont ask shes all emotional right now) Yea Well were gonna stay in a hotel in seattle and she want to know if your parents would let you stay with us. Wed be coming up on the 11th and picking you up. The staying till the 13th and going home on the 13th. Yea So youd miss school on Wednsday. Hehe But who cares right. I donno id probably be boring cause my moms there but Youd be able to see me. HAHHA HEll yea bitch And dam. Thad be cool. So yea I donno YOUR NOT ONLINE SO I CANT ASK YOU!! STUPID HOAR! ahhh


Nov 2nd 8:04 pm

Yea Dam. My dads a fucking hoar. He told me to get the fuck out of his house becasue I was taking to long to go to the dishes and rinse them out. OH SHIT I WAS FUCKIN BUSY CLEANING THE REST OF THE KITCHEN!! Yea So im fuckin in my room. Music Blaring. You know...the usuall.
Right so Work sucked. Tyler didnt work today but he came in at like 5:30 to give shane a ride home. Dam I never really seen him in his normal clothes really. He had on a mudvayne shirt and like spike bracelts all up his arm. Half way to his elbow. His nails were painted. one hand red the other black. And he had this silver spikey necklace on. HEHE Dam he looked hella good. Pisses me off that I cant have him. Yea but dam. I made 52 bucks. Cool. Dam I was suppossed to drive to school tomorrow. But my dad pulled off the water pump to the truck and never put the new one on. So my mom gonna have to pick me up and drive me to the class photos. Stupid bitch. Dam my nails are still kinda wet. I better stop typing so fuckin fast. If they get ruined Ill be hella pissed. It took me like half an hour to do them. Well no work tomorrow. Dam its too early to fuckin sleep. Anyway... Britt you havnt come online in a while. I donno You ahve a life now or something. Thats cool. Wish I had a life. But Nooo. Oak Harbor Sucks.


NOV 1st 8:30 pm

Wow Its pretty dam early. Well today was ok. But That thing with James. It cant happen. That sucks. Oh well thats why I didnt want to think of it as something that WOULD. Becasue things happen. Yea But today was alright anyway. I put my mom into a guilt trip enough to take me to the mall. Hell yea. Stupid Bitch. Too bad I dodnt bring more money though. I had like 150 bucks with me. Lets see I bought. 2 CD's ( 3 days grace and the new Marilyn manson) I bought black pants for work. I bought these cool bracelets/ring things. Its like a bracelet but its got a chain that attaches to a ring. Yea I bought two different kinds. Hehe I bought some giant hoop earings to replace the one I lost on the ROLLER COASTER! Heheh Britt. Yea Lets see. Oh I bought 3 shirts at hot topic. One with the new Mudvayne logo, One with a cool saying. It says "People like you are the reason people like me need medication" Hehe. And I bought one with a big red anarchy sign. But its huge so i have to dry it and make it shrink. I bought some silver braclet things. Like a pack of 25 or something. A ring with 3 spikes sticking out of it but it is interchangealble. One of the spikes was missing so I replaced the outer 2 with little studs.
I tried to convince my mom to pay to get my ears pierced again. Dam her. She wouldnt let me. Just wait. 11 days. Hell yea! We drove by twisted underground. So I know where that is now. Hehe It looks like a giant barn...its fucked up. Yea Work tomorrow. Dam im sick of that job. And Fuck I need some cigs. Ive been bumming for 3 days now. Fuckin A. I hate bumming makes me feel inferior to them. Its ok though. 11 fucking DAYS!


OCT 31st 9:12 pm

Well Happy Birthday Britt. Watch tomorrow youll be trying to get your liscense.
Well yesterday. Dam I was hella busy I didnt even get a chance to come online. I had to go watch this guy speak at the middle school for EVER AND EVER. I got home around 10:30 11:00 pm. But whatever. Yea Today was Halloween. It wasnt that fun. I went to schoo. Oh shit. Fuckin Sam. He dressed ALL OUT like a fuckin girl! Oh My fucking GOD! It was Hillarious. Shane came to school today and hung out around lunch time. Blah Blah Blah. I worked didnt make very much at all but I dont mind. I hung around with Tyler at work. It was EXTREMELY SLOW today at work. But yea I got home. Gave candy to stupid Little kids. Im hella fuckin tired.
Yea so Tomorrow night. James and some people are suppossed to come pick me up at like 11:00 pm hehe and kidnap me. Fuck I hope everything works out Thad be cool. They said theyd probably return me home around 2 am or something. HAHA Dam if everything goes as planned Itll be hella fun. So yea Ill be jumping out my window. Im suppossed to call them when my parents go to bed and all. Cross your fingers.


OCT 29th 8:50 pm

God. My mom. Why does she have to make my fucking life hell. Jesus CHRIST. Yea So I had planned to go to the mall saturday. I got the day off work and everything. Adn she wont let me fuckin drive there. So Im all Ok. Ill take the fuckin bus. Well turns out the bus here on the island that needs to get me to the kagit bus doesnt run on weekends. Fuckin A. So Im all yea you can drive me to the park and ride... Its right outside deception pass like at that stop light. Dam right down the fucking road! And shes like No. My dad wont drive me either. Fuck so Im all ok why dont I just drive and park. Thats what a park and ride is for. But NOOO My moms a fuckin HOAR! Dam I havnt done anything to enjoy myself in a hell of a long time. Its pissing me the fuck off and now she wants to ruin this ONE thing for me!All I want to do is go fuckin buy some Cds and a couple shirts and Some black pants! Since oak harbor sucks so fucking much! i just want to get away! WHY WONT SHE LET ME! But yea So I fuckin screamed at her and That brings me to where I am now. In my room on my computer. Fuckin A. Someone needs to die


OCT 28th 10:00 pm

HAHAHA Dam I feel really stupid. Anyway. After class I told Tyler I was gonna follow him home. And He didnt believe me. HAH So i did. He was a freaked out. Good for him. HAHA So now I know where he lives. Shane too! HAHA Hillarious. But Uhhhh I really dont have much to say today. I went and got some food at wendys and just now got home. Awww we fixed Bonnie today. Poor thing. I havnt even got to see her yet Casue she was gone when I got home from school and She's in bed now. Poor little puppy. AWWWWW


OCT 26 9:07 pm

Dam I was in a good mood today but now Im just fuckin frustrated. I all go online today like almost every other night. And I check my mail and do all my usuall crap then I was all dam im gonna check my fuckin junk mail and I did. And guess what. Theres Like 3 messeges in there from Brit. Im all Wtf. The first ones just all whats up nothing whatever. Then the next ones all Saying Im fucked up ad what the hell is wrong with me. Then the 3rd one's all bitching me out and shit. Fuckin A. Her E-,ail never got sent to my junk mail before. fuck that pisses me off. Becasue now Shes all fuckin mad at me. Jesus Christ dam it all to hell. What the fuck is wrong wth this dam world. So I e-mail her explaining it and shes like What the fuck. You didnt put me on your safe list before. Dam man. But now she hasnt e-mailed me back. I donno either shes fuckin pissed off or she had to go offline.
anyway fuck. Yea Today was pretty good. I spent the whole day at work. Oh shit. I forgot we had to set back our clocks. So woke up all early went to work and theres fuckin no one there Im all What the fuck. So i went back home and turn on my computer... Its all " we changed your clock for you" HAHA OH SHIT! It was fucked up. But yea thts cool Whatever. I made 60 bucks today. Dam I want to go to the fuckin mall and actally shop at REAL stores. Fucking walmart is pissing me off. I need black pants. And they dont have any!!!!! AHHHH! Yea I only have one pair of black pants. Fcukin A...its a pain in the ass to fuckin wash it every day. Dam. Yea no work tomorrow. Im gonna try to go to the cell phone place and ask them what the fuck is wrong with my phone. Dam all I did was check my voice mail last night and it went dead. Like seriously it just shut off on me. It was charging all night too!! AHHH EVERYTHING IS FUCKED UP. Dam i donno I dont feel good right now.
Im gonna go write on my other website


OCT 25th 9:34 pm

YEa. Ok. Dam today was pretty exausting. I worked ALL DAM DAY LONG and only made 30 bucks. Pretty dam sucky. I went to the Salon at the exchange and asked them how much they would charge to do my hair. Yea she said anywhere from 55 - 75 bucks. That sucks. But Im gonna get it dome anyway. Just casue I really feel like doing something to enjoy myself. And my hair sounds good. In case I never wrote on hear yet. I want to get red and black highlights. Nice huh? Yea. But I have 5 bucks already so Im gonna call this other place in oak harbor and ask how much they want to do it... Then I'll see which ones cheaper. YEa Counting the days till Im 18. 18 days Bitch hell yea. Dam I seriously need to buy a vehicle and insurance Im getting pissed off. My parents need to die.


OCT 24th 9:51 pm

Yea today was pretty boring. I went to school. Had to sit through a fuckin homecoming assembly. Went to work. YEa Then I went to "the game" YEa i cruised around, went to the skate park, smoked. Same ol Same ol. I got some cigs today. I had Keving ( this guy at work) Buy me some. I didnt want to ask him though. I was all like dam. I need to go find someone whos 18 to go buy me cigs. HEHE and he all points to himself. Im all Oh really youd do that. Cool so He bought me some cigs and I gave him a ride home. Fun. anyway so yea. I donno Now Im at home. I stopped at 7-11 and got a hot dog and a slurpee. Nice. So im pretty awake right now. Its been a while since I smoke some weed. HEHEHEH. Dam so yea.


OCT 23rd 10:20 pm

HAHAH DAM Hillarious. Anyway after class today i went to wendy's and got food. Then I was driving throuhg the safeway parking lot and I saw Tylers car ( I know im a stalker) But anyway so I parked and went in the store. HAHA scared the shit outta him. But anyway After we got back in the cars I was following him around. HAHAH He was all swerving around the parking lot and making all these U turns And speeding HELLA FAST. HAHAH We weren't nessisarliy RACING. HAHAHA I wasnt trying to pass him. HEHE but good thing I have a radar detector., HAHAH I had the advantage. But yea that went on for a while all around walmart and these back roads. The he pulled over and Im all "I can do this all night" HAH I had more gas then him... So hes like Lets Go. ( mean while i was suppossed to be home at 9:20) HAHAH so we're all speeding and doing like obsticle corses in the parking lots. HAHA It was fun. But i got home at well just now. 10:10 pm HAHAHAHA Hillarious. I told my mom I ate at Wendy's ( Its the truth!!!) HAHAHAH But then all good things must come to an end. He asked if i was working. OF CORSE I AM!!! ALWAYS! But yea. So now IM here on the computer...bored...IM talking to Krys though. HAHAHA Fun. Listening to MudVayne. Fun. IM in a pretty dam good mood right now. Shit. HAHAHASHHAHAHAH No drugs either!!! Thats wierd. HAHA nAh


OCT 21 st 9:23 pm

HAHAH I just got home. Dam yesterday was Tylers birthday. I donno if hes 19 or 20 now. HAHA IM confused. YEa but It's scary. He wants me to start worshiping the Devil :| HAHAHAHHA Its funny actualy. He took me to his car and he's all tearing it aprt and throwing shit out of it cause he was searching for his satanic bible. He didnt find it though. I told him to let me borrow it :) AHAH Yea. Don't be afraid Seriously. YES YOU BRITT!!!! HAHAH I know you'll take it to heart. But thats cool. Your concerned for me :) Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling :)

OCT 20th 8:17 pm

Dam Im fuckin lost. Ihhh yea No work today. I broke my giant scissors. I was throwing them into the cieling where we eat lunch and it got stuck up there. Dam it was hella funny. But then i threw my purse to get them down and they broke when it hit the ground. Dam..But thats cool. Instead of one pair of giant scissors I now have two giant pointy objects. Nice. I baby sat. Made a decent 10 dollars. Oh I went to the bank today. I now have 536 bucks. nice huh? Yea then i come home and my dad calls and tells me to call security or soemthing casue a tree fell down and blocked the road where he fishes. So i did and it took them forever to show up. But dam he called right when security showed up to tell us he'd be home and he asked to speak to my mom. So I gave the phone to her. Dam he told my mom I had a bitchy attitude. WHAT THE FUCK!!! I BARELY SAID 4 WORDS TO HIM!!!! so yea I havn't said a word since. Good I hope they all think I'm a horrible fucked up kid. I'll be 18 soon. Who cares what they think.
Anyway I have class tomorrow but no work casue I got to watch my sister after school casue my moms gonna be at a dr.s appt. Yea fuck.I got cigs today.!!!! HAHAH I went to walmart after the bank and asked a random person to buy me cigs. I was kinda worried she'd run off with my money but yea she didnt. HAHA Nice so now I have cigs again. Dam... I bought some stuff at walmart. I boguht a ski cap thing. Its red and black. And some necklaces and a bunch of earings. Yea...
My mom said I couldnt get my tounge pierced. HAHA Fuck her. I'll be 18...there's not a dam thing she can do. All of this 18 stuff Is kinda just now hitting me. ( if you havnt noticed in the past couple days) HAHA but Dam I can;t believe It's finally here. Dam so yea...Im gonna go chill. Take some Motrin. There isnt anymore Ibprophin. ... I think Im gonna strat stealing my moms god dam pills. Im desperate enoguh. I dont care if she fuckin numbers them!!!!! Drugs. I would definitaly take pills any day over ANY other drug. Yes britt. Including weed. Pills are just so much easier.


OCT 19th 9:05 pm

YEa. Lots of fun. Not really. Dam...My fuckin body hurts. Usually at any given time iv'e got enough pain killers in my to OD a horse...but today I didnt take a SINGLE pill. So I feel like CRAP. Yea soemone at work tolde me I take too much pills and I couldnt last a day without them. So I went along with it and didnt take any. Fuck I wish I had. I actually have a HUGE headache, My arm has searing pain in it and I can feel random bruises all over my body. Dam it's been a long time since I havn't taken any pain killers. That sucks. Yea I just about died at work. I kept having to take cigarette breaks to chill out. But I made 40 bucks for only like 4 1/2 hours. NICE. I would had 45 but i put gas in the truck. HAHA
My dad is stupid He's selling his brown truck and he wants 3500 for it HA HAHAHAH Its a piece of crap. He only bought it for 2000 but he put ALOT of new parts in it trying to figure out why its running like crap. Yea I think he's gonna have to lower the price. But the good news is. He "said" If he sells his truck and buys this IROC car he wants...he'll sell me the blue truck. Yea Thats what he SAYS who knows if he means it.
Dam I swear Im gonna kill someone pretty soon. I think Im dying or something. I donno. But my dad kept screaming at me so i went in my room and pulled at my hair...and alot came out. Im not very healthy looking right now. My arms fucked up and my hairs fucked up and I cant like stand up straight. I dodnt even spend the time this morning to make myself look decent. Its on the bottom of my "to-Do" list.
Well. 23 days till I turn 18. YEa i want to get my tounge pierced. I dont know if my mom will go for that. I dont know. I think Id have to get really fucked up first. HAHA cause Ive seen someone get their tounge pierced. Not pretty. I think I can handle getting a tatoo but i donno about my tounge. If not that...hmm I'm thinking about my nose. Just a little stud or something. HAHAHAHAH OHHHHH you know what I really want pierced But i would NEVER go through with. My bride of my nose. You know right between the eyes with a ball on each side. But i heard it hurts ALOT. But id look so cool. HHAHAHHAHA Dam When i turn 18 Im gonna go out and do all this shit Ive thoguht about doing earlier. Hmmm what else can i get put into my body. I want to go to Twisted Underground thoguh. I heard they're good. I dont think they do Tatoo's though. Dam Fcuked up. I seriously need to get out and DO SOMETHING!!!! IM INSANE! Dam britt you need to drive down here this weekend. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Hell yea.


OCT 18th 9:16 pm

Nice. Yea soo I had to wake up hella early today. 7:30 am!! AHHH I had to work at 9:00. YEa sooo i made 50 bucks not tooo bad. But it still kinda sucks. I got that creepy guy that likes me to buy me some fuckin cigs. God I hate to stoop to that level. HAH but i NEEDED THEM! Yea So i came home and I was gonna get some dinner. And we had left over pizza from last night. My dad ate the pepperoni kind for luch. HE coulda ate the kind mom bought FOR HIM...but no He ate the only kind me and my sister like. So yea he told me to shut up. And I told him I wasnt being load. and he screamed some more told me I better shut the "fuck"(actually said the cuss word) up. So i screamed at him and went in my room and turned up my music hella load. Same ol Same ol. Well I found a razor and a tack. Most of my wounds have healed. quite well actually. cept for them dam polka dots. So i reopened both of the ones on my hands. Fuck I'm really pissed off. I'll murder my dad. I seriously will. Fuckin Alchoholic ass. Yea I never cut myself with a razor before. Nice. I made a Pentagram on my arm. But I didnt break the skin. It looks HELLA cool. Its all swollen from where i scratched it with the tack over and over again. So its like lifted off my arm. It on my fore arm. Dam. Let me grab my scissors to stab my fuckin family to death. Actually my mom was kinda nice( wierd huh) She brought me dinner in my room. Just like a Fuckin prisoner.
I have to work tomorrow. not till 12:30 though so i can sleep in! Fuck I'm so glad I got that job. I donno what Id do if I had to spend all day at HOME with my FUCKIN FAMILY. Its not even about the money. Its getting away from reality for a few hours so I can screw around with other psycotic people like me. Dam Seriously FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. HAHA I was up alllll night last night. I made another website. all by myself. For my viewing only. Its kinda like that notebook I keep. Only on the internet. I write all my creey psycotic things in it that anyone else would be afraid to see. I only have one "entry" thing thoguh. I took me long enoguh just to set up the web site. So now I have a permanet home for the deep thoguhts of my soul. Thats what I named the web site. Something about. Lost thoguhts and feelings inside my soul.
Dam I need to get out of Oak Harbor and back to sanity.


OCT 17th 9:28 pm

YEa today was pretty psycotic. I donno My brain has hurt for like the past 3 days. I don't know what's wrong with me. So anyway in second period I stole these fuckin scissors from the class. Theyre hella at least a foot long. HAHA So all day I threatened people with them. HASHAHAH especially Tasha. Stupid bitch. She's convinced Im going to kill her one way or another. HAHAH good for her. Yea but then I was in 4th period and I found this like push pin tack thing. And i stuck it through one side of my earaser and it came out the other. It was cool so i left it there. Then i got bored.And you know how you like flip your pencil back and forth kinda with like 2 fingers. well i was doing that and I didnt even realize that it was hitting my other hand. I looked at it and my hand was all fuckin bloody and shit casue the pin kept hitting me. So i went to the bathroom and washed off all the blood. now my hand has GOD DAM POKKA DOTS ON IT!! It looks like some sort of sick rash on my hand. But yea I donno it's wierd i dodnt feel a thing. Probably casue ive taken too much Ibprophen cause my fuckin CRAMPS!!! AHHHH Ill kill them! Yea so I wen to work. ended up working with Tyler. Ig ot to cut up his arm with my key. He let me/ Then He was all telling me him and this other guy were gonna fight. But they were friends. They just wanted to fight each other ( dont ask) HAHA but they did. When it got dark around like 6:00 they went out in the parking lot where we park and tore each other up! AHAHHAHAHAH It was hillarious! But fuck theyre all bruised and cut and shit. Tyler went on the ground a couple times and That other guy got knocked up against my truck and Tyler punched the shit outta his Jaw. Fucked up aint it. Theyre still friends. HAHA That was pretty cool to watch. I havnt watched somone fight in a long time.
Yea but i get home. Its friday so my dads missing. We ordered pizza. He finally came home around 8:30 all drunk. And he ran over the trash cans with his truck. Fuck he pisses me off. Then He's all give me the keys to the blue truck....Im all HELL NO YOU NOT GONNA CRASH THE TRUCK I DRIVE!!!!!! So he didnt. HAHA fuck him I hope he gets fuckin a liver infection or alchohol poisoning or something. I donno My music is HELLA loud right now. Im listening to MudVayvne. My dad came in and told me to turn it down. I told him no.
what he gonna do. he'd probably miss if he tried to hit me right now. HA


OCT 16th 9:45 pm

YEA. Uhhhh hmm Dam i made 25 bucs today. Pretts good for 2 1/2 hours. Thats 10 bucks an hour. Nice. Yea thats my new favorite word. NICE. huh? yea sooo I worked. Dam the power went off like hella today. But not for very long. Dam Im outta cigs now! FUCK!!! AHHHHH! Dam that pisses me off. Oh shit. Like I stretched some belt on my dads blue truck so I couldnt drive it to work. So i went to work and I was all oh shit. I have class today. So guess who had to drive me . Tyler. Yea and home too. Im scared he knows where I live now :) Yea but on the way home. I saw these pills in his dash board and Im all What the fuck. They were Green tea pills. He's all "They calm you down." Yea He has like rage problems HAHAHAH. yea but he told me to eat one. And im all uhhh I dont have any water. So i just put it in my mouth oh shit it was NASTY. I just let it disove.( it was one of those little clear capsules with like powder in the middle) Dam But he was right. I feel much MUCH calmer now. Yes Im ok. Calm even. HAhA. But yea My moms home from the hospital Yipee...not. yea Im making plans for endfest! OH SHIT! BRITTANY!! Its crazy. You have to ask me Theres like too much to type. But like a hella lot of people wanna come. And this guy I used to know. He wants to drive down (hes in Idaho) Yea but like Im all uhh 1 car can only hold so many people. HAHAHHAHAH we all take the fuckin transit to the concert. hehehe. Funny. But yea. Thats cool. Aight Homies Peace.


OCT 15th 8:40 pm.

Oh shit today was fucked up. So we were SUPPOSSED to have the senior class photo today. So my dad let me drive to school ( it got cancled anyway casue of rain) But yea so i parked out in the alley. Kinda down the road a little and then I went to school. Then I wanted to go cruise for lunch and when I got back in the truck a noticed a little paper on my windshield. I was like OH HELL NO they did not give me a fuckin TICKET. But it was like a little not that said "please don't park here" WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Cause we're not suppossed to park out there cause the stupid broke ass school wants to suck every little 40 DOLLAR PARKING PERMIT out of every kid!!!! AHHH WHAT THE FUCK... So anyway i threw it away and went to Jack in the box. So when i went back I parked on a different street. And went back to class. OK END OF SCHOOL. I fuckin walk to my truck and there's a dam cop car parked infront of my truck OH SHIT MAN. AHHHHH. Hes all "is this your truck Im like Yea. FUCK! of all the places to park I parked infront of a cops HOUSE! Hes all telling me not to park there and i was also parked on the sidewalk. ( you know to get out of the street. everyone else was parked like that) So anyway he bitched me out! FUCKIN A!!!!! Im not gonna spend 40 bucks just to park a couple days out of the school year. dam WHERE DO THEY EXPECT US TO PARK!!!!!!AGHHHHHHHHH! IM HELLA PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW.
Anyway...I went to work made 20 buck. I took my key and cut Tylers arm. HAHHAHAHAHAHAH Thats what he gets. hehehe. Nah we were talking and reminising about John. seriously I cant imagine John in a wheel chair Hed go crazy! And then Tylers all no. I think he's changed now. Hes like calmer. NOOOOOOO i liked john how he was. He cant change. But John might come back to school. Thad be cool.
My moms still in the dam hospital. FUCK! AHHH so my dad was bitching at me about how I needed to clean the dam house. FUCK soon as I got home. I was like DAM CANT I FUCKIN SIT DOWN FIRST!!!! Jesus. So Yea.
HAHAHAH Britt you and I need to win that house theyve been giving away on 1077. Thad be cool. Its an apartment in bellvew or something. rent free with all this cool stuff in it! HELL YEA!! PARTY!!!!


OCT 14th 10:00 pm

YAY. nah i donno. So my moms in the hospital right now. My dads freaking out so i'm chillin. I sent him to was pissing me off. I just got back from class. Lots of fun. YEA Lots. GOD! ITS SOOO FUCKIN BORING!!!! thatnk god Tylers there. At least I have someone to talk to. Yea im passing i think.
HAHA now brittany thinks im psyco too. Its not like that man. Just. It's ok. Im not gonna die or anything. And the school can't do shit. I'll tell them my cat fuckin attacked the shit outta me. Or someone attacked me on the streets. HAHAHHAHAHAH they'll never know. So yea. I need drugs. my codiene's all gone :( How sad.
Dam what time is it...Im so lost. FUCK! dam i have to wake up early to fuckin get my sister ready! god dam it! FUCK my dads such a lazy fuckin idiot. I hope he rots in heaven.


OCT 13th 5:51

YEA. Soo today was pretty dam UNEVENTFULL. Yea i baby sat at like 10 o' clock made 10 bucks. Hung around the house. Begged my mom if i could go to K-Mart. she finally gave in around 2:30 so I went to K-mart. I HATE K-MART! So I went to walmart. I saw Issac and I asked him to buy me cigs. He didnt have his ID on him but his frined did. So i got cigs today. But Dam the girl bought the wrong kind. AHHH Theyre marb menthols but its milds. THE BLUE KIND!!! AHHHHHHHH! yea. Whatever. Im gonna fill some cigs with bud tonight. Yea mabey I'll get stoned tomorrow morning. HAHHAHA not really that funny. So yea. Whatever. Im bored. My mom's bitching about how I need to clean the house. Dam i better go.


OCT 12th 6:30 pm

JESUS CHRIST!!! I just typed a HELLA LOT OF STUFF!! Then i pressesd this button on my computer and all of a sudden I exited the internet! AHHHHHHH.
Anyway so yea... Whad I Say.
I just found out today what REALLY happened to John. Go figure Tyler is one of Johns good friends. THATS CRAZY! So yea he told me what happened. He DID get into a car accident. They were speeding and their tire blew out. So yea John had alot of spinal damage. Hes in a wheele chair and can only take like 2 little steps. But Tyler said he's recovering pretty good. Dam. Oh and he said Johns sis did move. Crazy. Dam I feel really bad for John. Poor guy. But yea thats cool that Tyler knows John. I wonder if he smokes weed. hehehehe Ive never asked him.
Yea It poored today! like CRAZY! But thats cool. This guy he gave me like this folded up little thing of cash for my tip and when i was unfolding it to put it with the rest of my money there was a 10 inside. AHAHAH I dont think he meant to give me that. I DONT CARE!! FUCK HIM
But yea my moms cooking dinner so Im just bored. My arm really hurts. My mom wants to send me off to a mental institution becasue I did that to my self. She thinks im psychotic. Oh well let her send me off. Id have fun in a crazy place. I BELONG there. Plus they give you PILLS!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
Well i have to babysit tomorrow. No school. dam I wanted to sleep till like 2 pm. But NOOOOOO the lady wants me to be at her place at 10 am. FUCK!!!!


OCT 11th 12:07 am

HAHAHA OK MY ARM HURTS!!!! Yea i donno I was at work and all if a sudden I look over and Shane is sawing off my arm with a plastic knife. WHAT THE FUCK!! HAHA It didnt hurt so I let him. But I was currently under the influence of about 12 Ibeprophin. Hmmmm Stupid generic Ibprophin. Yea then i got bored and creative with a safety pin while I was baby sitting. Theres like tears and scratches all over my arms. Hmmm. Well when i see my mom in the morning she's gonna freak out. So yea. Mabey i need some pain killers :) Well I didnt take any Codiene tonight. Im saving my last 3 HAHAHAHHAHHA.!!!!! But i need some tylonol or something.
Also at work some guy plowed me over with his cart. Yea My anckles all purple and bruised. Thats the reason I took the Ibprophin in the first place. GOD DAM ILL KILL HIM!!! Yea,,, I babysat. Poor Poor CHILDREN!!! made 20 bucks. Sweet. I have 400 now. YEA!!! UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Shit! AHH WORK TOMORROW! Thats cool. I have fun :) But I think this job is really starting to get to me. Or mabey it's the people I hang out with at work. But lately Ive been hella Psyco... Yea Im talking to Chayce. Dam i miss you chayce. You ALL better come over here!!!!!! Even if the concert sucks! we can hang out and toke it up. Cept you krys :( You suck. HAHAH DESIGNATED DRIVER!!!!!


OCT 9th 9:18 pm

Hmmmmm. Well that's wierd. Brittany hasnt e-mailed me in a while. I called your cell. No answer. Well Today was nice. I got my senior lunch pass today! HELL YEA BITCH!!! So I went off and Smoked a cig during lunch. Cool huh? How exciting. Yea well kinda. Uhhhhhhh. I worked. Made 13 dollars. Tyler said he's gonna teach me to play bass guitar. Yea right. I'm not that corrdinated. Id suck so bad. Went to college. Fooled around in class. Too preoccupied. Didnt hear a word the teacher said. HAHAHAHAHAHA WATCH ME FAIL!!!! Well it wouldnt be THAT funny. Actually not that much at all. AHHHH GOOD CHARLOTE IS ON THE RADIO!! THEY SUCK SO BAD!! TAKE IT AWAY.
Well the time has come on my Codiene addiction. I have 4 pills left. 4 PILLS! Wheres Andrew when you need him :( *sigh* I miss Andrew.


OCT 8th 2003

well work today sucked ass for making pay. In the first 2 hours I made 3 bucks. :0 But it pickded up and I ended with 12 dollars. WOW huh? YEa right. Well It might of sucked for pay. But God Forbidd. I got STUCK on the same register as Tyler. Dam huh? HAHA NAh. We bonded. And he told me about this shit called "bella donna" AKA "night shade" HAHA Its like a poisonus plant and it makes you see things. Oh shit. What a BAD guy. He's like I just put in an order. I told him to share...And hes all "only if your not afraid of DEATH" OH SHIT! Cause it's Poisonus yea.
Crazy Insane Pshcopath. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
Yea. But dam Tomorrow I have to go take a math test before school! AHHHHHH I keep putting it off. So i can go smoke a cig...hehehe I really need to take it. Im failing the class.


OCT 7th 9:45

Well well well. Dam I just got home from my class at the college. An old friend from Hawaii fuckin called me all of a sudden. Dam havn't talked to her in a hella long time. Yea we talked a while. Her Dad's in Jail for doing Crack. Yea That sucks. Sorry Shae.
But on the bright side I hung out with Tyler after work and before class. :) Yay. He playes bass guitar. Cool. Dam. He's gonna make me fail my class. HAHAHAH but thats cool. He'll fail too. Bought some cigs today and the lady actually asked me for my ID!!!! DAM! She told me to bring it next time. Dam i guess thats the end of buying cigs there. Well the clock is ticking. I'll be 18 in.... 24 + 12 days. Thats..uhhhh 36 DAYS!! Dam two packs won't last me that long. HAHA dam that means i gotta find someone to buy them for me. FUCK now i'm pissed off. Shit...


OCT 6th 8:15.

YEa. HAHA you know i noticed i always start this with like yea or somethin like that. Dam this rash on my neck is getting itchy. OMG yea i left my fuckin purse in my 6th period class!!AHHHHHHH so theyll probably go through it to find out whos' it is. And its got my cigarettes. Dam Im fuckin stupid. YEA i better go buy cigs tomorrow. Dam i can't forget. I know i will. So yea. Work tomorrow then that class at the college. HEHE i did all the Homework today. It didnt take me that long. Casue a lot of it is like opinion stuff. But that sucks too casue I can't come up with a page and a half of Opinion. ARG. But yea i got it done. Dang. Fuck...I really hope they dont go through my purse!!!!AHH HOW COULD I FORGET IT!!!! Its like the only thing i bring to class! Dam i need to lay off the DRUGS!!!


OCT 5th 9:10 pm

YEA. I worked. It sucked the LADY WAS PSYCOO!!!! AHHHHHHHHH yea i only made like 30 bucks which is really bad for a sunday. :( PHEW. Oh shit i was fuckin smoking a ciggarette on break and my fuckin DAD drove right by. I WAS LIKE OH SHIT!! But i dont know if he saw me casue he didnt say anything to me when i got home. Mabey hes in DENIAL. But whatever as long as Im not in trouble. HAHAAHAHHA I donno i feel BOED!! wait... BORED!! yea. thats it.


OCT 4th 2003. 9:45 pm

YEa. Well today sucked. I worked all day long. And when i got home my dad was drunk. He kept bitching at me about little things. Like he told me to go get the dog. and i did and it went crazy and scratched me so i let go. He spent the next half an hour bitching about how i let the dog go. What the fuck. I put it back like 5 seconds later. Then he bitched about how i need to start showing respect and calling him sir. FUCK THAT SHIT! Thats not how i was raised. Yay. Then my mom bitched at him. and he biched at her. and I bitched at my sister, Then my mom bitched at me! HA she told me i shouldnt piss off my dad. What the fuck. So yea i said SCREW THAt and took 3 codiene and here i sit now. Im running out. Its pissing me off. Mabey i should go get my Wisdom Teeth Yanked so i can get some Vicadin. Dang. I work tomorrow too. But not till 12:00 which means I have to sit around and TALK to my parents.
Dam Mrs. Otruba is STALKING ME!!! She was at the fucking commissary and me and Chris bagged her groceries. I told her i was gonna throw it all on the ground. The she said she'd suspend me if i did. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yea.Oh shit I almost DIED tolday!!! AHHH i was taking out this order and i was right behind this car. And it started backing out of this space. And im all What the Fuck IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU!! Oh shit. They didnt even look in their mirror. They just kept backing up. FUCK I HAD TO RUN out of the way. The costomer i was with Fuckin Yelled at them. HAHAHAHHAHAHHA THATS WHAT THEY GUT!!!!!!!!! Wait.. GET. HEEHEEEHEHEHEH


OCT 3rd 2003 . Hella late.

Soooo. Yea. I worked made 27 bucks. Pretty good. Dang i just watched the Lord of the Rings Two towers or whatever. Dam it was LONG! I dont even remember what was in the 1st movie so it was confusing. But yea it's like MIDNIGHT!!! AHHHH I dont work till 11 am tomorrow so i can SLEEP IN!! YEA! But I have to wake up at 6:45 to take my FUCKIN ANTIBIOTICS!!! EEEEEEK. Yea well. I need a car. hehe and insurance. Dam my neck itches. FUCK!! AHHHHHHHHH. Its ok. The Codiene will kick in soon and all will be well. Im running out.
I have to fill my cigs with bud. So i can smoke in the morning. DAM my bus has been comeing HELLA late! I barely had time to smoke a cig this morning. I was 5 mins late to 1st period. And i had to pick up trash in his room becasue it was my 4th tardy. yea


OCT 2nd 2003. 10:06 pm

YEA. So DAm. Codien. Uhhhh i went to school. IT SUCKED but i got my stuff from James. He's in trouble so he couldnt bring it to me. Thats what i figured. I Didnt work. Dam But i went to the Smoke shop and bought 2 packs of cigs. YEA BABY. Then i went to class! AHH i hate it! Its frustrating. Dont you hate it when you have to hang out with a guy you like and they DONT KNOW!! ARG! But its fun hangin around with him.
Dam so today someone told me John got in a car accident! YES BRITTANY!! A CAR ACCIDENT!!! Probably casue he lets people drive him around STONED!!! HAHA See britt that could be US!!!! DEAD!!! HAAHAHAHAH Well its not that funny. But everythings kinda got the edge taken off it right now! WHOO! Im gonna need a refill!


OCT 1st 2003

Soooo Yea, I went to the Doctors today. Turns out i have Bronchitis. and the only thing stopping me from having Phenomia is not having a fever. Im suppossed to keep checking my temperature. dam but its cool. He gave me some anti-biotics and some CODIEN!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fuck Im gonna take them like 5 at a time. hehehehehehe. heehee, nah but I just took 2, Im wating for them to kick in. Im all like waiting and shit. Fuck Theres like cop sirens. I can HEAR them!!! Its bugging me! Dang, Yep. I worked today made 25 bucks since it was payday today. Not bad. Dam i went to go buy cigs today and i got half way there. And i look in my wallett and i had no cash on me!! AHHH i wanted to kill someone. Sooo i'll thr to go get them tomorrow. I wonder if theyre open at 6:00 pm. Dang cause i have class tomorrow. I need to smoke!! AHH. Dam i need to kill James. hehe i didnt go ( dam thats the 5th time i had to re-write that word)... Anyway i dodnt go to school so i didn't get to ask James WHAT THE HELL!!! I think he's in trouble casue i called his house and his moms all "he cant talk" and fuckin hung up on me.!!! AHHH Dam. HAHAHA i can really start ti feel some shit. My fingers are like flying all over the place. I think its taken me like 20 minutes just to write this. and re write all those words i fucked up. heehee
Anyway. KRYS!!!!! AHHHH you need to likehaha do stuff. I donno, you should hold out on making the plans for the concert till you find out whos playing. Casue its different every year. But Im going anyway, just casue its cool. Its hosted by our local radio station. Its a hella big concert. There's bound to be someone you like.... Oh yea and my frined brought up a good point. Dont you have to be like 21 to rent a hotel room? How are you and chayce gonna stay in a hotel. Does chayce even know hes comeing?? HAHAHAHAHHA You all kidnap him. heeehehhee
Dam i better go. This journal is hella long. OH SHIT IM RETARDED!!! HAHA dam one of these days Im gonna electricute myself!!!!WATCH!!!!


SEPT 30th 10;17 pm

Dang. well i mad 16 dollars today. But thats alright I had fun. dang i was suppossed to meet James at the commissary but he never fuckin Showed up and i had to get to class! I tried calling but it went straight to an answering machine! Dam but I'm alright. Not like i can smoke it till i get over with my doctors appt. Casue theyre probably gonna draw blood or give me a piss test or something. THEY ALWAYS DO!!! So yea my Appointment is tomorrow! I dont have to go to school! YAY! dam that means i wont see James to bitch him out ERRRRR.
Well after work i went to class. Dam It was fun. I dont even listen, I sit and talk to that guy from my work. Dam. Hes like 19 or something. :) Yea. He encourages me to MURDER MY PARENTS!!!! today was pretty good. Since i spent about 5 minutes total today at home when my parents were up. So i didn't have to deal with shit. AHHAHAHAH Im wearing Penguin pants!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


SEPT 29th 8:42 pm

Dam Brittanys been pissing me off lately ALOT. I dont know what the fuck happened but it needs to fucking stop. She's been fucking complaining that i dont want to talk to her on AOL anymore casue everytime i do She does something to piss me off. So i went on and we were talking then she's all "Fuck you leave, before i piss you off" Fuckin A man. Why the fuck would you do that. dam, either you hate me and just dont know how to tell me or theres something wrong with your brain. Dam if you didnt want to fuckin talk to me then just tell me. Fuck but this shit is exausting me.
Intenally, emotionally. I can't take it and I shouldnt have to.
dam i can barely breath. I'm getting worked up and my fuckin lungs hurt so bad. It hurts when i breath in, breath out. cough. fuck, I can taste blood when i cough. I need a doctor. Fuck my parents if i die its theyre own dam fault. They expect me to work like this. i all coughing on peoples groceries and shit. HAHAH THEY CAN ALL DIE WITH ME!!!!!

SEPT 29th 8:11

Well my parents are FINALLY gonna make me an appointment. well i smartened up and put the newer entries near the top! so you dont have to scroll! HAHA smart huh? Well today was boring! I hate mondays. I went to school and told James I wanted some stuff**HAHA Dam its been hella long since i've smoked....Well anyway. I babysat after school since the commissary is closed today. Then i got home and my parents are reading this thing. Its a report against JAMES. HAHA Theyre all freaking out casue he threatened to kill little kids. HAHA Hillarrious.! But theyre all You dont know this person do you!! And im all uhhhh no doesnt sound familiar. Oh man it was crazy. Cause my dad is his dads boss. Funny huh. well the rest of the day sucked. And here i am. Dam...i feel all lazy. I think its becasue of the lack of oxygen in my blood. Good thing i have a doctors appt.


SEPT 25th 2003

Alrighty...Hmmmm. lets see. Thanks KRYS for organizing this. Now lets just see if i can figure out all this HTML CRAP! hehee I'm attempting!
Alright well today sucked. HAHAHAHAHAH nah its cool i'll tell more when i see if this works

Alright YAY for me!!!!!!! Well i'll do more tomorrow. Im hella tired. I had my college class today. And its like 11:20 right now. Sooo i better get to bed. Oh yea Brittney Thanks for REPLACING ME!!!!!!!

SEPT 26th 10:20 pm

Right. Today was alright,I made like.. OH SHIT MAN! My MOMS SCREAMING AT MY DAD!!! THAT WAS THE DOOR SLAMMING. alright. back to silence. Dam my dads all drunk and shit. He made me fuckin drive him to the store 10 minutes ago to get BEER! Anyway. What was i saying. Right i made like 25 bucks today. Pretty good for only 3 hours. I'm gonna make hella this weekend i'm working tomorrow tomorrow and Sunday. :) Dang i went to the football game today just to hang out and smoke. I hung out with james. (the one that lives accross the street.) We won 42 to 13. i really wasnt there for the game. I drove back to get the score. HAHA...but yea. Shoot. my moms crying. hmmmm. I'll just ignore it, she'll scream at me too if i go in there.
Alrighty. I have to work. Im off to bed!

SEPT 27th 3003, 10:08 pm

Well wow my feet hurt. Dam i had to work at 9 o' clock till 5:30. But its cool i made 50 bucks. Sundays are even better, but i dont go in till noon tomorrow. Dang i've been trying to call Brittany but she keeps not answering her cell. Then my cell went dead. So its charging right now. Dang i need to go buy some more cigs. Hmmmm theyre not open on Sunday FUCK!!!! Hmmm mabey monday, if not tuesday DEFFINITALLY! casue i have college, i can always leave work early.
Dang i think i have anamonia ( or however you spell it) but you know my parents. They wont take me to the hopital so I'm probablly gonna get lung cancer or something......FUCK i wish i had my own VEHICLE!!! its really bugging me. My dads other truck crapped out again so now he wont sell me the one he just bought!!!
hehe PunkeyDew

SEPT 28th 9:22pm

Hey there! Well today was a crappy day to make money. But thats ok i have fun at work. other than standing up the whole time. Theres some cool people there. But i made 22 dollars. Blah, its mostly casue I was messing around the whole time and i didnt feel like bagging groceries. Thats whats cool about working there. You work when you want to make money. HAHA. I dodnt even CARE!! But yea i should. I need money. I have another 100 to put in the bank. Dang I NEED SOME WEED!!!!
Well School tomorrow. That sucks.Dam I wish i could drive to school. But NOoooo my parents think i'll cut class. Anyway my dad is missing at the moment. He went "fishing" at like 6 o'clock and never came back. He's probably off getting drunk. I wouldnt be suprised. My mom was bitching about how he needs to take on responsibilities around here, casue god knows i cant do EVERYTHING. But its nice to have a job so i can get out of the house.
I must rememeber to buy some cigs on tuesday!!!! before i go to my class at the college ;) With this cool guy ;) Dang
