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 - home
 - members
 - join the faction
 - why us?
 - what we offer
 - site staff

 - play the game
 - find your rank
 - weaponX info
 - move list/BIO's
 - characters
 - game info
 - capcom news
 - clan biz
game history
 - game reviews
 - official forum
 - combos
 - stratagies
 - FAQ

 -battle grounds
 -official forum

 -game spot


welcome to faction

Slightly better layout I have an image for the BG I will put up later after I resize and such the site is coming along great I didnt get any new links up but no biggy also I will have an affili button soon

More links coming soon. Well I just found the coolest site ever its called anime T.V you download this free player and its all anime all the time there is also a radio and chat you need real one and the player in order to watch umm get the free version of real one not the 14 day trial:)here is the link
 anime T.v

next update: more links up bios coming soon also a new better banner



  battlegrounds site open

please contact
to put your link here
