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Wisdom for the Ages.....
In a continued effort to battle the twin evils of Busy Work and Devil Worship (aka speaking french), I have decided to provide a daily (i.e. when I get around to it) German lesson.

Today's Lesson:

Eine Stunde lang üben? In der Dauer konnte ich meine Hausaufgabe machen.

Das ist wahr, aber in Gegensatz zu was auch immer du in der Schule machst, ist Fälschen ein Geschick, das man lebenlang nutzen kann.

Practice for an hour? In that time I could do my homework.

True, but unlike whatever you are learning in school, forgery is a skill you can use for life.

That's all for today. And remember, busy work only keeps kids out of trouble for so long before they get into more trouble avoiding the busy work than they ever would have gotten into otherwise.