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Wisdom for the Ages.....
Having tired of combating evil alone, I scoured the internet for great battles by others against the twin evils of Bad Hygiene (yeah, I know this is another repeat topic, but some french vices are just so big you have to hit them twice... or more) and Devil Worship (aka speaking french). I will still provide a daily (i.e. when I get around to it) German lesson, it just won't be a Lord of Smite original.

Today's Lesson:

Wie hält man sein Geld sicher von seinem französischen Zimmergenossen?

Er versteckt es unter der Seife.

How do you keep a french roommate from stealing your money?

You hide it under the soap.

That's all for today. And remember, body odor is not a national treasure and it isn't your patriotic duty to stockpile it.