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Posters (cont.)

keep looking yo'.

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this work was not done for political reasons at first, it was more personal until many people saw it. it is a self portrait of me from a day when i came home from being violently assaulted and gay-bashed in the 8th grade. i looked in the mirror, and this is what i saw. i drew it, then found it last year. i edited it and combined it with a poem i had written at the time (the poem is full of horrible the last line should be :"bloody hands"). many people are shocked by this picture, it gets an array of comments and questions..and i welcome more. it moves people enough, i decided to put it here.


this is another self-portrait turned activist artwork. i identify as gender-queer, someone who embraces neither gender (or both). i often present myself as an androgynous figure. the picture is of me when i was 16 outside a gender-neutral toilet at my workplace at the time. its meant to be symbolic of my gender presentation, at the same time stressing how important gender-neutral bathrooms are to people like myself.

The Agnostic Martyr (doodle version)

this is a doodle i did years ago when i went to a friend's piano recital at a private mormon church. i went into the visitors center of the church and after asking certain questions about their slogans claiming complete diversity in their congregation, i was asked to leave. angered...i drew this doodle which i later made into a very large acrylic painting and it was auctioned off for the GSA network. it is meant to symbolize the injury from not being part of organized religion. the quote by aldous huxley reads "all gods are homemade and it is we who pull their strings, and so, giving them the power to pull ours".