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Double A Ron's MP3 Page

Double A's Homepage
Overclocked Remix


This is my Angelfire mp3 and midi page. Visit my link list and you'll see how I became a video game remixer. I owe quite a bit of cash for being on the internet for too long a time, so if you want to send me money, I'll let you borrow my ex-girlfriend for a while. Just jokes! Anyway, here you'll find original tunes I created. All of my game remixes will be at my page. This is done to increase better file storage for me. If any links are broken, please e-mail

Oh by the way, about the picture, I am the one at the far left peaking over vocalist! You see, the band always puts me in the back with the drummer since I'm a very shy person. I thought the mug shot was pretty bad, so I stuck my head in the picture using Photoshop. Enjoy my songs, and come visit this site again.

Aaron Comica Theme Song
Lyrics Midi File(awesome)

My successful rap song at my previous high school. Although not quite as famous, and becoming more infamous by the day, this rap song reflects my characteristics, attitude, and style as a person. Enjoy!

Freestyle Rapaway

Another one of my hits with a faster tempo and a better hi-hat you can dig to. If you want to go back to da ol' skool, download this phat stuff, baby!

New Kirby Remix

I'm still doing VG Remixes! I won't tell you more about this one. Download it for a great surprise!

Well, that's it for now! Clickhere to go to my newest of my real homepages.