2. Microsoft
3. S.U.V's
7.Fidel Castro
9.President Bush
10. Bill Clinton
13. Jane Austin
14.Jack Anderson
15. Jane Fonda
17.Richard Nixon
18.Bill Gates
19.President Trueman
20. 2-Leged Pants
21. Sam Peckinpire's "Salad Days"
22. Spam
23.Rouge Cheddar
24.Stern Lecture Plumming
25.Clumsy Student Movers
26.Julius Ceasar Jansen
27.The Wright Brothers
28.The Show So Far
29.Laugh In
30.Steve Allen
31.Woody Allen
33.Bob Hope
37.Anyone named "Bob"
38.Mary Poppins
39.Sherry Bobbins
40. Ricky Rouse
41. Monald Muck
42.Bazokie Music
43.Anyone that insists on being called "Doctor"
44.Shake & Bake
45.Martha Stewart
46.The Pope
47.Robert E. Lee
48. I bet you didn't Guess why I wrote this
49.Elizabeth Taylor
50. King of England
51. The NRA
52.One size fits all Shoe Store
53. Joe Friday
54. Communism
55. J.T."All your Base are belong to us" Snow
56. The Expos
57. Toyota
58. Al Gore
59. Walt Disney
60. Wizards of the Coast
61. Lennin
62. Stalin
63. Greenpeace
65. Game cube
67. AOL
68. Play Station 2
69. Kyle Forbes
70. The Harlem Globetrotters
71. (See # 90)
72. Santa Claus
73. South Park
74. Cheezits
76. El Marko
77. The Simpsons
78. Elvis
79. Bill Gates
80. Starbucks
81. Maidenhead
82. Starbucks
83. Mississippi
84. New Orleans
85. E-Bay
86. Dud Grenades
87. Teenagers
88. Don Knots
89. Charles Brosnen
90. (See # 71)
91. Santa Claus
92. Prell
93. Candy Canes
94. Drunks
95.CENCORED bars
96. Gerald Ford
97. Slim Shady
98. Typewriters
99. Drumroll........
(See # 1-100)
Additional Revenge
101. Radiation Shields
102. Loud Dogs
103. Star Wars
104. Hardware Wars
105. Cows
106. Yggdrasil
107. Overpasses
108. Upside-Down Cakes
109. Shakira
110. Underage Drunk drtivers
111. Central
112. Klin-Ton
113.( Look at the first letter of every word from #106-112 to see the Message.)
Additional Additional Revenge
114. (If you have read this far, turn offf your computer and go to bed!)
115. Monkey Island
116. George Lucas
117. Indiana Jones
118. Citizen Kane
119. The Beatles
120. The White House
121. (>'o')> Kirby
122. Fox
123. Rupert Murdoch
124. Rambo
125. Bart Simpson
1260. Numbering Mistakes
127. CNN
128. Lion King
129. Kimba
130. Leslie Neilsen
131. Typing HTML Code...(Grumble)
132. D'OH
133. Ralph Nader
134. Michael Jackson
135. English resturaunts that are not open at 4:00
136. Jar Jar Binks
137. Mumbly Joe
138. Cher
139. Sunny
140. Kool Aid Man
141. Matt "Funk Lord of the U.S.A." Groening
142. Itchy
143. Scratchy
144. Mr. Clean
145. The Navy
146. Mr. Sparkle
147. Mistuspaku
148. Guybrush Threepwood
149. Roary Calhoon
150. Sushi Thieves
(Actually, its more revenge.)
151. Goatees
152. Monkeys
153. Slair
154. Harvard
155. Alabama
156. Toothpicks
157. Enron
158. Italy
159. Doughnuts
160. Sheep
161. Does this list ever end?
162. Kenneth Lay
163. Angel Island
164. Angels
165. Snoopy
166. Charlie Brown
167. Cartoons in General
168. Revenge #168
169. Shakers
170. Round Table Pizza
171. Berkley Cows
172. Papa Murphy's Pizza
173. Pizza (chewy, cheesey, ahhhh)
174. Berlin
175. E-Mail
176. Mantis Music
My Paranoid Conspiracy List
1. Germany
2. The Giant Mantis
3. Zombies
4. Russia
5. Scooby Doo
6. Soviet Union
7. Mega Ultra Hyper Globeal Corp
8. James Bont
9. Lennin
10. El Bombastico
11. Klin-Ton
12. Kang
13. Kodos
14. Tally Band's Bakery
15. Old Sammy's Bin Ladels
16. The Funny Little Man
17. Unhappy Clowns
18. Death
19. Fester Shinetop
20. Republicans
21. Econo Save
22. Katz
23. Big Fat Katz
24. Microsoft
25. The Dog with the Shifty Eyes
26. Vincent Price
28. Happy Pappy Drink Mix
29. The Invisible Demons
30. Matlock
"There is no such thing as a paranoid conspiracy. Only a real one." -Justly Unmentioned Paranoid Conpiracy Target.