Kiss Page


I don't want to take up too much internet space, so I'm going to try to put a lot on a page. If it looks messy or shitty, I'm sorry...



"What is kiss?"

Kiss, also known as kisekea, if I spelled it right, is a program that allows you to turn files into a game, something along those lines. Check out the lovely Otaku World page...


"Will you put up more templates?"

Whenever I can, the one I have in the template section is the ONLY one I have ever made. I hope to get better soon and make more. 


"Can I use your template(s) and/or put them on my page?"

My templates are there to use, and I know its a pain in the ass, but you have to give me credit...I don't know why you'd use my template(s), they suck... About the page, sure, go ahead, just please give me credit and email me your page, if I like it, you might win an award from me! (


"Will you do a collab with me?"

Yes, if you give me an idea/and or base doll that I like, I would love to, for now... Anyways, just email me, my address should be sliding across the bottom of this screen...


My FAQ I ask myself:

"When will you get better at making cloths and base dolls? And when will you fix those stupid broken images all over the place?"

...I'm working on getting better...And those stupid images won't be fixed for quite a while, and if you REALLY MUST see them, email me and I'll send you a zip file with them in it....


Ok, now onto more stuff...


Dolls I have finished:

I don't give much of a shit if you put them on your page, just give me credit and email me the url, kk?


Shitty frigged up doll. I have a better one coming, promise...

Well, this is my quick literal 24 minute Christmas set...It explains it all in the txt file, so download it just for the hell of it...



Kitii, my first released doll. Kitii

In Progress:
