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Dave's Web Page for Miscellaneous Junk!

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Dash Rendar's Outrider

Click the dropdown menu for some cool songs from my friends' band, Superhero Sidekick!

12/04/2002 - "...a date, which would live in utter chaos."

You've been welcomed enough. You're here because you want to, or because someone put a 9mm. pistol to the back of your head. Either way, you're here, and I appreciate it.

12/05/2002 - "Hello to all my little bugs, of whom I've squashed... muahahahaha!!!"

Happy Saint Nick's day!!! Another day older, and another day wasted. Well... not really, but it could have been more fun. I played a few hours of Final Fantasy Tactics, and kicked some Wiegraf ass. Started working on my ''secret''... erm not so secret cartoon, involving like 24 of my friends as cartoon egos. Did three concept art drawings of Bernard Finnigan (I dunno if that is gonna be his last name), Lewis Czech (my best friend), and Jay Czech (his brother). These names are based on our middle names and slight alterations of our lastnames (kinda)... Stay tuned for more info in the coming week. Here's a concept art of my character, Bernard Finnigan;
Bernard Finnigan

12/06/2002 - "...the day after St. Nicks Day."

Today has been a long... long day. Bought some Christmas presents for my friends. It was an interesting day, I'll give you that. Driving around all day makes your back hurt... among other things. And here, as I drink my Diet Pepsi Twist, think of me as Dave the Tolerant. Phew...

12/07/2002 - "Don't stick a french fry up your nose... it may not come back out."

Today was pretty lame, I started to put the site on a host server. One day I hope to put it on one of my friends servers, or my own ''.com''. Boy, that'd be a fun thing to do. I haven't done much with the cartoon today. Right now my friends are over, and the quote above has to do with my friends girlfriend, who is also my friend. Erhem... I need a drink, anyone have any slow gin or vodka?

12/08/2002 - "I am the Grinch that stole prophylactics... for old people."

Today I slept and ate all too much... Geez, light the damn camel shit sticks, it smells in here. We all went to see the Grinch. It was a free show, so I said to my self, I said, "Why the hell not?" I've decided, with the help of my female counterpart, Bonnie, to go with the name Finnigan for my cartoon characer's last name. Whooo boy... don't eat too much at Taco Bell. It makes you gassy.

12/09/2002 - "People Suck: La Parte Dos"

I found out some info, and I had to change my outlook for today. There may just be some hope yet. An' cause I'm so happy, I put a song on the page just for all of you who love The Queens of the Stoneage so, very,very much...

12/10/2002 - "Once upon a mid-day dreary..."

I changed the song to Basket Case. Yay, my 100th visitor hit at about 11:44 P.M. CST.

12/11/2002 - "Do you have the time; to listen to me whine?"

Hey I'm not happy...

12/12/2002 - "Purple..."

Heh, don't ask what that means. Only a couple of people would get it, and even they would be confused. Anyway, I put two flash videos, one on my flash page, and one on my dislikes page. I didn't have time to do anything with them, and I dunno if I will for a while. Keep enjoying the site. I listened to Always Be My Girlfriend, like 50 times.

12/13/2002 - "A drunken Paul=fun times..."

God, last night was fucking funny. Take a guess what happened. When we left Paul's house, me an' Chuck smelled like fucking orange glo and whatnot. Hopefully tomarow will be just as fun.

12/14/2002 - "Lame is as lame does..."

Meh, today wasn't as fun as I hoped it would be. I've decided to keep this journal going til the 25th, and then start putting the old journals on an archive site. Hopefully tomarow will be more fun than today.

12/15/2002 - "Sleep is for the... strong?"

Heh, today I slept, and worked on the page. As you can see, I added a drop-down music menu for your enjoyment. I bought a Bart Watch from Burger King. It was cool... up until the time that it fell on the floor and stopped working. Cheap ass watch. Anyway, I drank a Pepsi today, and I liked it. I haven't had Pepsi in a while. I stopped because I lost the taste for it, seeing as that's all I drank since I was like 6 or 7. Have fun with the site!

12/16/2002 - "Am I ever gonna get out?"

Another redundant day at school. Thank God, Allah, Adonai, whoever he is that Friday is my last day of school before break. AND ITS A HALF DAY! WOOHOO! Didn't do much with the site. I got a bandwith restriction mumbojumbo last night. I seriously need a .com or something. I almost used all of my 20mb of space on the site. Oh, well. I'm working on a cool flash video for you guys. Don't be too disapointed, but I might not go through with the cartoon after all. We'll see.

12/17/2002 - "Lord of the Tickets."

Hell yeah... I got tickets to Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I'm going to see it at 6:10 tomarow.

12/18/2002 - "I want my precious..."

Oh my God! Lord of the Rings was fucking awesome. It kills the first one by far. Go and see it. I promise you wont be disapointed.

12/19/2002 - "When is the final Final Fantasy?"

I added a cool FF1 flash video to the top of this page. Its pretty cool. I put a lot of work into it. Well... not really but its still cool. I might add sword connects to it to make it more real. Keep viewin' the site!

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