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Welcome to Tyrai. A land of mystery and enchantment, dark and light, good and evil. This land has never been discovered by mortal beast or human until now. You have found it and you have been seen. You are approache by two birds, a dove and a raven. The dove speaks first.

"I am Kala, Gigi's Daemon. Gigi rules over the side of the white light. She has heard of your appearance and although it startles the people of Morsei she wishes to invite you to become one of us."

Kala finishes and watches you, waiting patiently as you stare. The raven speaks.

"I am Raksha, Sorshie's daemon," the bird pauses only to looke at Kala. "He too wishes to invite you to the land of Ryshan. He awaits your presence."

The two birds fly off in seperate directions, each one having delivered it's message. Now it's up to you.


Tyrai is closed, there just weren't enough members and no more were coming. Sorry. If you liked my site I have another one with the link below. Bye.

.Life. .of. .the. .Moment.