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Welcome to CrAzY Laynie's World!

Welcome to CrAzY Laynie's World!

It has recently come to my attention that certain people (THANKS PAUL!!)think that my statement about looking more like Britney than Christina (which is true, btw...) is over rated (which is ALSO true cuz I look nothing like either of Anyway, Paul had an epiphany (did I spell that right?) while watching the Grammy's the other night....He has decided (and gotten all my friends to agree) that from now on I should can the Britney/Christina reference and tell people I look like Norah Jones...which isn't all that bad since, well, she DID just win what? 8 grammy's? here she is!! YAY for NEW twin..."borrowed" the photo from her site, so Norah, if ya see it here unauthorized....PLEASE DON'T BE MAD!!! LOL

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