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Secret Stuff: Secrets Found By Fans

Won't ya come in and sit down, whaddya want?

You'll Find Tons of Cool Secrets On This Page!
In this Section are some secret things you may notice using the gameshark device with Conker's BFD or just interesting secrets you've discovered while playing Conker's BFD or CLR.

Annoying Armored Imps & Fire Imps?

Submitted by: Mr. Cribby

In Kameo for 360, there are some Trolls in armored shells just like the Imps in CLR that are all over the game. There are also some Fire Imps that look like the ones from Conker. No you can't pee on them.

Conker In Kameo?

If you play Kameo: Elements of Power for Xbox 360 and go to the Enchanted Kingdom. Look around near the trees and you will see some orange squirrels. One of the squirrels looks exactly like Conker by the face!

Conker Secrets!

Submitted by: Pat C.

1. In the ROCK SOLID club, make sure Conker is sober, and the little guy will start dancing like he just can't help it, if you let him do it long enough, he will even do the worm!!! definitely check this one out, I went back to rock solid after I dropped the bomb in the lava area, so I know it works for sure in that circumstance, I’m not sure it works the first time you go there though. On my journey to rock solid, I also noticed something I found very humorous; the cave men you were on a mission to destroy are still guarding the statue of the tribal leader, after the bomb supposedly wiped them all out.

2.This one is in the BARN BOYS area. I found it on the entrance to the area of the rafters in the barn. If you leave Conker idle, he will start whistling along with the area's song, it sounds quite good together actually. Check it out.

3. This last I just kind of thought people might be interested in. In the poop area, Conker's idle animations change. He will look at his watch, play around a bit, he says stuff, but the gas mask kind of muffles his voice, and the area's music doesn't make it any easier to hear. If anyone can figure out what he is saying, I would be most interested.

Stuff Conker Does when he's bored

Submitted By: Jerod Park

When Conker is bored, it's possible to see him whip out all kinds of stuff.

Like a yo-yo, juggling balls, soda adult magazine.

But, it sounds like you didn't know that there were "hot spots" that can trigger even more stuff. One such hot spot that I know of is at the beginning of level two, right past the cave that connects levels one and two. There are these butterflies in the air. They not only make Conker mutter

"I hate them", but he'll occasionally whip out the flame thrower and try to torch them out of existence. (I think the flowers in Level one are also at risk for torching.) Occasionally, one will go down in flames.

(I have no idea how many such "Hot Zones" actually exist throughout the game.)

Also, if you let him stand around long enough, he'll start to inquire about the player's "health". Also, you mentioned that Conker carries around a Game Boy. But, did you know that the

Game Boy ACTUALLY WORKS? That's right.

Not only does it make sound, but the screen is in motion with a one-on-one fighting game.

(Mortal Kombat? Street Fighter II? Killer Instinct? I'm not sure. Though, I suspect it's SFII.) Just gotta look over his shoulder while it's out to see the screen. (At least, it's better then when Mario stands around, only to fall asleep and dream of food.)

One thing's for sure. This game holds lots of secrets really well.

Spoofs From Conker's BFD & CLR

Here's a ton of spoofs from the game, I may have missed a few though.

Eyes Wide Shut

(The part where Conker has to say a password to get in Rock Solid, The same password as in the film Eyes Wide Shut FIDELIO was the word.

Boomstick Gun- (The Weapon Conker uses in the Spooky Chapter is exactly like the one Ash uses from Evil Dead- Thanks to Scarface)

Conker’s Spooky Outfit (Exactly like Van Helsing’s from the 2004 movie)

The Untouchables (The Don Weaso beating the crap out of the weasel with a baseball bat)

The Matrix (When Conker dresses up as Neo)

Saving Private Ryan (The cut scene with all the squirrels dieing)

Terminator (The scene with the Haybot)

The Wizard of Oz (The Great Mighty Poo flushing and Queen Bee's death)

A Clockwork Orange (The opening sequence)

Full Metal Jacket ("You love manual long time")

Braveheart (The Ugas mooning)

Bram Stoker's Dracula (The cut scene where you meet Batula)

Night of the Living Dead (The zombies)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ("Tediz - I hate those guys)

Raiders of the lost Ark (The Uga being chased by a rock)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (possibly - the

Ugas worshipping the Dino head and you sacrificing the baby raptor)

Jaws (the Dogfish eating the pier)

Me, Myself and Irene (?) Carl/Quentin the cog

The Exorcist (the little girl)

Reservoir Dogs (the weasels with different colored clothes are presumably a reference to "Mr. Black. Mr. Pink, etc. in the movie)

The Godfather (Don Weaso)

Starship Troopers (Berri's death)

Aliens (The final battle)

Alice in Wonderland (Conker getting out a big watch and saying "Is that the time; I must go!")

The Gladiator section (fighting the Ugas and Buga) could be a reference to either Gladiator or Spartacus

Secret found by: Greg Mc Lauren

You’ll never guess what? I have discovered a new cheat in Conker`s bad fur day. When you play in multiplayer heist, if you don’t get your teammate weasel shot once in ten minutes, the game will finish and take you to the main page of multiplayer and because you succeeded in not letting your teammate die, you know the Windmill’s dead chapter music with Rodent, which will play in succeeding in Heist.

Here's some Interesting stuff about Conker and Red Squirrels

Conker is a game which British children have been playing every autumn for generations. But we know that it is dying out in some parts of the country. A Conker is the fruit of the horse chestnut tree. It's used to play Conkers. In the old days before there were horse chestnut trees in England there used to use other nuts such as hazel nuts.

The Red Squirrel

The Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is a small, active mammal of the family Sciuridae, order Rodentia, characterized by a long bushy tail, large dark eyes, short snout with long whiskers, chestnut colored fur and distinctive ear tufts. Essentially a forest dweller, Red Squirrels are to be found in forests of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Siberian pine trees, but also deciduous woodlands. For most of the year red squirrels are solitary, spending most of their life in the treetops, but foraging on the ground for food which is carried up into the trees. The Red Squirrel was once common in the British Isles, but is now restricted to Wales, the Isle of Wight, Brownsea Island and Scotland.

Very interesting facts about Red Squirrels & Conker.

Secret Stuff Found By:Rockon734

A cool cheat I learned while tinkering with Conker's BFD and the Gameshark. You can actually get the ball of poo to other places besides poo land. Put moon jump on and go to the part in Chapters where it says "Mr. Barrel" under "Windy". Moon jump all the way to the top of the Poo Mountain and get the cash. Next head back down to where the poo ball is and roll it out the entrance to poo land (near the wooden stumps). As you will see the poo ball does not break. You can roll it anywhere that is flat (don't worry it can't break apart from falling off ledges but if it falls into the water, there it will stay!). For extra fun try making the ball as big as possible and roll it off the ramp on top of the entrance to poo land (since you can't roll it through that small hole).You can't bring it into any other worlds though. Have fun!

Secret Stuff Found By: Ivegoneconkers & Krys

First of all, in Hungover you can just moonjump past the Gargoyle (notice the boulder at the top) and get to Windy, except that the Queen Bee isn't there! If you moonjump to the windmill, there are a few openings that you can't get through...for some strange reason.

Make your way to Bats Tower (moonjump over the green imps) you can moonjump up to the alcove where the bundles of cash are, but there is a size error; they're bigger than Conker! If you skip to Pisstassic, you can moonjump while drowning yourself in alcohol and it won't work.

Quit the game, go to Chapters and skip to U-Bend Blues in Sloprano. Flush the Great Mighty Poo and get down to the door. You can skip the underwater razor fans by moonjumping up to a tiny ledge next to a sign (it says "Danger: Poo!" on the other side). You can skip out of all of this and go to Rock Solid in Uga Buga.

...And believe it or not, if you moonjump and mess around Berri's cage, you can actually get in it!! Berri is way too big though, Conker is supposed to be as tall as her waist. Wait a while and Conker and Berri will start synchronized dancin'! (Actually just waving their arms around, but that's ok) If you skip to Buga the Knut you can moonjump onto a ledge in the stadium, but you crack automatically (??). You can also moonjump up to the Uga Audience but...(gasps) they're FLAT! Oh no!

Skip back down to Windy and go through the entrance to Heist. You know what you can do...moonjump over the bridge...there's nothing there, but you can go into the hole on the right. You'll appear inside a broken windmill at night! MJ outta there and if you angle the camera right you can watch the sliding door that goes into the Squirrel's Base (It's War) fly up, up and away! And it's really noisy too!

Come back through the bottom of the windmill and run right over to Don Weazo (Mob Boss). You'll view the normal cut scene with Berri in it. You can do one of three things now:

1) Go through the doors and precede through Enter the Vertex as normal.

2) Moonjump over the entrance and get inside the Bank. (There will be no weasels there and you can run around freely. However, you can't go in the elevator, so go back out the normal way)

3) Go back out the hole again (God forbid) and notice that you aren't Neo Conker anymore!

Whichever you choose, you'll have to go with option one if you want to see the major glitches, so I recommend that you proceed!

Anyway, go on and shoot all the weasels and elevator up to the vault with Berri. After she shuts off the lasers and you get into the room with the $997, 500 (something like that) cash jumping around, view (or skip) the cut scene, get the cash and all that stuff until Berri dies.

Once that cut scene finishes, DO NOT OPEN THE AIRLOCK... moonjump up and over the rusted door you came in from. You'll be inside the cramped, yellow hallway with the rusty door behind you and the huge metal door that Berri opened in front of you. Don't worry about the door, just walk right through it! And guess what, Berri's alive and well, running towards you!

If you know some Secret Conker Stuff Send Me an Email