Poems and quotes


It overcomes me...and slashes at my soul...Brings tears to my eyes...I've lost all control...I wanna be happy...I wanna be outta this prison...It traps me inside...Like an ongoing poison...We are so close...Yet so far apart...you pull me inside your world...You are a true bitch...Where all my problems start...I wanna go on living...But I can't with you...Not with the pain you cause...And everything you do...I'm tired of this...Being the way that I am...Feeling so alone...I'm sick of these tears ...and not knowing why they come...I don't wanna be like this...Its to much to stand...I beg and I cry...It kills me inside...Sometimes it to hard to deal with...I don't wanna live...But I don't wanna die...I wanna smile again...The way I used to ...The way we used to...laugh together...Why can't it be like that forever...You had to change...It wasn't for the better...When things were good...My world came crshing down on me...Everything, shattered...all my hopes...all my dreams...You don't seem to care...That you cause so much agony inside...That your the reason i cry...The reason I wanna die...I'm worthless I know...A big nothing to you...Nothing to this world...why bother going on...All i feel is pain...If I thought someone would listen...I would pray...To make it all go away...I slash at my wrist again and again...watching the blood fall to the floor...Staining the carpet...Leving red marks on the door...Why can't I change...Just for a while...what I wouldn't give...To have a true smile...I don't understand...All theses feelings I have...Everethnig gets ripped apart ...When I finally think I might be happy...Everything thats kept me going...stolen from my depressing little world..I can fake a smile...But only for a little while...Cause I know as soon as I'm back home...I'll be sad once more...Lying in my bed...Cring behind closed doors


she says thing are great...nothing could be better....but when you look into her eyes...you can see she lied...you can see what she’s been through....and how much she cries….with the cuts to her wrist…and her bruised soul…she asked you for help..and you turned her away…you didn’t know what to do..just another wasted day..your turn your back…on a friend in need…more than anything..all she wanted was to know that you care….but you were to scared to see her real pain….and wise up and help her through this....she doesn't say things are good any more....she can't....you can't look into her eyes anymore....and see all her problems...or hold her in your arms...for you ignored her cry for help...and now its to late...to do what needs to be done...there are still blood stains on her bed...from that fateful night....she couldn't stop thinking..about what you said...about how she thought no one would care....but now your the one...who says things are great....when the truth is you know...this world is a fake...you can't hold her again...or take back your hurtful words...you blame yourself for her death...they say it wasn't you...but your to scared to believe..that you turned your back...you could of stopped it....you could of helped ....but now its to late....the tears fall like rain...you slash your wrists...just like she did...Now you are gone...no pain is left for you..but look at this now...look at the tears that you caused in me...It wasn't your fault...I tried to tell you...you didn't do it...she wanted to die...you couldn't stop it....you can't the inevitable...when you died I cried...but that’s what you wanted..you wanted to be outta the pain...you coulda saved your life.....you coulda been happy...just admit to your self...that it wasn't you...but now its too late


Touched by the darkness... Wraped in the fear... Soaked with the sweat... Face covered in tears... Vision made blurry... With every slash at my wrist... Rips at my soul... Watch my eyes mist... Agony Rips... Sorrow Tares... Push me down... Life will never be fair... Someday you feel... What kills me inside... You will beg me to help you... Get off of this ride


The accident So much can happen... In the blink of an eye... Everything can change with one drink... In situations like this, you can’t even try... The drive home starts normal... You think you’ll make it there alright... But little do you know... Your in for one more painful night... Screacking tires... Feel the impact... Shattering steel... Like a rock through glass... The car is flipping... Hear the screams... Feel the blood... Is this another painful dream? The last sudden jolt... No more motion... Your leg suck under metal... No escaping this comotion... Blood runs down his face... He assures you you’ll both be fine... But he doesn’t know... You have little time... Sirens roar... Tears start to drip... Pain runs through your spine... You weren’t ready for this trip... Sirens get closer... But the noise begins to fade... Shut you eyes... Everything becomes a haze... Open your eyes... screaming in pain... Death will come soon... Never feel pain again.


"Smiling faces, stupid grins... Can your conscience bare your sins... Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll... Aids, death, and your exploited soul"


"Don't walk the line, draw your own... They're not your friends, you're your own... Money can't buy life, but manufactures death... I know you're in heat, I can smell your breath"


I know this girl... Her name is vivien... Not too pretty... Gets laughed at all the time... Goes home and she cries... She tries so hard... Just to have a friend... She keeps dreaming... Of the day this all will end... And at school... So maybe the girls will that she's cool... She says she's got a bf... It’s all lies... Everyone knows its bs... So why does this girl... Try so hard to fit in... Why do people try to avoid her?... As if she was a sin?... At home her daddy beats... Every night's a living hell... So in the day she's withdrawn... She’s so afraid to do... Something that somebody else would... Think she did was wrong... Vivien, she's so tired... She’s tired and afraid... She’s always thinking of cutting... Just anything to escape... This hell that's always been her life... She can’t take another rape... Her mom is gone; dad's got no wife... She’s weak and she wants out... Cause she can't take anymore... She’s dead, she has been... Since the tender age of four... That's when her daddy started... To take away her life... And in the end she finished... She took away the strife... She killed herself, she killed her dad... Went off this mortal coil... Won’t cry no more, won't bleed no more... She’s living in the soil ~Derek


The final words spoken from your lips... Never to be forgotten,... or left behind... Be happy, live long... Sounds like a fairytale song... Sadness burned deep.... Think of you and weep... Your selfish lies... And angry cries ... filed the nights ... With brutal fights ... Past loves ... Horrid dreams ... You need help ... No one can find out... Your alone ... Again lost in pain... One last night... Wake up in bed... not your own... look around... seeing red ... blood upon blood... All this you shed ... White bandages soaked... Blood seeping through... Wrists bandaged... as if they would fall off if the gauze wasn’t there lie in pain, watching the blood soak... They stitch up your wounds... You go home again... Cry in your room... Find the knife again... Make the cut even deeper... Lie in bed... close your eyes... Nothing more... No more lies... No more death... No more pain... Your not gonna live... you think.... Two attempts... No success... Continue to live... You hate the ending... Happy story .... No way... Third times the charm... Why stop at two... Three slashes to each wrist... to end it all... YOur gone... Thats all you care about...


Why am I crying... Who’s causing these tears... When will they stop... When can I breath... And not feel like a weight... Is pushing down on my chest... Where am wanted... Who needs me near... I’m tired, .. Tired of being here... Not having a purpose, .. You’ll never understand... No ones ever had my life... I know I’m so good off... But if you look at my emotions... I’m not... Not knowing what to do... I cry into my pillow... Until my name is called... I wipe the tears away... Paste a fake smile on my face... I just want a new life... to start over again... Maybe I wouldn’t mess up so bad... And maybe I’d be the person... everyone wants me to be... Give me time... I’ll show you who I am... I won’t try to please you anymore... I guess that’s why I’m such a screw up... I’m not one... To be who you want me to be... How much further do I have to go... Will I ever know the truth... Is there something more... That I’ve missed along the way... I keep searching for an answer, ... And yet, there is nothing to be found


You're crying because you're torn up... everyone's playing on your fears... You ask when it'll end... Just stay strong, for me... Some day it'll all be over... Some day that weight ... will be taken off of your chest... you and your man will carry it together... you carry half, he'll cary the rest... You're wanted always... so many want you near... You're tired,... but we need you your purpose is your friends... your friends who care so much for you... Is it so important we understand?... We love you and maybe someday we will... Someday your emotions will be sanguine... You say you don't know what to do... You cry, but you're not alone... Don't paste a fake smile... don't hold yourself back... let it go, let your hidden feelings flow... You've never messed up... as far as we can see... It's not the matter of... you being who "we" want you to be... its how so many people... for them, its you they want to be... you dont see, youre locked up... but your friends we know better... we'll give you time... try to help you with rhyme... With time, you'll show who you are?... If you keep thinking youre a screwup, girl... You will be, stop trying so hard... Theres no answer... no answer to be found... lifes hollow, but you gotta live on... Life; its the test of the strong... will you give up,... or will you move on?... will you plod on as... rain batters your back?... or will you fall down... and give in to what you lack... I'm hoping you stay with us... without you we'd be lost... without you the rain would be so hard... your burdens would fall among us... so try to show true cheerfulness... there's nothing I'd rather see... we love you Jackie... we, your friends,... someday we hope you'll see ~Derek


Your face, I can't touch... As the pain creeps up on me... Exploding like a shook up soda... Shattering throughout me... I feel so helpless... Like I'm being cluttered... And scrutinized... My body is numb to the feeling... Of depression, that is... Help me overcome the hurt... Make me feel emotions... Of happiness and meaning... Does any one really care?... I don't even know if I do... My life is pointless... I look for the easy way out... It’s easy to die... But so hard to live... So hard to go on... Living in the pain... I live for one thing... That thing is you... You make it all fade away... With your soothing words... For that moment I'll be happy... If only for a moment... I may want to live


Sins now gone... I’m laid to rest... Empty heart... With no regrets... Sadness doesn’t overwhelm... Happiness is nothing anymore... Eternal case of loneliness... Falls out on the floor... I say goodbye... Not thinking its the end... Walk through my days... Never hear from you again... Wonder why... You’re not here... Always busy... For the ones that hold you dear


Can you see, or are you blind?... This pain inside is so real... When you make me smile... I feel so surreal... Your in my life, my hopes... My heart, my dreams... Your words sometimes... Make me want to scream... You put your arm around me... And I sat by your side... But now it was all fake... I was so blind... You see these tears... Its all from you... The way you talk... Those things you do... Talk about her... Of how you miss her so... But now there’s something... You really need to know... You hold my heart ... In the palm of your hand... You don’t know it’s there... But I can no longer stand... When you make me want to cry... When our eyes drift so far apart... Your kiss felt gentle... Like I got a new start... That spring day... Will stay in my dreams... Why can’t we always be like that... But now I am unraveling by the seams...


I know that you love me... I know that you care... You don’t understand what its like... For me to live this life... A life that is all a lie... I lie to myself... because you won’t accept me if I don’t... I live by your rules... I let you control my mind... I drown in your ignorance... Cry in your anger... Try be myself... But in the end I have to hide... Hidden dreams... You’ll never know... To afraid to let them show... Wrote a letter to you... But to afraid to send it... Tore it up and wrote a letter to myself... I wrote how I wished you could change... I wrote how I wanted to stop all the lies... I wrote how I couldn’t take it anymore... I wrote that even though you act this way... I have no other place to go... No other place where I will be accepted as me... You changed my style... You changed my heart... I gave in... Gave up without a fight... I had no energy for anger... No time to yell or scream... Once again I wrote a letter... But this time not you or me... I wrote it to my father... The one who abandoned me... I told him how I couldn’t stand.... Not being myself... I told him that I felt alone... How I was going crazy and couldn’t stand it anymore... I told him how you cared... That I knew you did... But that I couldn’t be accepted into your sheltered world... I told him how you thought... You were doing what was best... How you thought this wasn’t killing me... Not to say a word about it... He got that letter... And my life was changed around... One letter changed so many lives... Tore my life apart... My dream world was torn... Into reality... I was scared to know what ... How life would really be


I seems that your happy... But inside your empty... Your tired of life... And all of its shit... You let people walk over you... You let them take YOU away... You are just an image... Of what they want you to be... Your not yourself... Haven't been for a while... Don't let them force you... Into what your not... Don't lie down... And don't give in... Mold your own world... Let YOUR life begin



"If I could reach up and grab a star from the sky for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand."--Unknown

I'll give you $300 to pee your pants....I'll give you $400 to est my shit!!

"Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable."

"Sadness doesn't have to do with how much you have. There are successful, wealthy people who are f@&%ing misserable"-Conor Oberst, Bright Eyes

"No, I don't really care about how fast your car can go. Sorry. "

The wise man does not play leapfrog with a unicorn

Everybody should believe in something... I believe I'll have another drink.

Procrastination is like masturbation... youre only fucking yourself

She asked me, "What's punk?" I said, "Punk's not a look. It's a life style." She looked confused, so I kicked over a trash can and said, "That's punk." She kicked over a trash can and asked, "That's punk?" "No," I said. "That's trendy."

I give it up I'm tired of living.

For dsylexics reading is nuf.

What you see is what you get. Unless you're blind.

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Unless you're diabetic.

Never take life seriously. It's not like anyone gets out alive anyways.

I said BROWN

life is just a memory not worth living

Theres a giant penis at my door on haloween

Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?

"If your not being yourself, then who are you?"-ME

Our individual thoughts are what makes us unique. The way your mind thinks dictates your actions and determines the type of person you are.

"We're destroying an inocent girl, you do realize that right?"~Cruel Intentions

"I think of the nazis as more a gathering of people"


if a guy gets kicked in the pecker when hes young hard enouph and scare tishue forms.... it will be croocked, in a way...hes retarded

I'm 6 1/2. When I see porno with guys that are like, 8'', I get all pissed off and want to hit the screen.

~~~"did you just dial 0 for a collect call?" "yeah" *takes phone and put it back on hook* "close your eyes" "what the hell was that for?" "just do it" *closes eyes* *punches guy in the head* "did it hurt?" "fuck yeah it hurt, what the hell was that for?" "Everyone knows if you dial 1-800 you save a fucking dollar" "I don't care you fucking dick head my moms paying for it"~~~CKY3

" It seems like everyday is the worst day of my life" from Office Space

"I want to be with you forever...as long as I live." someones ex-girlfriend (go figure)

"Don't mind him...he just has a bad attitude." The A*Team

"If I could reach up and grab a star from the sky for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand."--Unknown

" It seems like everyday is the worst day of my life" from Office Space

"he made up new ones... and finally had something to call his own..." Jake Wulff

"ever feel like you were about to run out of tears?" Jake Wulff

Never frown because you don’t know who has fallen in love with your smile

If I had a nickel for every person I liked I would have a quarter.

I don't know if life is passing me by or trying to run me over

Some days you’re the dog, some days you’re the tree

We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves.

Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy. -Ben Franklin

No one's a virgin, cuz life fucks us all

Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles in your arm to bitch-slap the motherfucker upside down!

I have plenty of talent and vision.. I just dont give a fuck.

Life’s short and hard, like a body building elf.

The only way to get one person off your mind is to get another on your body

If you live for tomorrow, there will be a lot of empty yesterdays so make what you can of it and have fun

“If you believe the worst that can happen, you won’t be disappointed” – Rick Hess

“It’s always better to know something and never use it, then it is to not know something and need to use it” – Rick Hess

"Our 80+ years could never compare to an infinity. So why worry over today's pleasure's when tomorrow's pain could last forever?"

"The storms of today, could never prevent the sun coming up for tomorrow, For in a day's time, yesterdays rain will dry with the dawn of Light, and everything we thought was so important becomes a memory…"

Coping may be the most sincerest form of flattery, but suicide is most sincerest form of self-criticism.

All things being equal, fat people use more soap.

If at first you don't succed, skydiving is not for you.

Never take life seriously. It's not like anyone gets out alive anyways.

Health is merly the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

"Sean, what are you doing outside man" "are you him?" "ya I'm him" "Jesus, have I sinned or am I going to heaven" "hahaha. Your frian man, how much acid did you take?" "wait, your not Jesus, your bob" "I'm bob! how goes it?" "how are you doing that?" "Doing what?" "walking on water.If I get off this chair I'll drown, you wanna know why Bob? Cause I can't swim" "oh I get it. so uh, so Sean do you see land anywhere?" "no, just water. Hey Bob." "yeaH" "you are jesus" "thats right, I am. why do you ask?" "satan is in the house. he killed my mom, and turned her into a bull"

Email: xpbrewster87x@aol.com