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Carriage Hill Residents

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Re: Loud Music

From: Site Owner
Category: Maintenance
Date: 02 Aug 2002
Time: 14:41:16 -0400


The issues that were brought up were far and ranging. Unfortunately the meeting ended being more of a complaint session than getting anything resolved. If one message went hopefully is that we the residents are angry. Truthfully, emotions were running too high at the meeting. People were to the point of yelling over top of each other to be heard. The meeting went like this, the officer from bcpl began to read off statistics regarding 911 calls placed from CH over the past 6 months. A certain number were assualts, some were breaking and entering, lots of domestic disputes, but on the plus side, he mentioned no homicides??!!! I guess thats a good thing, and thats when it started degrading. People started addressing maintenance concerns, IE, locks being broken, doors not function, security at the gate, and then some people started bringing up other maitenance issues that really werent related to the topic at hand. Thats when Management tried to step in and control the situation, but their condescending inconsiderate attitudes blazed through like a spot light into the crowd. Tempers started flaring becaue of this, and then it just disintegrated into a angry yelling mob. Key Issues Which I heard, I don't know if anyone else did though: Security at the Gate Broken Locks Broken Doors Controlling the Behavior of your children Needles at the playground Used condoms on the grounds ATV vehicles on the grounds Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance This is just one recount. Someone else may have heard differently. I wish I had had a camcorder going.

Last changed: 08/02/02