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finally got some music up in this joint. Timberwolves at New Jersey by Taking back sunday. It totally rocks so you're gonna listen and you're gonna like it! It's nice how we always have an understanding ;)

Finally back... thinking about making a new layout but still too lazy... oh and check out Rice Power (its under azn pryde i think)

Hey, hey hey... school's starting in a couple of days... That sucks major testicles... So I won't be updating much... I'm thinking of making a new layout but it won't be done for quite some time... SHHHHHH! Just between you and me, I copied this layout off of someone else's page... I was too lazy to make my own... lol... anyway, Socom rocks. I'm stuck on level 3 though... can't friggin find the fourth bomb... can't wait to get the NA so I can rock it online... Later!!!

Yo word up! New stuff: Misc Quotes. Check it out. It's pretty corny but whatever... oh yo, Socom: Navy Seals is the best game that's out right now. Just got it yesterday. So far, I've played about maybe one hour of it and I'm still stuck on the first level. Can't wait to get the adapter thingie but they're all sold out... what the heck man!!! Can't wait till gta: vice city comes out either... I'm hearing gret things... Anywayz..... Later!!!

Yo, I'm gonna start an archive of all of my funny ass convos with my friends. Well, so far I got one. Would've had more but I forgot to save them. So stick around, check back later cuz there will be more to come. Later!!!... oh one more thing. I designed this page with good intentions. So if ur someone who's easily offended... a little piece of advice: GET THE FUCK OUT! That will be all.... oh and one more thing. If there's some mean stuff in the convo about you, don't get offended cuz its just all fun and shit... we didn't mean it... keep in mind: Real playas don't hate. Dey understand! Pe@ce!!!
AZN Pride
My 411
Funny Ass Convos