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This is me...

There have been a lot of changes in my life since I first created this website, so bare with me as I re-vamp this thing.

I would like to think that I am a lot happier than I used to be, and I would hope that those who knew me then, and still know me now would agree with that.

I have recently joined a new church, and re-found my faith. It has made me quite a bit happier in most aspects of my life, but it does mean changing a lot of things. Some of these things are easier than others...

I have a wonderful boyfriend, Brian, I love him dearly, even though sometimes we really piss each other off, lol. We do plan on getting married, one day.

I am in college, working on a degree in interior design. I have made it through two semesters now, and I am entering my third.

I have a brand new car, a 2005 Ford Focus, fully loaded. It's the nicest thing I have ever owned, therefore it is my baby. It's name is prissy, and if I even allow you to touch Prissy, much less go for a ride in Prissy, you should feel very, very loved.

I spend my weekends, when I'm not working or at church, playing paintball. It's the coolest sport ever. 'Nuff said.

I am slowly editing an putting the other parts of my website back up, so for now, these are the other parts of my site.

Other Parts of My Site
